very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1571-1572

At noon, Chen Fei brought the results of the appraisal. It can be seen that Chen Fei attaches great importance to this matter. The speed is so fast that both Bao Sanli and Jing Xiaolu are a little surprised.

Jing Xiaolu took a deep breath nervously. Although it had long been expected that the result of the appraisal should be similar to her own guess, everything was unpredictable, and no one could guarantee that there would be no accident, so Jing Xiaolu was still very nervous at this moment.

It's not easy to be violent. Yang Ming was not at home, so he made a big mistake. Although this matter was led by Jing Xiaolu, he was the general manager. He was responsible for the check. What's more, the final signature was himself. If you want to talk about responsibility, his responsibility accounts for more than half! Before that, there were several incidents of his loyal team absconding with money, which made Bao Sanli panic for a while. Although Yang Ming did not seize this matter and continued to do it, Bao Sanli himself was not strong!

So in this way, I was afraid of doing something wrong again, but I was already careful about what I was afraid of, and suddenly the pie fell from the sky ushered in the cooperation of a Jiangyan company. I thought that it had facilitated this business, and I could show my face in front of Yang Ming and make a contributionâ– , which is also a merit Make up for it! But the idea is good. I didn't expect to be abducted by the other party as soon as I signed the contract!

So, fingerprint identification at this moment has become the key to whether the whole thing can be solved! If, as Jing Xiaolu guessed, she has evidence in her hand and then negotiates with Jiangyan Company, then there will be chips. Even if the other party does not agree to change the contract, it can be solved by legal means. Mr. Chen, how's it going?" Jing Xiaolu stood up anxiously and looked at the report that Chen Fei took into the door. Vice President Jing, as you expected, there is no Xu Xiaobin's fingerprint on the page with the problem. Chen Fei handed over the identification report in his hand to Bao Sanli, turned his head and smiled at Jing Xiaolu.

For Jing Xiaolu, a girl, Chen Fei is quite appreciative. From the beginning, he thought that she was a relationship household who relied on her relationship, and now he has faced it directly. And the appraisal report illustrates all this. Jing Xiaolu is a very capable person.

"Really!" Jing Xiaolu took the identification report from Chen Fei's hand, saw the fingerprint identification results on it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. A big stone pressed on her heart finally fell. As long as you have this report, everything is easy to say!

"Of course it's true. You child have the potential to be a criminal police!" Chen Fei commented on Jing Xiaolu with a smile, but after saying that, he felt that something was wrong. Although Jing Xiaolu was not young, she was a vice president anyway, but she had an elder tone, which was a little inappropriate. In this world, the ability comes first, but the age is secondary, so he said with some embarrassment, "Mr. Jing, I'm sorry, I unconsciously regarded you as a child, about the same age as my daughter, and I said it casually..."

"It doesn't matter!" How would Jing Xiaolu care about this? Chen Fei regards her as a child, which is still something that Jing Xiaolu is very happy about. Otherwise, she will argue with Chen Mengyan's sisters, but Chen Fei is "Chen Bureau" and "Vice President Jing". Don't mention how awkward it is!

So, Jing Xiaolu is a continuous pitcher: "Actually, Mengyan and I are classmates, and we usually have a good relationship! You call me Vice President Jing, and I still don't think I'm used to it! Why don't you call me Xiaolu and I'll call you Uncle Chen?"

"Oh? Are you and Mengyan good friends? Chen Fei was slightly stunned and looked at Jing Xiaolu, but thought about it. I have to say that Chen Fei's observation ability is very keen, and he heard some problems from Jing Xiaolu's sentence "Sister Mengyan".

Since Mingyang Company is actually Yang Ming's behind-the-scenes holding company, and Jing Xiaolu works here and is in the high position of vice president, and she and her daughter Chen Mengyan are classmates, she must be familiar with Yang Ming. And her name for Chen Mengyan... All this can prove that this girl seems to have a close relationship with Yang Ming.

"Yes" Jing Xiaolu was undefended. Although she was quite calculating, she did not expect that Chen Fei had found some problems at this moment: "Sister Mengyan and I are very good. We often go shopping together."

Chen Fei nodded, smiled and said, "Well, I'll call you Xiaolu in the future. Just call me Uncle Chen, and don't be so polite."

In the relationship between Jing Xiaolu and Yang Ming, Chen Fei probably also found some ways. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he was not too angry.

The woman next to Yang Ming, Chen Fei is very clear. In addition to his daughter Chen Mengyan, there is also Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia.

To say, it is simply ridiculous to let his daughter serve a husband with other women, and Chen Fei will naturally not agree. However, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia are so special that it is difficult for Chen Fei to say anything dissatisfied!

