very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1679-1680

"If they are a thman for Chen Zhiye, they will have this kind of awareness..." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and said carelessly, "Moreover, I guess they just think that they have accidentally lost their bad luck, and they won't think of me."

"Hehe, Yang Ming, I found that your boy is quite bad!" Chen Fei raised the glass in his hand: "Come on, do it. I didn't expect you to play like this. In this way, I don't have anything in the middle, and Chen Zhiye won't think much!"

"Uncle Chen, you still care about what he thinks." Yang Ming sighed: "I don't think today's matter will pass like this, and Chen Zhiye will not stop because of the failure of the two bodyguards. I think they will have the next step.

"I hope Chen Zhiye can stop here, otherwise my relationship with Chen Jiacun will end here." In fact, Chen Fei also knew very well that Yang Ming did not do anything. On the one hand, it was because of the feeling of taking care of them. Otherwise, even if these two people were silenced by Yang Ming, no one would shout injustice for them!

Yang Ming is now a senior agent. It is normal to attack Yang Ming and be killed. Xia Hail will deal with the follow-up situation brought about by this matter for Yang Ming.

In the bathroom at the end of the corridor on the third floor, the bodyguard armor crawled out of a pile of garbage with difficulty, wiped a handful of urine on his face, spit hatefully, and scolded angrily, "The boy surnamed Yang "Grandpa, I *** and you are endless!"

A crisp mobile phone rang. The bodyguard armor took off the underwear on his luxury bag, and then took out the mobile phone. I didn't want to answer it, but when I saw the call number on it, it was actually Chen Zhiye. The bodyguard armor couldn't answer anyone's call without answering his call! Hey, boss!" The bodyguard answered the phone.

"Where are you?" Chen Zhiye asked. After waiting for so long, there was no news. He thought that the two bodyguards had been found by Chen Fei. When they were newly entered, he was shocked. Hearing the sound of the bodyguard armor, he was relieved.

"Boss, the mourners are in a very safe place now.

" The body armor looked around and said carefully.

"How's Yang Ming? Didn't you teach him a lesson?" Chen Zhiye frowned: "Do it faster and don't procrastinate!"

"Boss, there was a little accident just now, but it doesn't matter. We will teach the boy surnamed Yang a lesson as soon as possible." The bodyguard armor is guaranteed.

"Well, then hurry up." Chen Zhiye hung up the phone after giving an order.

The bodyguard A closed the phone, patted the bodyguard B around him, and scolded, "Get up, hurry up!" Huh? Huh? Ah?" Bodyguard B suddenly woke up and looked around at a loss: "What's the matter? What's the matter?" Damn, what's wrong!" Bodyguard A stared at bodyguard B: "As soon as the boy surnamed Yang opened the door, he hit the two of us!" Don't you remember?"

"It's gone! I remember, ***, the little bastard surnamed Yang. He was calling Chen Fei, and we couldn't do it... Now, where is he? Bodyguard B remembered what happened before.

"Where is it? Leave early!" ! When the bodyguard said this, there was an expression of resentment on his face: "This boy *** is drunk. He stood here in the garbage and peed, peeing on you and me!"

"Oh?" Bodyguard B wiped his face, and it was really wet, and his face suddenly turned green: "The boy surnamed Yang, you bully people too much!" Don't scold. Fortunately, no one will come during this period. Otherwise, the two of us will be seen, and it will be lost!" The bodyguard said as a reminder.

The bodyguard B rubbed the back of his head, which was still a little swollen, and stood up: "We need to find a place to change our clothes and take a shower. It's so uncomfortable!" It is estimated that Yang Ming will drink for a while, but he is not in a hurry. You go to get a room and I will go to the car to get two sets of clothes. Bodyguard A said to bodyguard B.

Bodyguard B nodded, and the two of them stood up and walked out of the bathroom. They were wet all over. Although the garbage was not too smelly, it was very uncomfortable on the body.

The bodyguard B bravely came to the front desk and said under the surprised eyes of the receptionist, "Give me a rest room. I drank too much and slipped in the bathroom!"

"Oh...okay, sir, please wait a moment!" The receptionist listened to the bodyguard B's explanation, but she didn't feel surprised. After all, there are all kinds of people who drink too much, and it's not unusual to slip in the bathroom.

The bodyguard Jia quickly left the hotel and ran to the side of the road. When he came, there was no room in the parking lot, and the car was parked on the roadside. Fortunately, it was not a good car, but Chen Zhifu sent someone to a Passat at the airport, and Chen Zhiye took was a rented Rolls-Royce The car was originally a hotel. After arriving at the hotel, I went straight back to the internal parking lot.

Fortunately, there are changed clothes in the luggage, otherwise, where can I go to buy clothes this night?

He took out another set of clothes for himself and the bodyguard B, locked the car, and then quickly ran in the direction of the hotel lobby. At this time, bodyguard B had already opened the room and was waiting at the elevator entrance. The clothes have been picked up. Is the room ready? The bodyguard asked. It's done, ql still, let's go up. Bodyguard B shook the door card in his hand and then said.

