very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1603-1604

"The name of the person who came is Yang Ming, and he is the direct disciple of Fang Tian, the king of killers!" The child in charge of transmitting the information said, "His other identity is the son-in-law of the butterfly family, and Wang Fuyan, the eldest daughter of the butterfly family, is also Wang Xiaodie's fiance." Oh? Is he the one who came? Isn't it Fang Tian?" After listening to the son's words, Keweitan was a little strange and inexplicable: "Is his strength better than that of Fang Tian?"

"This should not work." The hand brother in charge of transmitting the information quickly replied, "According to the investigation, when Yang Ming first arrived at the Butterfly Castle, Wang Weoshui had asked him to compete with him. As a result, Yang Ming squeaked and shiversed. It seemed that he was not Wang Weoshui's opponent. The Xiwang's weak water kung It's just a great young generation." Humph, such a person dares to come alone. Doesn't he know how to write dead words? Kvitan snorted with a funny snort, "Isn't this too much?"

"Master, I guess Yang Ming wants to be a hero to save the beauty and show his manhood in front of Wang Xiaoyan!" Thomas was so worried about his grandson that he thought of something similar to Good's dirty things.

"Oh? It's possible for you to say so!" Ke Wei Tan seemed to have this possibility: "In this way, this guy may just want to show it. Do you dare to come to us? It's another story. It can't be said that after a casual walk outside, he will return to the Butterfly Family to declare to Wang Xiaoyan that he has tried his best, but his strength is not good, and he can What kind of face will you lose?

"The owner's words are reasonable!" Lockoff also nodded in agreement. With Jetson's previous great power, both Lockoff and Thomas did not dare to call Kvetan his nephew, but directly used the word "head of the family".

There is nothing we can do. The situation is there. Jetson's strength is outstanding, and they can't help but bow their heads. Invisibly, Kvetan's reputation has also established a very high position.

"However, whether Yang Ming is real or false, we should be prepared to deal with it." Keweitan said, "If he is fake, that's all right. If it's true, then you don't have to let him go back. I just don't know what to use to blackmail Wang Songshan. This time, I'm blackmail him with Yang Ming's life and death. I'm not afraid that he won't submit

"Yes, as long as Yang Ming dies, the so-called marriage contract on the eldest lady of the butterfly family will be gone." Thomas agreed, "Wang Songshan can also cooperate with us wholeheartedly and marry Wang Xiaoyan to Good!"

"Kvetan, but if Yang Ming dies, aren't you afraid of having a bad relationship with the butterfly family?" Soledi pondered and said that what he was concerned about was not whether Good could marry Wang Xiaoyan, but the overall interests of the family.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether Wang Songshan's daughter gets married or not. This is an insignificant matter. The key question is whether the interests of the Lanqi family can be guaranteed, such as the reaction of the Buffon family!

The series of things against Wang Songshan are just for the sake of the sake of the family, and they can't get any substantial benefits, so Soledi is not very concerned about it.

By the end of his year, these things are not very important. The so-called "old shameless" refers to people like Soledi. What does Gude have to do with whether to marry Wang Xiaoyan or not? But he can't ignore his son's status as the head of the family. As the head of the family, his son naturally wants to save the face of the Lancer family. The thoughts of the head of the family and the elders will be slightly different.

However, now the three elders in the family, that is, he dares to call Kvetan's name, for no other reason, just because he is Kvetan's father.

"Father, it doesn't matter!" Keweitan smiled and explained, "I have thought about this for a long time, but Yang Ming is not from the butterfly family. His current identity is only Wang Xiaoyan's fiance. Once he dies, Good will become Wang Haoyan's fiance. You think the butterfly family may be against us because of a dead outsider. "Is it?"

"What the owner said makes sense!" Thomas also thought so, otherwise he could not have tried his best to promote this matter, and he was very in favor of letting Yang Ming die here. Only in this way can the butterfly family have no way out completely, and the butterfly family will never fight with the Lanjiao family because of a person who does not belong to the butterfly family.

"There is nothing wrong with this. Yang Ming has not officially married Wang Xiaoyan yet, so he can only be regarded as an outsider. When he dies, no matter how unhappy the butterfly family is, there is no legitimate reason to find it - we are in trouble. I guess, we can only pinch our noses to admit it!" Sodi nodded. He said.

"Hey hey, the reason for trouble..." At this time, Jetson sneered: "In the face of absolute strength, all the reasons are pale. My strength to trouble you is the reason.

"Cousin Jetson is right. In the face of Cousin Jetson's absolute strength, even if the butterfly family is reasonable, it has become unreasonable! I guess Wang Songshan is not a person who doesn't know the current affairs. Previously, he made a marriage contract with Fang Tian, the king of the killer, for his children. Because of his face, he didn't want to cancel it. But once Yang Ming died, did he dare to shit? Keweitan agreed and said, "Cousin Jetson, I'll leave this Yang Ming to you. I guess it's tonight if he wants to come!" Hey, it's just a clown." Jetson answered carelessly: "Well, if it hadn't been for the survival before, Wang Songshan would have turned into a corpse. Is this Yang Ming more powerful than Wang Songshan?"