The enmity between Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming can be said to be clear to Chen Fei. In those years, this case was handled by Chen Fei himself. For Yang Ming's inexplicable frame-up, Lin Zhiyun was also involved. Chen Fei is very clear. Therefore, the whole thing can be said to be Yang Ming or Lin Zhiyun, both of them are victims! And Lin Zhiyun finally gave up the accountability of Yang Ming and cancelled the case, which also let Yang Ming avoid a disaster! Otherwise, at this moment, Yang Ming may have reached the middle of prison. Although Lin Zhiyun's reason is very absurd to say that the two are boyfriends and girlfriends, and because of the quarrel, he reported the case randomly. I'm afraid it's a little strange, but it was Lin Zhiyun's last attitude that saved Yang Ming.

So, Chen Fei really can't say anything about Lin Zhiyun's reappearance of Yang Ming in college! Chen Fei gave the decision of all this to his daughter Chen Mengyan. As long as his daughter didn't say anything, Chen Fei would not say anything more. Anyway, they are still young, aren't they?

As for Zhou Jiajia, who appeared later, Chen Fei has nothing to interfere with! This. The deeds and means of a girl made Chen Fei, an iron-blooded man, can't help crying!

In particular, Zhou Jiajia was injured for Yang Ming, and it was entirely because of her own case! If she hadn't sent Zhou Jiajia to Wang Xibei's home as an undercover agent, how could Zhou Jiajia have been involved in danger? How could he block the gun for Yang Ming?

So, for this girl who helped her solve a big case and blocked a shot for Yang Ming, Chen Fei really can't say anything! It's hard to say a word! He can't even say it! You can't be ungrateful!

If you have a problem with Zhou Jiajia, it is ungrateful. It is also ungrateful to let Yang Ming leave Zhou Jiajia. Under the dilemma, Chen Fei chose to sink. As long as his daughter has no opinion and Chen Mengyan is happy, everything will be fine!

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Chen Fei finally thought about it. Why do he cares so much? Aren't you afraid that Chen Mengyan will suffer losses? Wronged? Since your daughter doesn't say anything, what else do you have to say?

Therefore, for the appearance of Jing Xiaolu, Chen Fei was just uncomfortable for a moment, and then let go. Since she can become good friends with Chen Mengyan, listen to her tone and focus on Chen Mengyan

Chen Fei won't say anything. OK, Uncle Chen!" Jing Xiaolu's eyes narrowed into a crack and was elated.

Chen Fei couldn't figure out what Jing Xiaolu was thinking, so he stopped continuing the topic: "Do you need my help with the rest?"

"I won't bother you anymore." Bao Sanli knew that if Chen Fei, an official in the judicial world, came forward, it would be easier to solve this matter, but he did not want to cause more trouble to Chen Fei. After all, the other party was not from Songjiang City, but from Jiangyan City. What's more, it is the largest private enterprise in the province. If there is no background No one will believe it. So even if Chen Fei comes forward, if the other party comes up with a larger background to suppress Chen Fei, it will cause trouble for Chen Fei: "The other party is from the Jiangyan Group, and it is not so easy to be coerced, so it is better to negotiate through normal means first, and if it really doesn't work before going through the legal process

"It's okay. If you have any difficulties, call me." Chen Fei nodded and knew what Bao Sanli was worried about, but Chen Fei was not afraid of anything. It was also legitimate for him to intervene. After all, his own side was reasonable, and the famous security company also belongs to the subordinates of his bureau to the affiliated enterprises, which also belongs to his own affairs. 1572. Go to the riverside

"What are we going to do next?" Out of the office building of the city police, he got into the car and asked Jing Xiaolu in the driver's seat. Bao Sanli is not a person who is greedy for power. Since Chen Fei has a positive attitude towards Jing Xiaolu, it proves that Jing Xiaolu is really capable, and she can't solve it well, so it's okay to give the leading power to Jing Xiaolu!

What's more, this is Brother Yang's woman, that is, his own sister-in-law, and he doesn't think he will have no face. Previously, Jing Xiaolu was given the position of vice president of JL. One was because of Yang Ming's relationship, and the other was also because the two vice presidents of the company fled, and there was a vacancy, so Jing Xiaolu was able to take office smoothly.

But for Jing Xiaolu's ability, it is not very important. However, yesterday, Jing Xiaolu suddenly found the fright in the contract, and today it was confirmed that it was true. Bao Sanli completely admired Jing Xiaolu's little girl this year. Let's try to get in touch with the people of Jiangyan Group first.

" Jing Xiaolu thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to Xu Xiaobin in a moment and go to Jiangyan City with him to contact the senior management of Jiangyan Group. We have the evidence in hand, and we are not afraid that he will not admit it.

"It's okay...but, if you are a girl to go..." Bao Sanli asked with some uneasated.

"It's okay. I'm with Xu Xiaobin. Besides, I'm going to negotiate, not a fight. If you want to come to such a big company as Jiangyan Group, you won't use some dirty means." Jing Xiaolu said.

