very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1639-1640

"Who are you calling?" A cold voice sounded, which shocked the man with glasses who had just hung up the phone. The phone in his hand was unstable and fell on the deck of the cabin.

"Who?! Who is it?" The man with glasses was shocked. He was the only one on this ship. How could anyone talk? Previously, Park Da Niu gave him this task, and he and Yang Ming had two artificial roads, but now Yang Ming has left, and there is only one left in the cabin. Where does this voice come from?

"It seems that you are really forgetful. Why did you forget Li when we just parted?" The speaker, it was Yang Ming, who went and returned. At this moment, he was standing behind the man with glasses and said coldly.

"Li...Mr. Li?" The man with glasses was shocked. He turned his head and took a closer look. Who was the person behind him who was not Yang Ming? His face turned white, but then he smiled and said, "Mr. Li, why are you back again? Do you have any orders?"

The man with glasses is now &qu;.: f I hope that Yang Ming didn't hear what he just said. If that's the case, even if Yang Ming has some doubts in his heart, there is no real evidence. He believes that if he casually fools a few words, he can muddle through.

"In order? How dare I tell you?" Yang Ming sighed secretly. He never thought that the man with glasses was actually a spy, which made Yang Ming angry and deeply sorry for Park Daniu. The person who had been regarded as a confidant was actually a nail ambushed by the Golden Eagle Gang.

Of course, Yang Ming doesn't think that the man with glasses is specifically aimed at himself. This time, he can find the unusualness of the man with glasses. It's entirely because of chance. I don't know whether it's his bad luck or the man with glasses.

Before, when Yang Ming was in a boat with the man with glasses, Yang Ming found something unusual about the man with 7 glasses! In addition to always paying attention to the time, the man with glasses asked Yang Ming about the destination of landing many times. After Yang Ming's first vague words, the man with glasses obviously did not give up, but kept asking, which made Yang Ming, who had little sense of vigilance for the man with glasses, suddenly feel energetic. However, the more he looked at it, There is something wrong with the man with glasses.

Although it's just an intuition, Yang Ming is not 100% sure to judge whether there is a problem with the man with the glasses. It is normal for Bi to confirm Yang Ming's landing place in advance as the spectacled man who transported smuggled food!

This is not like the transit of a normal channel, but through this underground channel. If you don't prepare for it in advance, there may be problems. Therefore, with this point alone, it is really difficult for Yang Ming to determine whether there is a problem with the man with glasses.

In addition, in addition to looking at the watch a few more times, the man with glasses has no other unusual behavior. Looking at the watch can also understand that smuggling should always control the time and avoid the official law enforcement team such as the border patrol boat.

But since he has doubts, Yang Ming can't take risks anymore, and he dares not take risks! After all, the success or failure of this operation is related to Chen Mengyan's safety. Yang Ming can't have the slightest care. If one is not appropriate, he may lose the whole game.

So when the man with glasses asked Yang Ming for the last time what kind of landing method to choose, Yang Ming thought for a moment and chose an unexpected way for the man to land! Go swimming! In this way, whether there is a problem with the man with glasses or not, Yang Ming can have enough time to prepare.

In case the man with glasses really has a problem, then whether it is docked in the town of Metela or in the familiar town port recommended by the man with glasses, it may have been ambushed by the other party in advance. After going ashore, it is not good to be caught in an urn by others.

Although Yang Ming is confident that even so, he should be sure to retreat completely, but everything is unexpected, and it is better to be safer, so Yang Ming chose to swim there.

It is said to be swimming. In fact, Yang Ming also wants to secretly observe the movement of the tweezers man after diving into the water. If there is nothing wrong with the other party, then he should turn the bow of the boat back to the seaside without saying a word at this moment.

If the other party has a problem, he chooses to swim to go ashore, which obviously disrupts his previous plan, so the man with glasses should call to inform him after he jumps into the sea. Yang Ming regretted that the man with glasses really had a problem, and it seemed that he should be from the Black Hawk Gang.

"Mr. Li... What do you mean by that? Why don't I understand? The man with glasses expected that Yang Ming was just suspicious and there was no substantial evidence, so he said with a fluke: "Brother Niu had explained before and asked me to listen to Mr. Li's arrangement and arrangement all the way. Is there anything wrong with me that makes Mr. Li dissatisfied?"

"Won't do it well? Dissatisfied?" Yang Ming sneered and said, "I'm not dissatisfied with you. Do you think you are dissatisfied with me? How dare you call me Li? Who else should I ask to pay attention to it?"

The man with ten glasses was shocked, but after listening to Yang Ming's words, he was also relieved: "It turned out that Mr. Li was angry because of his rude words... Then I apologized to Mr. Li. In the next rude person, it was inevitable that he was a little unpleasant when talking. Unexpectedly, he and Brother Niu's private phone The words were heard by Mr. Li, but Brother Niu had taught me a lesson before!

