very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1513-1514

Good doesn't dare to hide anything at present, and he doesn't dare to add oil and vinegar. He can only tell the truth. Because he is very neat, relying on his grandfather's energy. It is not difficult to find out the details of what happened at that time. Once he hides something, his grandfather thinks that he is likely to be disappointed and dissatisfied with himself if he lies. Not only can he not achieve the goal of taking the lead for himself, but it is difficult to say whether he can continue to be good to himself in the future. When Good told Thomas in detail what had happened in the butterfly family, Thomas nodded solemnly: "So you broke into the butterfly family first?"

"Yes" is the grandson's recklessness!" Good didn't dare to deny it. He lowered his head and admitted it.

waved his hand. Thomas was very satisfied with Good's attitude. He was a dignified man who dared to take responsibility for his mistakes. Otherwise, he would have loved him for nothing.

What Thomas didn't know was that Goode said something to someone. It was precisely because he knew Thomas's nature that he did what he did without reservation or concealment!

Good knows that he is wrong, but Thomas is an old man who protects his children. He has suffered a great loss this time, and he will definitely come up for himself! If Thomas had been a person with justice and clear rewards and punishments, Good would certainly not have said so. He would have tried his best to make up a lie. Let's start to take revenge first.

"You broke into the butterfly family, although you were reckless. But it's reasonable." Thomas pondered for a long time and said, "Young people, for the sake of love, they will always do something out of the way, these. As an elder, you will understand! After all. Who hasn't been young and frivolous? So, of course, what you did is wrong and lack of consideration, but Wang Weakshui, as the elder of the butterfly family, is a little unspeakable! If it's Wang Xiaodie or her fiance who beat you. I really can't say anything. After all, it's a fight between the younger generation. If you lose, you will win. As an elder, it's not easy for me to participate! A gentleman is incompetent to complain about self-study, but Wang Weakshui takes action against you. You are not your opponent, and it has nothing to do with self-study. She obviously bullies the small with the big.

Listening to Thomas's words, Goode slightly curved the corners of his mouth. It seemed that he was really right this time. Grandpa really won't stop what happened to him. It seemed that he was going to trouble the butterfly family.

"Indeed, if the grandson and Xiaodie's fiance were allowed to teach him fairly, the grandson would think that the grandson would not lose to him." Good nodded and said.

"However, after all, it's your fault in this matter. Although our Lancer family has been fierce for hundreds of years, we are not afraid of his butterfly family when fighting, but after all, this reason is not sufficient." Thomas seems to be very protective of his shortcomings, but he is not so enthusiastic that he thinks that God is the second and the third. It seems that he is still very afraid of the butterfly family.

Good's heart tightened, but he didn't dare to make a sound. He looked up at Thomas nervously. Waiting for his final decision.

"Moreover, the strength of the butterfly family is not weak. In the end, it is likely that both sides will be defeated. Thomas sighed slightly: "Over the years, our Lancer family has business dealings with the Butterfly family, and I still know something about their strength."

After listening to Thomas's words, Goode couldn't help but be a little disappointed. It seemed that Thomas didn't want to be against the butterfly family.

"Grandpa, my grandson has a good proposal. I don't know whether to say it or not. Seeing Thomas in embarrassment, Weiji, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke at this moment.

"Oh? Weizhi, you can say anything. You have a say in the family meeting. What's more, it's just our private discussion now. Thomas made a gesture to wich to say what he thought.

"Grandpa, since the strength of the butterfly family is not weak. It's quite unwise for us to fight against him, but we can punish them a little, let them suffer a dumb loss, and they can't tell the bitterness!" Weiji said, "Grandpa. Don't we have business dealings with the butterfly family?

As soon as Good's heart moved, he immediately understood the specific content of Weizhi's proposal, that is, to cut off the arms supply of the butterfly family, which was an idea he had before, so at this moment, after listening to Weizhi's words, he immediately showed a look of hope.

"Oh? Do you mean to stop business cooperation with the butterfly family? Thomas was slightly stunned. Then I understood what Weizhi meant: "If you cut off their arms supply, it's like cutting off their right-hand men. Weizhi, your proposal is really good!"

In fact, how could Thomas, the head of the family, not think of such a simple and clear idea? He just didn't think about this before. He saw Good being hit in the face by Wang Weakshui of the Butterfly family before, and Thomas thought about how to hit him back. He treated him in his own way, but he didn't want to use other means.

Good curled his lips in his heart. He had thought of this idea for a long time. What's the great thing that Weizhi said? But his face remained calm. It doesn't make any sense to take credit with Weizhi. There is no conflict of interest between the two. On the contrary, the more harmonious the relationship is, the better. After Weizhi opened his mouth, So Goode also praised: "My cousin Weizhi is really awesome! My grandfather and I are thinking about how to take revenge on the woman Wang Weakshui, but your method is to make the butterfly family suffer a secret loss, and we can't say it. After all, we have the final say about our Lancer family. No one can say no!"

