very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1623-1624

"Brother Nan, why are you afraid of your hands and feet after the lady Liu Thrush left?" Liu Jifei looked at Liu Zhenan in front of him with some puzzlement: "The Finance Department is now monopolized by you, and there are many opportunities to make money out. Why don't you care?"

"Afraid of hands and feet?" Liu Zhenan frowned and smiled happily: "Of course, I know that there are a lot of opportunities to make money, but do you know that in addition to Liu Huamei, the opponent, my brother Liu Zheqiao is also staring at me! Previously, there was Liu thrush, and our brothers shared the same hatred, which was a temporary agreement with the outside world. But now that Liu thrush has been released, his competitors are naturally left with me. Do you think he can not stare at me?

"That's true. Why don't we use some more means to make Liu Zheqiao stand aside?" Liu Jifei only has great respect for Liu Zunan, but he has no scruples about the rest of the Liu family, but Liu Zhennan doesn't mind, because he also hates those people to the bone. Liu Zheqiao is not in a hurry. Liu Zhenan waved his hand and said, "He is far away from me. What I'm most worried about is Liu Huamei!"

"What's the matter, Brother Nan, hasn't the bitch of Liu Thrush been sent out by the old man? Why do you still think about her? Can't she set off any waves on the other side of Songjiang? Liu Jifei asked doubtfully. In his opinion, Liu Thrush was already a given up son of the Liu family. When he went to Songjiang, there was no possibility of coming back.

"At first, that's what I thought." Liu Zhenan frowned, and then said worriedly, "Jifei, think about it, how much did the old man like Liu Huamei before? He did not hesitate to offend many people in the group, and also ruled out the heavy pressure to support Liu Huamei to the position of JL's financial director! But now, how can it be flattened? Although I didn't say that I would try my best to the end, it also belongs to the existence of fame. Luo feels that this matter is not evil?" Brother Nan, after listening to your analysis, I also think something is wrong Y

"Liu Jifei nodded as if he had said: "I didn't know much about the old man's love before

But now that you say so, it's really unusual. The contrast is a little too big, isn't it?

"I also thought about it carefully for a few days before I felt that this matter was a little strange. The contrast between the front and back was indeed very large, which is the reason why I think Liu Huamei is the biggest threat!" After the initial excitement and excitement, Liu Zhenan also began to calm down. This feeling of monopolizing power is not very uncomfortable. He should always be suspicious of the old man's ideas, and also beware of the resurrection of Liu Huamei and the disturbance behind Liu Zheqiao. Can it be that the old man is confused? You are his eldest grandson, that's why you gave you the power? Liu Jifei thought for a moment and analyzed it.

"Old and confused? Humph!" Liu Zunan sneered: "Who in this group is confused, I don't see him confused. If he was confused, the group would have been so calm? However, as you said, it is possible that I am his eldest grandson. No matter how smart and capable Liu Huamei is, she is always a woman and will still get married in the future. Grandpa can't leave the Liu family's career to a foreign surname, can he?" This is inevitable. If I were Mr. Liu, I would not have left the big property to a woman. It has been passed on to men but not women since ancient times!" Liu Jifei said.

Liu Zhenan nodded and nodded: "Now, what I'm most afraid of is that the old man played a presting trick for me. First, Liu Huamei, the bitch, turned it off, and then secretly cultivated it in the dark, and then returned to the group headquarters."

After listening to Liu Zhenan's words, Liu Jifei's disapproving expression finally became solemn: "In this way, this Liu Thrush is really a big trouble. If it is not removed, it will become a big trouble after all!"

"Yes, the old man has been struggling in the mall all his life. It's impossible to do this casually." Liu Zunan said, "If the old man just wants to be captured, it's better to say that I can make the bitch Liu Huamei have no place to turn over according to the original plan! But what I'm afraid of is that the old man deliberately gave me the power. In fact, after my self-confidence expanded to a certain extent, I watched me make mistakes, and then had an excuse to take me and let other artificial positions." It should be impossible, right?" Liu Jifei felt that what Liu Zhenan said was too insidious.

"Why is it impossible? The old man has done everything. You know, Jiangyan Group is his life's work. He doesn't want to allow Jiangyan Group to fall into the hands of other surnames, but he will not allow a person who can destroy Jiangyan Group to lead the overall situation!" When Liu Zhenan said this, she sneered with some self-deprecating sneer, "I'm afraid that in the eyes of the old man, I'm the one who harms public and private interests?"