The glasses man thought that Yang Ming's dissatisfaction was only because the sentence "surname Li" did not know about other things, but it was not strange that the glasses man would think so. After all, he only had a few words on the phone at that time, and what he said was unclear. If ordinary people didn't listen carefully, they would miss a few Besides, it was difficult to find anything wrong, so the man with glasses put his heart down instead.

"Oh? Really?" Yang Ming looked at the man with glasses with a smile, with a sarcasm in his eyes: "Brother Da Niu, did you have a foreign name? Is it Weisdrufu?

When the man with glasses heard the name, his face suddenly changed. I also understood in my heart that Yang Ming had heard everything he had said before. At this moment, it was useless to quibble, and there was a sharp look in his eyes. Suddenly, he pulled out a pistol from his waist and aimed it at Yang Ming!

"Originally, you can still live for a while. If you are lucky enough to swim there, you can really avoid it, but since you come back to die, it's no wonder me!" The man with glasses sighed, "Originally, I didn't want to do it myself, so it's easy to expose my identity, and I can't stay with Park Da Niu..."

Listening to the man with glasses talking to himself, Yang Ming was speechless directly, as if he wanted to kill himself, as if he was forced to be helpless. Moreover, he seemed to be really going to become the wronged soul under his gun. This guy was also arrogant to a certain extent, right?

"Who is Weisdrunf?" Yang Ming did not pay attention to the ill moaning of the man with glasses, but asked.

"It's okay to tell you, and it also makes you understand." The man with glasses looked like he was winning. He thought that if he aimed a pistol at Yang Ming, Yang Ming was the dish in his hand, and he was at his disposal. So I don't mind talking to Yang Mingduo.

Although he also knew before that the destruction of the Golden Eagle Gang was directly related to Yang Ming, Bi Jing did not see it with his own eyes, and he did not think that it was made by Yang Ming with bare hands

At the beginning, I didn't know what other helpers Yang Ming had or what kind of fierce weapons he used!

So, for Yang Ming, who is unarmed at this moment, the man with glasses is not wary of anything at all

I don't think Yang Ming has the slightest counterattack ability here. Ha ha..." Yang Ming smiled faintly and didn't say anything about the man with glasses.

"Wesdrov is the deputy leader of the Black Hawk Gang and my direct boss. You don't have to know why I appeared beside Park Da Niu, and it has nothing to do with you." The man with glasses explained.

The reason why the man with glasses is by Park Da Niu's side really has nothing to do with Yang Ming. This time he dealt with Yang Ming, which was a complete coincidence and accident.

Park Da Niu is the largest snake head in Bianhai City, and he has countless ships under his hand. Of course, this advantage of resource is coveted by the Golden Eagle Gang, so he placed an undercover agent with 7 glasses man next to Park Da Niu. In a few years, he has gained Park Da Niu's trust and became the

However, the spectacled man used Park Da Niu's resources to help the Black Hawk Gang carry drugs when smuggling ships back and forth, which also reduces the risk of Black Hawk Gang transportation and reduces the cost of transportation.

To say that the Black Hawk Gang plotted against Park Da Niu, it's not that Park Da Niu is not so attractive.

Of course, Yang Ming is not interested in knowing these things, as long as he knows that the man with glasses is from the Black Hawk Gang.

1. You stay

"Did you tell me the purpose of my trip to the town of Metela?" This is what Yang Ming wants to know most. If the man with glasses has told the Black Hawks the purpose of his trip, then Yang Ming's action plan this time has to be adjusted.

"Of course, but you know this, it doesn't make sense anymore." The man with glasses said disdainfully, "It's okay to tell it or not. Do you think you can still leave here today?"

"You mean you want to leave me here?" Yang Ming looked solemn, but asked without fear at all.

"Hehe, it's also your previous honesty!" The man with glasses said regretfully, "If you are a member of the police, I may have some concerns before I touch you. After all, a police officer suddenly disappeared, which is not a trivial matter. Songjiang police will not give up. But since you are not, I don't need to worry. The only people who know you are here are Sun San, but you disappeared in the place where there is no shop in front of the village, and he can't guess what's going on. In other words, even if he knew that I did it, it didn't matter. Since I did it directly to you this time, I didn't think about going back. After I killed you, I directly crossed the border and ate the same way over there!"

"Oh? Is that right? I'm not going to let you go back." After hearing this, Yang Ming smiled and said, "However, I don't mean to let you cross the border. Since you also mean it, you can stay here."