How could Weiji not know that Goode was deliberately praising himself in front of his grandfather? But he also knows. Goode did this to make friends with himself. Both of them are future successors of their respective families, so there is no harm in making friends with each other, so Weizhi happily accepted this praise, but said modestly, "I'm just a small conspiracy, and I can't stand!"

"No!" Thomas waved his hand and said, "You can't say that. Whether it's a conspiracy or a conspiracy, as long as you can achieve your goal, Weizhi, it seems that you have matured a lot over the years and know how to deal with those who stand in the family!"

Weizhi was suddenly overjoyed. Grandpa praised him so much that he obviously affirmed his ability: "Grandpa taught that the grandson understood."

However, the Butterfly family, you don't have the weapons supply of my Lancer family. I don't have to deal with you. I'm afraid it won't take a few years. You have also become a second-rate killer family. At that time, our Lancer family will not have to take action. Some of your former enemies will come to you. Thomas's face showed a cold smile: "It's not too late. I'll arrange it. I believe that after the butterfly family knows the news, I'm afraid it's too late to cry."

Butterfly family, the phone rang suddenly in Wang Songshan's study. It's already midnight. At this time, who will call?

"I'll answer the phone first." Wang Songshan stood up with a wry smile and said to Fang Tian and Wang Weoshui beside him. The three of them discussed for a long time and didn't come up with any good countermeasures. Now they can only hope that the Lancer family will not gather for Good.

"Is it Mr. Wang Songshan of the butterfly family?" A familiar voice of Wang Songshan came from the other side of the phone, but the voice changed his usual enthusiasm, but at this moment it seemed extremely indifferent.

After hearing this sound, Wang Songshan's heart was suddenly completely full of chill. He was very clear about the identity of the other party. When he called in the middle of the night, he didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall with anything, and with indifference." In an instant, Wang Songshan understood that what he didn't want to see was


"It's Mitre's housekeeper! It's so late. What's the matter?" Wang Songshan said politely to the other party that he really couldn't afford to offend him. He is Mithri, the housekeeper of the Lancer family. The main person in charge of the business with the butterfly family.

"Mr. Wang, I'm calling. There is one thing to inform you," Mithri said lightly, without a trace of mood swing in his voice: "This year's special arms quota is very afraid that the supply of your family will have to be suspended"

Wang Songshan's heart suddenly "clucked". It's time to come, it's finally here. Although he had comforted himself many times that things might not be as bad as he thought, when all these worries became a reality, Wang Songshan had to accept the helpless reality in front of him.

"Mitry Butler," our cooperation. Isn't it always pleasant?" Wang Songshan's heart was bitter, and he said with a trembling voice.

There is something in the old saying

"Cooperation, you said, it's cooperation." Mithri's housekeeper's voice still does not have a trace of color: "Cooperation is called cooperation when both sides agree. Now my supply of goods is tight, and the cooperation is naturally over."

"Housekeeper Mithri, is there any room for manoeuvre?" Wang Songshan naturally didn't believe Mithri's far-fetched reason. But he knows the real reason. Mithri is just making an excuse at this moment.

"This is the decision of the owner of the Thomas family. I'm just passing on his decision to you.

" The housekeeper Mithri said, "Okay, Mr. Wang. If there is nothing to do, I will hang up the phone. Sorry. Sorry to disturb your rest.

"This" However, before Wang Pennyshan could say anything, the other party's phone had been hung up. Wang Songshan looked at the microphone in his hand, and his face was indescribably ugly.

The other party finally took action. Anyway, the other party did not let go of revenge on himself.

"Finally, are you still here?" Fang Tian looked at Wang Songshan, who was a little distracted, and sighed. He feels. My old friend seems to be much older all of a sudden.

"I didn't expect it. In the end, it is inevitable." Wang Songshan put down the phone in his hand and looked at Fang Tian with a numb expression: "It was the Midley housekeeper of the Lancer family who called, saying that this year's special arms quota was not enough, and we should stop the business cooperation with our butterfly family"

"Is there no remedy?" Wang Weoshui also looked gloomy at this moment, and self-reproach and regret filled her heart. If she hadn't hit Good in order to show up for a moment, I'm afraid things would not have developed to such an uncontrollable step.

At most, it was enough to fight with Good at that time, and it was enough to squeeze Good away. If you want to come to the Lancer family, the Butterfly family will not do it, but now

"I'll risk this old face and call Thomas, the patriarch of the Lancer family, in person." Wang Songshan didn't know if he could do this. It was the first time he asked for help like this. When he established a cooperative relationship with the Lancer family, he never kowtowed.