"That must be gone, but cousin, you should also be careful not to let this boy run away!" Keweitan was afraid that Jetson would be careless, so he reminded.

"No one has been able to escape under me!" Jetson said carelessly, but this is just to fool Keweitan and others of the Lancer family. It's definitely a joke to put it in the center. What's more, this is the first time for him to take action. The only enemy is Wang Songshan, who really failed to escape: "Prepare the celebration banquet for me, wait for me to Let's celebrate!"

However, Keweitan and the rest of the Lancer family nodded in confidence. "Don't worry, cousin, I'll tell the kitchen to prepare."

In fact, Jetson no longer needs to eat anything. He eats for nothing, but he just pretends to be. But in the past few days, he has been living in the Lanqi family. In order not to let Keweitan find out the secrets and abnormalities in his body, he went to his hometown to follow the customs and Is this the Lanqi family? Yang Ming looked at a manor not far away in front of him, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. This magnificent hundred-year-old manor, hum...

Yang Ming did not sneak directly into the Lancer family, nor did he catch the children of the Lancer family to ask anything. Instead, he sat down in a small bar a few kilometers away from the manor and looked out of the window quietly.

If you don't know, you will think that Yang Ming is looking at the scenery outside the window, but Yang Ming's watching is indeed every move within the Lancer family a few kilometers away! This is the reason why Yang Ming dares to go alone. He can use his power to explore some movements and terrain within the Lancer family in advance and whether there are masters in the Lancer family.

For this action, of course, Yang Ming will not be reckless. Even Wang Songshan may be trapped in the enemy's camp. Yang Ming does not think that he has much ability. As soon as the tiger's body shakes, the enemy can submit to his feet. No matter how he thinks about it, he feels whimsical.

"It turned out to be this guy named Jetson..." Yang Ming naturally saw the scene in the conference room of the Lancer family before. Several people in the Lancer family were talking about their life and death: "I'm afraid it's not that easy to take my life, right?"

Yang Ming is not a generous person. On the contrary, he even has to pay off. Since Jetson wants to keep himself, how can he let him go? So Yang Ming decided that whenever he had a chance this time, he would kill Jetson, so as to save endless troubles.

1 Fantasy [L Night Enters the Lancer Family

Looking at this group of arrogant people laughing there, as if Yang Ming in their mouth had become a dead man, Yang Ming sneered. He did not despise these people, but felt that some people were too arrogant. Even if they were sure of winning, there was no need to do so.

Only by keeping a vigilant heart at all times can you live a long life. Otherwise, it is not certain who will die!

Yang Ming was not in the mood to continue to explore what these people said. Jetson seemed to have confidence in himself and did not mention the killing plan at night. Instead, he was flattered by the praise of the Lancer family.

Looking away, Yang Ming began to search for Wang Songshan. Yang Ming confirmed that Wang Songshan was 90% likely to be trapped in the Lancer family. Yang Ming searched very carefully. Yang Ming looked at almost every inch of the land in the Lanlu family manor several times, because while Yang Ming was looking for Wang Songshan, he was also exploring the terrain in the Lanser family manor.

Yang Ming is not as arrogant as Jetson. If he is defeated, Yang Ming wants to find the best escape route. After Yang Ming's careful investigation, I'm afraid that even the people who have lived in the Lancer family's manor for many years are not familiar with the terrain inside!

Because many places are places that some people of the Lancer family can't go at all, such as kitchens, warehouses, boilers, laundry rooms and other places where servants work. These senior officials of the Lancer family refuse to go at all, and this inexplicable sudden Jetson is even less likely to go there, so these A very remote place is the foundation of Yang Ming's life-saving.

"Uncle Wang has nothing to do. It seems that he can finally breathe a sigh of relief." When Yang Ming saw that Wang Songshan was well detained in a small independent attic, Yang Ming nodded heavily: "It's okay, otherwise, Yanyan will be disappointed this time."

Yang Ming closed his eyes, began to recall the terrain in the Lancer family manor, and thought about the plan to get up late. Although he knew that Jetson was also prepared, Yang Ming also had to take action.

What's more, Yang Ming is murderous at this moment. Even if he can silently save Wang Songshan, this Jetson can't keep it, otherwise if he keeps him, it will always be a big threat to himself or the butterfly family.

Yang Ming reached out and called the waiter, checked the bill, then stood up and turned out of the small bar. The bar is still noisy. No one knows what Yang Ming is doing on this trip, and no one pays attention to it.

Standing on the street, Yang Ming reached out and stopped a taxi to get on, and then said to the driver, "Go to Lanlu Manor."