The bodyguard nodded, and the two waited for the elevator to get off, and then went into the elevator together.

Of course, this scene was seen in Yang Ming's eyes. Although Yang Ming returned to the room, his power had been locked on the two bodyguards, and their every move was monitored by Yang Ming.

Including their curse on Yang Ming and going to the car next to the street downstairs to get happy clothes, and watching the two of them get into the elevator with their room cards.

If these two people give up, Yang Ming will naturally not do anything to them and make trouble for them. After all, because of Chen Fei's face, Yang Ming also muddle along.

However, judging from the conversation between the two people and Chen Zhiye's phone call just now, these two people have no intention of giving up at all. Since they are so stubborn, Yang Ming will no longer be kind.

After sending a text message to Bao Sanli, Yang Ming put down his mobile phone and changed the cup with Chen Fei again...

However, it didn't take long for a white gold-cup van to park next to the street of Songjiang International Hotel, just behind the Passat of the two bodyguards. Wu Ming, you take someone to destroy the brake system of the thick Passat in front of you. He parked the car and told several people in the car. Okay, Brother Leopard!" Wu Ming answered, got out of the car with three helpers with tools, turned around and got into Passat's deer in the dark.

The text message Yang Ming sent to Bao Sanli was to ask Cha Sanli to bring someone to destroy the brake system of the two bodyguards' cars. This idea came from Wu Ming. Wu Ming's assassination of Sanwu and Hou Shock destroyed their brake system, but it was good to be discovered by Yang Ming early to avoid causing a big disaster.

However, Wu Ming is now a member of the Black Butterfly Killer Group. Yang Ming stayed in Songjiang to help Bao Sanli and Hou Shock to do some secret things.

This destructive brake-car system is Wu Ming's long-term, so after receiving Yang Ming's text message this time, he brought him here directly.

Wu Ming was familiar with this kind of thing, and someone broke his hand, so he quickly ended the battle, got out from under the car, and returned to the golden cup van: "Brother Bao, it's done." Well, let's go." Bao Sanli nodded, replied a short message to Yang Ming, and then quickly drove away from here.

Most people didn't pay attention to this scene, but some security guards on the roadside who were responsible for watching the car noticed it, but when he saw the violence on the cab of the Golden Cup car, he looked a look and quickly turned his back and pretended not to know anything. 1bin qiu

After the bodyguard A and bodyguard B came to the room, they quickly took a hot shower, washed off the smell of garbage and urine on their bodies, and then changed into a new set of clothes before they were relieved. It's so cool! It's much more refreshing this time!" Bodyguard B sighed. Don't say that those are useless. Pack up quickly and explore. Don't let the boy surnamed Yang slip away. It will be troublesome to find him again!" The bodyguard reminded him. That's right. Let's go now!" Bodyguard B nodded. The two quickly packed up the old clothes they had changed before, then went out of the room, entered the elevator, and pressed the button on the third floor.

The elevator stopped on the third floor. The two of them got out of the elevator. The bodyguard said, "Wait for me here. I'll explore and see if the boy surnamed Yang is still there!" Then be careful and don't get caught!" The bodyguard B told him. Don't worry, I'm more measured than you, otherwise, you couldn't have fainted just now. I didn't faint!" The bodyguard said carelessly. The bodyguard B frowned and didn't say anything more, but waited at the door of the elevator.

Yang Ming's power has been locked on the two bodyguards. How could he not know that the two of them were near the door of the private room? Since the two of them want to explore whether they are still in the box, how can Yang Ming not let them do as they wish? Mengyan, you asked the waiter to bring a pot of hot tea in. I'm a little thirsty. Yang Ming took a look at Chen Mengyan and said to her. All right." Naturally, Chen Mengyan didn't know Yang Ming's intention. She came to the door of the box, opened the door, and shouted to the waiter standing not far away, "The waiter, I want a pot of hot tea!" OK, it will be delivered right away." After hearing this, the waiter hurriedly answered. Chen Mengyan immediately closed the door again, returned to her seat, and said to Yang Ming, "It will be delivered in a moment." Yes." Yang Ming deliberately showed it to those two people to see what their next plan was.

"I saw that the girl surnamed Chen was still there and asked for tea. It seems that the boy surnamed Yang must also be there!" The bodyguard didn't stop much. After confirming that there were still people in the box, he quickly walked back to the elevator.

"What should we do now? I'm afraid I can't find a chance for Yang Ming to be alone for a while. Are you still waiting for him to prepare to go to the bathroom? When bodyguard B talked about the bathroom, he still had some palpitations.

"Forget it, let alone say whether he can go to the bathroom alone, even if he goes to that damn place, I won't go!" It seems that not only bodyguard B, but also bodyguard A is very afraid of the previous experience, and he feels uncomfortable as soon as he mentions it. Then let's wait in the car. There, we can see the gate of the hotel directly. After Yang Ming and others come out, we can also see it as soon as possible. The bodyguard has said. Let's go. It's safer in the car, so that you won't be afraid of being found by Chen Fei here! The bodyguard nodded. Now that the two had a plan, they quickly returned to the elevator and went downstairs.

