very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1503-1504

So, in Good's opinion, as long as he is given enough time, he will definitely trap Wang Xiaodie's heart. After all, for those children who live in big families, it is a very important thing for them to be in charge.

And the butterfly family attaches so much importance to Wang Xiaodie's marriage, which is also out of thinking about the future of the family! If this marriage can be stopped, then looking at the whole town of Airo, there will be no one opponent who can compete with Good!

Although Ailuo Town is just a town, it is not a small town, but larger than some first-class cities and even some counties! Therefore, the strength of the Douglas family is quite terrible!

Not to mention the town of Aello, the Douglas family is one of the best in Europe. This is because the Douglas family is a gangster in the town of Aero, and their father, Elt Douglas, is the godfather of the city!

The more important reason is that Good's grandfather, Thomas Lancer, the current head of the Lancer family, is one of the largest arms suppliers in Europe, and can rank in the top five among the big families in Europe!

With such a strong background, I believe that as long as the butterfly family and the mysterious fiance terminate the marriage contract, Good will be confident that he has a great opportunity!

Of course, Good doesn't know how horrible Wang Xiaodie's fiance is, and he doesn't know that he is a personal disciple of the killer king. These are all the secrets of the killer world, which are not what these non-killer families can understand.

The only information they learned was that the marriage contract was made by Wang Songshan's father's generation, and Wang Xiaodie's fiance was also from the same clan of Wang Weakshui's fiance in those years.

The reason why Goode broke into the butterfly family so boldly was that he did not hesitate to offend Wang Songshan and said his own ideas, which was also because of Wang's weak water! Since Wang Weakshui could regret the marriage at the beginning, what can Wang Xiaodie do?

Moreover, the father of Wang Songshan, the person who made this marriage contract, is now ancient, so what is the effect of this marriage contract? That's why Goode let go. In his opinion, the reason why Wang Songshan insists on this marriage is nothing more than obeying the face of the older generation, but if he insists, then Wang Songshan will definitely fall to his side!

After all, marriage should take into account the overall interests of the family! Perhaps the family married to the royal family was once brilliant, but Goode doesn't think the family is still brilliant now! Because Good has got rid of his grandfather Thomas and helped him inquire about it in advance. Although most of the top families in Europe and excellent children of the right age have marriage contracts, they do not have marriage contracts with the butterfly family!

That is to say, the marriage with the butterfly family does not belong to the top family! In this way, Good's confidence is even stronger. After all, among the families that the butterfly family can choose to marry, the Douglas family is very powerful!

The most critical point is that as a killer family, many top arms are needed every year, and many of them are prohibited goods for the army that are difficult to buy on the market! The killer itself is a profession on the edge of the law. It is impossible for the butterfly family to buy those top munitions through formal channels!

Of course, the butterfly family also has its own channel, which is the Lancer family, which is at the helm of Good's grandfather. The Butterfly family has been cooperating with the Lancer family for a long time. Every year, the special arms purchased by the Butterfly family from the Lancer family are not decimals @0

Although this is a double-win business, to put it rudely, the arms needed by the butterfly family are in demand. Even if they are not sold to the butterfly family, they can also sell them very well. Therefore, in this business, the butterfly family is still in a weak position. Although the status of the killer family is relatively detached, the Lancer family is not easy to provoke. As it is now, it can also operate arms, and it is definitely a family that can be on an equal footing with the butterfly family.

It is also for this reason that Wang Songshan looked at the Douglas family in Airo Town and looked up at them in everything. Otherwise, with the detached identity of the butterfly family, he did not pay attention to the other families in Airo Town.

This is Good's card. He believes that with the existence of this card, Wang Songshan has to consider the interest entanglement. Thinking of this, Good, who was originally pale, was also full of self-confidence again: "Uncle Wang, although Xiaodie may not have a good impression on me, it is undeniable that among the children of other families, I am still the most familiar with her. Even if the marriage is an ideal thing to marry our Douglas family, right? I think Xiaodie is more likely to choose me between me and the fiance I have never met, right?

"I will respect Xiaodie's choice, so Good, please go back first." Wang Songshan took a look at the chattering Goode and said, "Who Xiaodie chooses in the end, I will respect her choice." Do you respect her choice? Then why did she run away from home? Good obviously didn't believe what Wang Songshan said. He didn't know that Wang Songshan had reached an agreement with Wang Xiaoyan.

Wang Songshan frowned. He didn't expect that Good would be so presumptuous. Although he was a little blind at the beginning, he still followed the etiquette. Now, this guy is obviously a little arrogant and even dares to blame Ran-ji! Are you done? I told you to go back first, didn't you hear that?" Before Wang Songshan opened his mouth, Wang Weoshui couldn't stand it anymore. This little boy actually dared to run to the butterfly family to shout. Wang Songshan actually put up with him for so long. In Wang Weoshui's opinion, it's a little incredible! Have the Butterfly Beijing people declined over the years? Even the children of these small families dare to dictate?