"Dance to the public and private interests?" Liu Jifei didn't think so: "The old man is not stupid. Now, Brother Nan, you use your position to cultivate your confidants and do some things that are harmful to the group, which is also to prepare for your future position. Once you really succeed, you have become the helm of the Jiangyan Group. Will you do anything to harm the interests of the

"Um, there is some truth in what you said!" Liu Zhenan's face softened a little, and he nodded and said, "I'm much relieved to hear what you said. But in any case, let's first turn down the bitch Liu Huamei, and then concentrate on dealing with Liu Zhuo. Even if the old man really wants to be captured, or he still wants to find me. Both of them have fallen down. I am the only direct descendants of the old man. If he doesn't give me the group, who can he give it

"Well, Brother Nan, then let's start to implement our plan?" Liu Jifei gritted his teeth and said, "Although the preparation time is a little hasty, there is no problem. As long as we design it properly, Liu Thrush will definitely not be able to escape this time.

"Well, that plan should be implemented, but those people can be trusted, right? Don't make a rebel like Xu Xiaobin like last time. If it's bad, you and I can't eat it!" Liu Zunan pondered and warned, "The old man's place may be waiting to see us make a fool of ourselves!" Aren't all the people sent by Brother Nan's direct subordinates? Liu Jifei was stunned and then asked.

"My men are good, but I can't say that they are too direct. I can be 100% trustworthy without you." Liu Zunan waved his hand and said, "As you know, I can't have too many intersections with the people at the bottom of these companies. I sent these people to introduce them to you, and I just told you that these people are still available. As for who to implement this plan, you should grasp it and choose the right person."

"Well, I have also handed over a lot of people recently. The deputy captain of the escort team can definitely be trusted. His father has uremia and is waiting for a kidney change in the hospital. Let's not to mention that the operation cost is a large amount of money. This kidney source is also a big problem. I have promised As long as he is obedient, he will not only solve the operation fee for him, but also help him contact the kidney source!" Liu Jifei said, "Brother Nan, contact a kidney source. For you, it's okay, right? Don't you blame me for making a promise in advance?

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of money." Liu Zhenan said, "The key question is that if you let him lead the team to carry out the task, once the east window incident happens and others see that we are busy with his father's affairs, will they doubt us?"

"I've thought about this question for a long time!" Liu Jifei smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Nan, his father used to be an old employee of our Jiangyan Group. Speaking of his uremia, it was also because he dug the foundation on the group's construction site and dug out a hidden danger of a gas bomb, so our group didn't give him money to treat the disease, which was You can take care of it or not. It's just a sentence from you, President Liu.

"Oh? In this case, it's easy to do." Liu Zunan said, "Well, you first transfer his father to the best hospital and maintain it with the best medicine first. As for the kidney source, don't worry and get in touch slowly. But if you talk to the outside world, just say that I understand those employees who have worked hard for the construction of the group Therefore, if you are hurt, our group will take care of it to the end

"High! It's really high!" After hearing this, Liu Jifei praised flatteringly: "In this way, others not only can't say anything, but will say that President Liu, you are kind and a good leader. At that time, you will be among the employees of these groups. Stele, even if the old man chooses a successor, he should also consider public opinion. And the second point is that before this happened in our plan, no one could say anything." That's what I mean, but there is another point. We must think of the right reason, otherwise others will have reason to suspect us. Liu Zhenan nodded and said. 1 Tai. People-friendly president

"Oh?" After hearing Liu Zhenan's words, Liu Jifei also pondered slightly, and then said, "Brother Nan's Zhaisi is that since we have treated his family for free, what reason does he have to do that, right?"

"There is no mistake. Everything needs a motivation. He has no motivation to do that. In the end, even if he runs away, he will still implicate us. Although there is no evidence, the old man suspects a person and doesn't need any evidence at all." Liu Zhenan said. So, it's really a problem." Liu Jifei nodded Jiayi and said, "Let me think about it carefully to see if there is any best of both worlds." In this period, be careful of all mistakes!" Liu Zhenan sighed.

"Yes!" Liu Jifei is worthy of being a sinister and cunning villain. He soon thought of a solution, which is also the reason why Liu Zhennan valued him: "Brother Nan, you see, it is illegal to buy and sell kidney sources. Although many underground transactions are tacitly, they can't do it on the surface, so we can do this, He said that he could give free treatment to the deputy captain's father, but refused to help him buy kidney sources from the black market. You can say that our Jiangyan Group will not do these illegal and undisciplined things. In this way, the conflict between Brother Nan and him can be buried, and then I will let him go out to publicize, saying that Brother Nan, you treat his father, it's just hypocritical words, not sincere, so... Hey hey, that's it's fine..."

"That's good, flying, you really have a brain!" Hearing this, Liu Zunnan was overjoyed: "This idea can be said to be seamless. At that time, no matter how shrewd the old man is, he will not doubt us."

"It's true, but in order to be more secure, Brother Nan, you now have the power of the group. In the case of one person to determine the universe, you'd better start to be a sergeant and sergeant and warm to all the employees of the group, so that you can buy people's hearts. Second, when When he was treated for free, he didn't seem to have any abruptness. Liu Jifei reminded him. OK, just do what you said!" Liu Zhenan and Liu Jifei finalized the plan and were extremely refreshed: "It's my treat tonight. Let's go out together!"