"Speaking of the next three promiscuous means, they have already used it!" Bao Sanli didn't think so. "You can do things like incense before. What else can't you do?" I think we have to guard against it!"

As soon as the words of the violent Sanli reminded her, Jing Xiaolu's heart was full of time! Yes, if you want to say that Jiangyan Group may not play these dirty tricks, but there is one person who can't say for sure, that is, Liu Jifei. Now Liu Jifei is at the headquarters of Jiangyan Group. If he goes by himself, it is not impossible for this boy to get in the way. Thinking of this, Jing Xiaolu suddenly hesitated .

"Xiaolu, let's do this. I'll take a few people with you. Although we are not familiar with each other, we are not easy to bully, so that the other party dares not act rashly!" The three rags said. Well, that's the only way, but unless we have to, we must not take the initiative to find trouble. Otherwise, we will definitely suffer losses in the other party's territory. Jing Xiaolu thought for a moment and agreed. After all, he is also afraid of Liu Jifei's tricks. Bangâ–  can't handle it by himself. After Bao Sanli returned to the company, he did not stop. He directly summoned Bi Hai, Zhai Lei and others and rushed to Jiangyan City with Jing Xiaolu.

On the highway, a BMW 5, followed by a gold cup business bread, a line of two cars, quickly headed for the riverside city. Jing Xiaolu drove Yang Ming's BMW this time, not her own. However, because Yang Ming's car has an official pass, he can be exempted from some traffic control in the province, which can save a lot of trouble. The speed of the two cars was very fast, but when the traffic police saw the pass in Jing Xiaolu's car, they were released smoothly, which showed the great use of this small certificate.

However, if this thing is compared with Yang Ming's certificate of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, it will be a little witch. Yang Ming's certificate is the real all-round pass.

This is also the first time that Xu Xiaobin has seen the energy of the famous security company. Although he is in Songjiang, he can even get the pass issued by the Donghai provincial capital. The background behind the famous company can be seen.

However, he didn't know that the actual owner of this car was Yang Ming's. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming's special status as a special consultant of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, it would not have been possible for this kind of pass without a few passes in the whole province to be issued to Yang Ming.

But Xu Xiaobin is a little different in his eyes. In addition to secretly worrying about what happened to Jiangyan Group this time, he is also a little lucky. It seems that Mingyang Security Company not only has power in the local area, but also must also have a considerable background in the province! This time, I was on the same front line as Mingyang Security Company. If this matter is successfully solved, then Mingyang Company will definitely not let itself suffer losses, and the newly established escort company will have its own position.

If this matter is not solved smoothly, Xu Xiaobin will also think about it. At worst, he will resign! Go to his uncle. The hatred between himself and Liu Jifei has reached an irreconcilable point. Even if he can't fight with him, even if he avoids his edge and endures it, Liu Jifei may not let himself go!

At that time, it is possible to take advantage of your position to put on your own shoes and eat yourself! It's not impossible to make a fake account to make yourself go to prison, which is not without such a possibility! Like a guy with a fast human character, what can't he do? Therefore, Xu Xiaobin simply thought that if the matter could not be solved, he would resign. I believe that at that time, he would still have his own place in the famous company. Such as Jing Xiaolu and Bao Sanli, who are loyal people, can't ignore him!

So, this time, it may not be a bad thing, but it is indeed that Liu Jifei took advantage of his wife for nothing! Thinking of this, Xu Xiaobin couldn't help sighing. It's really aggrieved for a man to do this!

Being cuckolded, he didn't dare to squeak. In the final analysis, he still has no ability. If he has enough ability and strength, what is Liu Jifei?

Looking at Xu Xiaobin beside him and sighing, Bao Sanli Xianhu also understood what he was worried about. He patted him on the shoulder with comfort and said, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, don't think so much. Whether this matter can be solved or not, we will accept your request. If it doesn't work, come to But the department manager is still okay, at least he is much better than your previous office manager!" Thank you!" Xu Xiaobin nodded gratefully: "Mr. Bao, with your words, I'm relieved." At that time, I can also arrange for your girlfriend to enter the company and do a clerical job. Just don't have any ideological burden. The tyrant said with a smile. Then I'll thank you for Wang Lixia first. Xu Xiaobin didn't expect that Bao Sanli would still remember his girlfriend, and he was even more grateful.

The group finally rushed to Jiangyan City before sunset and parked the car in the parking lot of Jiangyan Group. Looking at the magnificent building in front of him, he couldn't help sighing that the gap between himself and others was really not a little bit!

My famous security guard and famous entertainment are also one of the largest companies in Songjiang, but compared with others, it is not worth mentioning. Such a magnificent momentum and such a magnificent building have caught up with a lot of pressure.

It seems that I still need to work hard. Sitting in the well and watching the sky will never become a big weapon! This time, it may not be a bad thing. Let the violent Sanli also be clear. What is a big company? Daji C