In the heyday of the butterfly family, even the heads of these families did not dare to be presumptuous! But it's not right? Wang Weakshui hasn't heard of any changes in the killer ranking of the butterfly family? Over the years, it has been stable in second place, and Zeng Mei has never changed?

"How can a woman interrupt when a man speaks?" Gu De had never seen Wang Weoshui. He didn't know that Wang Songshan's sister was back, so he intuitively regarded Wang Weoshui as a person from Yang Ming, that is, Wang Xiaodie's fiance, and the so-called VIP in Wang Songshan Pass!

The reason why Goode spoke rudely is also because he inquired in advance that those top families could not marry the butterfly family at all, so Wang Xiaodie's fiance was probably from a declining family, and at this dinner table, except for the number Wang Songshan, Fang Tian and Wang Songshan, a pair of middle-aged men and women. , Good naturally regarded it as a couple, and Yang Ming, a young man today, is their son!

The three people in this family must be from the family who married Wang Xiaodie. And the middle-aged man and the young man did not speak, but the middle-aged woman spoke first, so Good naturally was a little angry.

In terms of such a big event, a woman actually opened her mouth. Goode despised it in his heart, and he also despised the legendary unmarried depressed family more and more. He didn't pay attention to them at all, and he was not afraid to offend them.

So Good spoke mercilessly and did not consider the consequences of his bad relationship at all. In his opinion, it was irrelevant to offend such a small family, and he did not dare to say anything.

The more upper-class society, the more they believe in strength, the stronger the family is, the more unscrupulous they are, and they are not afraid of those small families at all.

With a crisp sound, Goode handcuffed half of his red and swollen face, and looked at Wang Weakshui, who was as fast as a ghost! After the woman slapped him loudly in an instant, she quickly returned to her previous seat!

This series of actions were all done in the fire photoelectric stone, without any delay. Even Good didn't notice it, and his face was already hot and painful! 1 and. A misunderstanding is equivalent to being beaten

Good covered his face and looked in front of him in surprise, this woman who dared to come out of the word machine and was extremely fast! I secretly said in my heart that the family that can marry the butterfly family is not a good stubble, and this woman is so powerful!

However, Good was not afraid of Wang's weak water at all, because in his opinion, no matter how powerful his personal strength is, it can't save the fate of the depressed family. In front of that kind of super family, this kind of personal strength can be ignored.

"Who are you? How dare you hit me?" Although Good was polite to Wang Songshan, he was not so good-tempered with Wang Weakshui. He looked so ferocious and looked like he was going to kill someone. Since he was a child, as the only son of the underworld godfather in this city, he has little chance of being beaten, unless his father teaches him a lesson, let alone being slapped in the face in public!

In Ailuo, the young masters and daughters of those families, even the masters of their families, are respectful to themselves and give themselves a little face in everything. Even Wang Songshan, the head of the now detached butterfly family, is the same. Such an impassioned burst of words when he came to the door did not attract Wang Songshan's anger.

Therefore, even the owner of the butterfly family looked up at the young Master Good, who was beaten by a woman from a depressed family. How could this matter not make Goode crazy? So what if I hit you?" Wang Weoshui's expression was still so cold that it had no effect on Good's anger.

"Ha!" Good seems to have heard a big joke. Is this woman stupid? Don't you know your identity: "Do you know who I am? The fate of your family will be devastated because of your stupidity today!"

"Aren't you just Good? You have said it yourself before. I know your name. Wang Weoshui scratched a sneer at the corners of his mouth: "Do you think you have the ability to shake our butterfly family?"

"Butterfly family?" After hearing this, Good suddenly felt an I, but immediately, there was a funny expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't understand and misunderstood the woman's meaning: "Your family, you haven't married the butterfly family yet, so you pretend to be the butterfly family? The speed of this inverted pasting is really fast! Don't you want to call your son and be an inverted son-in-law? However, I can tell you that as long as I am here, there will be no possibility for the family marriage between you, and you don't have to have any unrealistic illusions!"

Goode obviously regarded Wang Weoshui as a person on the side of Yang Ming and Fang Tian, and treated her as Yang Ming's mother and came to the Wang family to discuss the marriage. Goode believes that it is because they are going to marry the butterfly family that they live in the butterfly family.

"What inverted post? What's my son?" Wang Weakshui was slightly stunned, but immediately a blush appeared on his face, followed by endless anger! She is still an unmarried virgin. How can she be a son? This is an insult to her! Wang Gaoshan was also puzzled by Gu Dede's sudden words. Gu Demo's head shell was caught by the door. How could he say that there were a lot of illogical nonsense?