The driver readily agreed. Near here, many poor children of the family work in the Lancer family, so the servants of the Lancer family often come and go between Xiaoling and Lancer Manor.

"Sir, the car can only be parked here. In front of it is the private territory of the Lancer family, and we can't drive in." The taxi driver parked the car under a warning sign on the road and pointed to the text on it and said to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming took a look at the warning card, which said that it was nothing more than the private territory of the Lancer family in front of him, and he was not allowed to enter without permission, etc.

After paying the fare quickly, Yang Ming didn't say much, so he got out of the car and walked alone in the direction of the Lancer family's manor. Yang Ming had already made the plan clear at this moment, so he was not afraid to confront Jetson head-on.

When Yang Ming walked, he did not deliberately avoid anything, because there was no place to hide on this road. When he met a stranger, he was sorry to let him sleep here for a long time. However, I don't know if it's a coincidence or if no one came out of the Lancer family at all during this period. Yang Ming didn't see anyone on this road and came to the outside of the Lancer family's manor smoothly.

Before, when he was in the bar, Yang Ming had found the way and location to sneak into the manor. At this time, he stood outside the manor and just explored the inside again.

However, the situation of this exploration is similar to the previous one. Outside the attic where Wang Songshan is imprisoned, there are still many guards guarding it. The difference is that there is a person sitting in a small gazebo nearby!

And this person is the man named Jetson that Yang Ming saw at the meeting of the Lancer family before, the cousin of Keweitan, the current head of the Lancer family.

April is a very cold season in Europe, and the temperature difference between day and night is very large. This should be the coldest time. This man is sitting in the gazebo like this. Isn't he cold? Yang Ming was very surprised and admired, because this man wore a very thin shirt!

It seems that the Lancer family is ready to deal with it. They know that the purpose of their visit this time is to save Wang Songshan, so Jetson simply sat directly at the door of Wang Songshan's detention site!

Yang Ming sneered, and Jetson was really arrogant to a certain extent! Isn't it the same for him to openly announce to others that Wang Songshan is imprisoned in the attic next to him?

Of course, Yang Ming has a special ability and doesn't need Jetson to do anything. Yang Ming already knows the place of Wang Songshan's detention. If there is a person without power, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to find out. Jetson's practice has just turned into a beacon.

However, what Yang Ming didn't expect was that Jetson was not arrogant, but had been arranged in advance. Like the last plan for Wang Songshan, he greeted all the children and servants of the family in advance. As long as Yang Ming came to arrest them, they would tell Wang Songshan the truth about the place of detention!

This is also a strategy for Yang Ming to directly throw himself into the net, and Jetson doesn't have to be careful that Yang Ming will appear elsewhere, as long as he waits for the rabbit here.

It's just that how can Yang Ming let Jetson get what he wants? Since Jetson is waiting for the rabbit at Wang Songshan, let him wait first. Yang Ming does not forget what he once said, which is to make Good-de look good. Therefore, the first thing for Yang Ming's visit this time is to go to Goode's residence for a picture!

Therefore, when everyone thought that Yang Ming would find Wang Songshan's residence as soon as possible, Yang Ming did the opposite and slipped to Good's residence first.

Previously, there was a teaching of Wang Songshan to kill several disciples. "So this time the Lancer family also learned to be smart. For these servants and children who walked back and forth in the garden at night, no one had an alarm on their fingers and told them to press the alarm as soon as they saw Yang Ming, and the conference room It can be positioned immediately so that Jetson can be prepared to reduce unnecessary accidents.

However, Yang Ming had no idea of finding trouble for those children and servants at all, and Yang Ming did not need to know anything from their mouths. Yang Ming had already explored through the power in advance. At this time, it was too late to hide from the people in the Lancer family.

Since it has not been found by anyone on the way, it is even more likely that Yang Ming is careful at this moment. However, with the power of perspective and night vision, Yang Ming easily dodged the children walking back and forth and the patrol guard of the manor. As for some cameras on the dead corners, Yang Ming also easily bypassed them. Go.

Yang Ming is very experienced in dealing with these cameras. Previously, Yang Ming had figured out the rules in the Xianren Building in Jingshan, so he was no exception at this moment. While looking at the picture on the other side of the monitoring room, he easily bypassed the surveillance of the camera according to the time difference of the picture.

Good has been very proud these two days! After being nervous for a few days, he saw that Jetson easily captured Wang Songshan. Good felt that he could finally rest assured. Especially when he heard that Jetson was very supportive of marrying Wang Xiaodie, he was even more happy.

And tonight, even more so, because Good also got the news that Wang Xiaodie's fiance, Yang Ming, may come to rescue Wang Songshan, and Jetson is waiting to kill Yang Ming in one fell swoop!

So, at the thought that Yang Ming was about to die tonight, Wang Xiaodie could throw herself into her arms without any obstacles. Good began to dance excitedly. F