"Haha, it's better to be respectful than to obey!" Liu Jifei did not refuse. The more he went in and out of those colorful places with Liu Zhenan, the closer the relationship between the two will be! Liu Jifei has now bet all his future on Liu Zhenan. One day, Liu Zhenan will rise to the throne smoothly, then Liu Jifei will be the greatest contributor.

On the second day, Liu Zhenan's whole body seemed to become humble, sweeping away the previous domineering, and the suggestions of his subordinates and some loyal words could be listened to and accepted with great care.

In addition to this, Liu Zunan also launched several employee welfare projects. In the basement of the company building, a useless warehouse, began to build an employee activity center, billiards room, coffee shop, leisure chess and card room, for employees to play during lunch break.

Liu Zhenan's plan was quickly praised by the chairman, Mr. Liu Jiangyan. These are also what Liu Jiangyan once wanted to do, but they have been delayed because of some trivial things, and then they are upset about the power and interests of these descendants, so they are not in the mood to do anything else.

Seeing the transformation of Liu Zhenan, Liu Jiangyan's old man e! J's heart was also shaken for the first time. Originally, he was extremely disappointed with this grandson, but he didn't expect that without the steps of Liu Huamei, the way this grandson's way of doing things had fundamentally changed!

Is it true that because there are no competitors, let him start to think about the interests of the company wholeheartedly? Liu Jiangyan plans to observe for another period of time. If Liu Zhenan really changes, it is not impossible for the group to hand over to him. After all, after all, Liu Huamei is a girl, and it is impossible not to marry for the rest of his life, right? And Jiang Yan Group has become something in the hands of foreigners, and Liu Jiangyan doesn't want to see it.

"Fuck ***, I'm too tired to pretend to be a grandson. Every day when I face those subordinates, I have to greet them with a smile. The smiling old man's face is cramped!" In a luxury car, Liu Linnan rubbed her face with her hand and muttered and cursed. Brother Nan, in order to achieve great things, it's worth to endure it now. Liu Ji persuaded him while driving.

"The old bastard surnamed Zhang in the planning department next door really thought he was a character. In the past, I pointed my nose and scolded him, but he didn't dare to squeak. Now my attitude has improved, but I put a face on my nose. I'm a bitch. Who does he think he is? I don't agree with their plan, and I still keep talking with them. If I want to change it to the past, I would have kicked him out, and now I still have to patiently analyze the pros and cons for him!" Liu Zhenan is going to be angry today. For the first time, she felt that her authority had been challenged. She was really unhappy to the extreme.

"The one surnamed Zhang, let's call him arrogant for a while. When Jiangyan Group becomes Nan's bag, let's be the first to take him off!" Liu Jifei followed Liu Zhenan and said, "Now let him go for a few days."

"Um, I remember these people who dare to question me. Damn it, I'll settle accounts with you later!" Liu Zunan snorted coldly and said, "Jifei, you find a notebook and write down the names of these people for me. I want to let them see who has the final say in this Jiangyan Group!" Don't worry, Brother Nan, I've memorize it for you. The computer flew to arrest his backpack and said proudly.

The curse returned to the curse, but the next day, Liu Zonan still appeared in the company with a smile on her face. As always, she was friendly and showed a kind attitude towards people and things.

"Brother Liu, the front desk just called and said that an old employee of the group suffered from uremia because of his early work. His son brought him to the company to ask for an explanation. What do you think about this? Did you ask the people in the security department to bomb them out? Xiao Xia, Liu Bannan's secretary, twisted her sexy waist and walked into Liu Zhenan's office. This Xiaoxia is actually a lover of Liu Zhenan. She also knows something about Liu Zhenan, so she did not hesitate to say Liu Zhenan's usual way of dealing with it in the past.

She is also a confidant of Liu Zhenan. At least she will not betray Liu Zhenan. She is also very clear in her heart that she is Liu Zhenan's woman. If Liu Zhenan takes office, she will also be a meritorious person and will get less benefits. Even if Liu Zhenan wants to get rid of Light compensation. .

Despite this, Liu Zhenan's plan did not tell her this time. "The fewer people know, the better. He is terrible and talkative. In case it leaks out, it will be over.

"Other than that, you're causing trouble for me, aren't you? Haven't you seen your brother? Have I become a pro-people president in the past few days? Liu Zunan stared to stop Xiaoxia, and then said, "Let's go downstairs with me. Let's receive this old employee in person!"

"Yes, Brother Liu..." Xiaoxia dared not disobey and quickly agreed, but she was a little puzzled: "Brother Liu, why did you suddenly change? Are you willing to poke your nose into other people's business? This group is not yours now. How good is it to let others deal with these rags? ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! ) F