Although Fang Tian really wants to help Wang Songshan do something, there is nothing he can do. He has never run a family or deal with the arms dealers of these big families. Knowing that he can't give any advice at this time, he can only silently watch the development of the earth.

Wang Songshan picked up the phone again and dialed the private phone number of Thomas, the owner of the Lancer family. After two short rings, the phone was answered, and Thomas's voice came from the other side of the phone: "Mr. Wang, if you have anything to say, just say it.

"Mr. Thomas, you and I know this time. In this case, we won't talk to each other. Wang Songshan said, "This time, it's indeed a little too much. I'm sorry for Good. In order to express the sincerity of our butterfly family, we will personally be in the largest in Ailuo Town. The hotel set wine to make amends to Master Goode"

When he said this, Wang Songshan gritted his teeth secretly. This kind of concession made his heart bleed. When was the butterfly family so weak? However, at this time, people had to bow their heads under the eaves and were smoothed by the Lancer family, so Wang Songshan was not nervous.

Although I do this. It undermines the reputation and prestige of the butterfly family. But for the sake of the future of the butterfly family, this kind of humiliation is worth it.

"My grandson can't afford this compensation." Thomas said lightly, "If outsiders knew the reason, they might have thought it was Good's arrogance and domineering."

After listening to Thomas's words, Wang Songshan's heart sangged. With such a low profile, Thomas refused to let go. I think this time it will be immortal for the butterfly family.

"Mr. Thomas, even if we are wrong first. But I think about the relationship we have cooperated with for many years. You can't" Wang Songshan, at this time, without a trace of the owner's air, it's exactly the same as those who ask others to do things. It's not too much to say that it's inferior.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wang. I think the housekeeper Mithri also said before. It's not that I don't want to cooperate with your butterfly family. It's really because this year's special arms quota is so small that it's not enough to supply your demand!" Thomas's light sentence dismissed his responsibility, but he still made others unable to find a reason to refute it.

"Well", in this case, half of the supply in previous years is okay. I don't know if Mr. Thomas can meet our Wang Songshan's careful question.

"Half of the episode," Thomas repeated Wang Songshan's words flatly: "Half of it is not."

"Mr. Thomas, or you can say a way to continue to cooperate with our butterfly family. As long as we can do it, there is nothing we can do to never push Tan Wang Songshan. Thomas doesn't let go. He can only see if there is still room for maneuver." Mr. Wang, as you know, this special arms is not an ordinary muns, and the number is not large every year. Many of my customers are old friends, which is longer than the British cooperation with you. Some of them are old friends of my parents!" Thomas said, "In previous years, the arms quota was just equal for you, so there was nothing to do with each other. But this year, the quota of special arms is obviously much less. I have to supply those old friends with Youjing! On your side, I can only apologize"

Wang Songshan was itchy after listening to Thomas's words. What quota has been reduced? Why didn't he say that it had been reduced before? After Good was beaten by Wang Weakshui, the arms quota of the Lancer family suddenly decreased? Or in the middle of the night? Who believes this?

But it's biased. What Thomas said is not slow. Let people find out the problem, and hide the needle in the cotton. Wang Songshan can't refute it at all. What they said is reasonable. Other customers are more related to you than Wang Songshan, so you can only cut off your cooperation first and give priority to others.

"If half of the previous years can't do it, one third will do it." Wang Songshan gritted his teeth and retreated again. Let him give up like this. He will not be willing.

"Mr. Wang, I have made my words very clear." Thomas said lightly, "If my old friends knew that my general's fire was for outsiders, they would be angry and carry out their fathers!" So, you know, although we have cooperated for many years, I don't have a good reason to give you arms. There is no reason for this, and it is difficult for me to do it. Whenever there is a reason, I can explain it to those people, but the cooperation time between you and me is really too short, and the friendship is not as deep as others!"

Listening to what Thomas seemed to say, Wang Songshan frowned. What on earth did the old man want to express? According to what he said, there seems to be a door to this matter? After all. If there was no door, why did Thomas explain so much to himself? What is the meaning of his explanation so much?

"Mr. Thomas, listen to you. This matter does not seem to be unsolvable, as long as there is a reason for the supply to our butterfly family. I don't know, do you have any good suggestions? Wang Songshan couldn't figure out what Thomas meant, so he directly raised the question. If Thomas really has something to say, he will definitely imply something. If it doesn't mean that, he won't have to rack his brains to think about those meaningless things.

"Ha ha, the suggestion is not without Thomas's smile. He said, "If our two families have relatives, then my arms supply to you will be just right, and no one can say why! Even if I give you all the special arms quotas, even if others have opinions, they can't say it! C