Wang Songshan and Wang Weoshui are fascinated by the authorities, and Yang Ming and Fang Tian on the side quickly understood what Goode meant! This stupid young master regards Wang Weoshui as Fang Tian's wife and his own mother!

Yang Ming looked at Goode with pity. He was really sad for this little boy. No one could provoke him, but he provoked Wang Weakshui, who even Yang Ming himself would retreat three feet. No wonder Gu De would be beaten. He really deserved.

Seeing what Wang Weakwater looks like at this moment, he should be on the verge of rampage, right? Sure enough, Wang Weoshui took action again. This time, it was even more fierce than the last time. He punched Good's face directly. Although Gumo subconsciously wanted to guard and flashed his body aside, he still did not escape the tragic fate of being beaten all over his face.

How fast is Wang Weoshui's skills? Where can Good defend?? To put it rudely, if it hadn't been for Wang Weakshui's scruples that this was the territory of the Butterfly family, he really hadn't figured out what Good's background was. Otherwise, Gude would have been dead long ago.

"One by one" Goode's mouth made a heartbreaking howling, the corners of his mouth twitched, and vaguely spit out two front teeth. Although Wang Weakshui's punch was not enough to kill him, the blow was still quite considerable.

Good's face was full of blood at this moment, and his face was extremely ferocious. He slowly got up from the ground and stretched out his hand to point to Wang Weakshui: "No matter who you are, you have to pay the due price for everything you have done today! Douglas family, I won't let you go, you just wait to die!"

"The Douglas family? The gangster family in the town? After listening to Goode's words, Wang Weoshui pondered a little and remembered what the family did. After all, when she left when she was young, the Douglas family had already controlled the underworld of the city.

"Do you know?" Good snorted coldly: "Since you know, let's wait for our Douglas family's crazy revenge!" Uncle Wang, you should be able to make a choice now, right? They chose to have a bad relationship with our Douglas family. Will you still marry them? You have to think about it. My grandfather is the current head of the Lancer family!"

At this point, Wang Songshan and Wang Weoshui fully understood why Goode had been talking nonsense before. It turned out that he regarded Wang Weoshui as Yang Ming's person!

However, it is no wonder that when Wang Weoshui left home, Good had not yet been born. He could know that Wang Weoshui had ghosts.

Wang Song stopped smiling bitterly and was a little helpless. Although he completely offended Goode because of Wang Weishui's behavior, Wang Songshan would not show weakness! Wang Songshan gave face to the Douglas family because of the Lancer family.

However, Wang Songshan did not admit that the Lancer family will absolutely cut off their own arms supply because of the Douglas family. After all, the two sides have been partners for many years, and the Lancer family can't offend the butterfly family because of this!

Although the Lancer family is not weak and has its own secret defense power, which is a mysterious card. However, even if the family is big, they should not be willing to openly fight against the mysterious killer family like the butterfly family. It is a kind of fish-to-dead!

"Gud, I think you misunderstood." Wang Songshan said lightly, "This is my sister Wang Weakshui, Xiaodie's aunt. If you speak rude to her, she will naturally teach you a lesson! Since you are willing to be the enemy of our butterfly family, it doesn't matter. I, Wang Songshan, then left!"

"What? Is she... Xiaodie's aunt?" Good opened his eyes wide. He never thought that this woman was Wang Weishui, who left home 25 years ago! Isn't this too dramatic? But he regarded it as someone from Xiaodie's fiance.

At this point, Good knew that his punch was slapped in vain. As long as he thought about Xiaodie, he could not offend the woman in front of him! Because she is Xiaodie's aunt! Good secretly scolded himself for his bad luck. He was really beaten out of his teeth and swallowed into his stomach.

Good took a deep breath: "Aunt Wang, the previous younger generation didn't know your identity. How offended you are. Please forgive me."

Wang Weishui snorted coldly. She had a bad impression of this Master Good, which was very different from Yang Ming's not being humble or not arrogant! Although Yang Ming is also working hard to fight for his own rights and interests, Yang Ming relies on his own strength to fight for his own interests, and this young master Good is the Douglas family.

If the relationship between the Douglas family is removed, this Good is no different from a piece of shit. Wang Weoshui can't marry his niece to such an umbrella man.

"Auntie Wang, the younger generation admires Xiaodie so much that she said the above stupid words. I hope that my aunt can complete the affairs of the younger generation and Xiaodie in the sincere affection of the younger generation!" When Gu De saw that Wang Songshan allowed Wang Weoshui to beat himself in the restaurant, he also understood that Wang Weoshui must have a high position in the Wang family. If she nodded in his own affairs, it would basically be half! Therefore, the name of Wang Weakshui has also changed from Aunt Wang to aunt. C