"Slell here? What do you mean? Are you confused?" The man with glasses was stunned for a moment, but after being stunned, he looked at Yang Ming with a smile: "Do you think you are a bronze and iron bone? Can you escape from my gun? Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you!" Are you trying to kill me with this gun?" Yang Ming unintentionally pointed to the gun in the man's hand and asked, "What's the matter? What's wrong?" The man with glasses looked at Yang Ming nervously: "Don't play tricks with me, your hands, don't move around, or I will shoot immediately!" All right, then you can shoot." Yang Ming nodded and actually agreed!

The man with glasses was a little confused by Yang Ming's righteous image. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. However, since he can't figure it out, the man with glasses doesn't think about it. It's more appropriate to kill it first. Otherwise, if this person really has any ability, in case of an accident, he won't be able to lose.

Thinking of this, the man with glasses looked fierce and pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand. However, there was no unexpected gunshot, only a slight click!

The man with glasses was in a terrible heart and secretly said that it was not good. Is it a pistol stuck? Why do you recite it like this? Because the man with glasses stayed with Park Da Niu, he rarely used the gun, and the pistol has not been used a few times, so he suddenly saw that the pistol could not be shot. The man with glasses was a little flustered and quickly pulled the trigger again, but unfortunately, there was still no gun sound, and it was still the same sound!

The cold sweat on the head of the man with glasses suddenly came out. Looking at Yang Ming, who was calm in front of him and seemed to have expected such a situation, the man with glasses was even more shocked. Was it the man's hands and feet in front of him?

"What's wrong? There are no bullets in the gun? Yang Ming's harmless teeth, like picking up a baby like a child showing off by adults, stretched out his hand, and a few bullets suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand: "Are you looking for this?"

"Why are the bullets with you? It's impossible!" The man with glasses didn't believe that Yang Ming could silently steal the bullets from his pistol and opened the magazine of the pistol like crazy, but he was disappointed to find that it was empty!

The face of the man with glasses twitched twice, and the pistol fell on the deck like the previous mobile phone, with infinite panic in his eyes: "Have you suspected me for a long time?"

Yang Ming nodded. When Yang Ming was suspicious of the man with glasses before, he took out all the bullets in the pistol of the man with glasses just in case. This matter was not difficult for Yang Ming, who is the king of killers. Under no gap between the man with glasses, it was quiet. The sound is completed.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Ming is rebellious. Otherwise, no matter how big Yang Ming is and pointed at by a pistol, he will have to make a response, and he can't let the man with glasses do it.

"You kept looking at the time before, and then kept asking me how to get ashore, I had some doubts." Yang Ming said, "However, it's just doubtful, so after I took the bullets from your pistol, I didn't take action against you. This is just in case. If you don't have any bad intentions towards me, it will have any impact on you. However, I didn't expect that you were really from the Black Hawk Gang. So... It seems that I'm still too anxious..." Although the man with glasses was pale, he pretended to be calm and said, "So, what do you want to do with me now?"

When he said this, the eyes of the man with glasses looked at the side of the ship. Obviously, he had lost his pistol in his hand. He asked himself that he had no ability to compete with Yang Ming, so he planned to take the opportunity to escape.

How can Yang Ming not see the intention of the man with glasses? Seeing his pretentious appearance, he was extremely funny and curled his lips: "As I've said before, you stay here.

"Good! In that case, I also admit it!" The man with glasses nodded resoly and stood up slowly, with a generous gesture. However, the moment he stood up, he suddenly fell to the side of the ship, and his whole body jumped into the water in an instant!

In the eyes of the man with glasses, in this dark night, as long as he jumps into the water, no matter how strong Yang Ming is, he can't help him at all! Because of the anise, the man confirmed that Yang Ming did not have a pistol or other firearms in his hand except for a few bullets. When he took the pistol from his bag, he had disappeared into the water and disappeared into the darkness. The time had passed and it was too late.

When Yang Ming saw the man with glasses diving, he did not stop him, but showed a trace of disdain. His right hand shook slightly, and a bullet shot quickly at the Tianling cover of the man with glasses. With a muffled hum, the body of the man with glasses fell into the water with a "puff". After a few ups . " You can jump in by yourself, so that I don't have to throw it in for you. Yang Ming casually threw the remaining bullets into the water, and then clapped his hands.

As light and small as a flying needle, Yang Ming can easily drive and shoot people, not to mention this bullet! In this way, Yang Ming saved a flying needle.

And the man with glasses, I'm afraid he can't figure out why Yang Ming had a bullet to kill him with the power of his fingers. If he had known that Yang Ming was the king of killers, he would not have been so careless.

However, it is impossible for a man with glasses to understand this truth in his life. He is confused even if he dies. He has become a veritable confused ghost, and he doesn't know how to die.! D