Yang Ming smiled in his heart. As expected, the two people decided to track them in the car. After a while, let them enjoy the speed and ** go...

If you ignore the two, Yang Ming and Chen Fei continue to drink. Chen Fei was depressed. After drinking some more with Yang Ming, he was drunk and lay on the table. Aunt Chen, I think that's all for today. Uncle Chen is drunk. Go back to rest early. Yang Ming looked at Chen Fei lying on the table and said. That's what I think," Chen Fangyu said with a wry smile, "Lao Chen's nature makes you laugh.

Yang Ming shook his head with a smile. Yang Ming doesn't drink much and has been controlling himself, so he is still very sober.

Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan picked up Chen Yu left and right. Chen Fangyu carried the bag, and the four of them went out of the box together. After Yang Ming signed the order at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor, he asked Manager Liu to call Xiao Wang, the security captain.

In a short time, Xiao Wang ran over quickly. When he saw Yang Ming and others, he immediately said, "Brother Yang, I'm going to pick up the car?" Well, I'll wait for you at the door!" Ge Ming nodded..

Soon, Xiao Wang drove the car to the door of the store. Yang Ming helped Chen Fei sit in the back seat. Chen Fangyu and Chen Mengyan sat next to Chen Fei left and right, while Yang Ming sat in the front row. Let's go to this place first. Yang Ming said the address of Chen Mengyan's house and said to Xiao Wang.

"Okay, Brother Yang!" Xiao Wang started the car excitedly. He was also one of the middle-level leaders of Songjiang International Hotel, so he knew Yang Ming's identity and knew that Yang Ming was actually the person behind the hotel. Bao Sanli and Hou Shock were responsible for Yang Ming.

And he was able to drive and serve Yang Ming in person, which made Xiao Wang feel that his face was very bright. I'm afraid that after Bao Sanli knew this matter, it was possible that he could take a step further.

Isn't the position of the head of the security department of the hotel implicated because of the defection of the two vice presidents last time? The position is still empty now. Maybe I can push it up by myself! At that time, I will be the upper leader of the hotel!

When Yang Ming's car drove out of the parking lot, the bodyguard Jia dialed Chen Zhiye's phone on Passat on the roadside. What's the matter?" Chen Zhiye answered the phone: "How's it going over there?" The boy surnamed Yang left the hotel, but he was with Chen Fei and others. We secretly planned to keep up with him, and then wait for Yang Ming to be alone!" The bodyguard said. Then be careful and don't let others find out!" Chen Zhiye told, "Where are you now?" We are in a very safe place and will not be found by the boy surnamed Yang. Don't worry, boss!" The bodyguard said.

After hanging up the phone, the bodyguard A said to the driving bodyguard B, "Drive, keep up with the BMW X5 in front of you!" OK!" Bodyguard B nodded his hair and moved the car: "This license plate number is quite good. It seems that Chen Fei is also a corrupt official, right? I'm afraid this license plate is not cheap!" Both of them thought it was bad. They thought the car was Chen Fei's, but they didn't know that the car was actually Yang Ming's own.

"That's not necessarily true. I just saw that the security captain of the hotel drove for them. I'm afraid that this car was rented from the hotel like the Rolls-Royce made by the previous boss." The bodyguard armor analyzed. Damn, the red light!" Bodyguard B glanced at the signal light in front of him and frowned. I'm afraid of a bird. Anyway, it's not our own car. It's the boss's brother who is responsible for handling the ticket. The bodyguard said carelessly.

Bodyguard B heard that it is also such a thing. Now it is still important to chase Yang Ming. What if Yang Ming is lost? If you look for it again, it will be troublesome! Thinking of this, the bodyguard B kicked the accelerator, and the car suddenly broke into the nars.

After passing the post, the bodyguard B naturally stepped on the brake to slow down, but he was stunned to find that he seemed to have stepped on the cotton! In an instant, the bodyguard B's face changed, but he still stepped on his feet without give up, and the result was still the same, and the brake failed.

"The brakes failed!" Bodyguard B's face turned white in an instant, and the bean-sized beads of sweat fell down! Although they were a group of outlaws and did not come from a formal security company before they were hired by Chen Zhiye, they were also afraid of death!

"Frepare? What's the matter?" The bodyguard A was also shocked after hearing this. When he saw that the bodyguard B kept stepping on the brakes and stepped on the brakes to the end, and the speed of the car was still not reduced at all, he was also scared! Who the fuck knows?!!" Bodyguard B shouted, "Fly, what should I do...

Although bodyguard B is extremely scared, he holds the steering wheel in his hand. If he can't control the direction at this time, he will definitely die!

"Handbrake!" The bodyguard armor was also very anxious, but he didn't know how to drive. He didn't know that it was useless to pull the handbrake of the moving car. Subconsciously, the car just felt stagnant, and then continued to rush forward crazily.

Fortunately, the bodyguard B tried a little and closed the fire of the car at the first time, but the speed was too fast. Under the inertia, he continued to rush forward... H