very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1739-1740

****Yang Ming had a problem**** Yang Ming's days are once again close to plainness. In addition to cheating and fighting landlords with Zhao Ying on the Internet every day, waiting for a few fools to be fooled, they gradually talked about each other more and more topics. Yang Ming intends to listen to Sun Jie's advice and pursue Zhao Ying on the Internet. I have to admit that through the experiment, Yang Ming found that Sun Jie's move is still very effective. On the Internet, Zhao Ying is not shy in reality. Even if she talks about some relatively ** topics, Zhao Ying will consider answering after a long time, instead of retreating directly like in reality. Naturally, Yang Ming did not express any love to Zhao Ying as soon as he came up, but gradually voted for what he liked. Yang Ming was very clear about what topics Zhao Ying liked, so the two seemed to have more common topics. Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia also resumed their study life at two o'clock and one line every day. Yang Ming occasionally goes to school, but when most of Chen Mengyan and others are not at home, Yang Ming will sneak out to have private meetings with Sun Jie, Xiao Qing and Wang Xiaoyan, or chat with Huang Lele and Zhao Ying on the Internet Send a text message to each other with Shen Yuxi. Yang Ming's tense and exciting life in the past suddenly turned into such a dull old life. Just as these girls enjoyed the warmth brought by Yang Ming's days at home, only Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria, who were killers, realized Yang Ming's inappropriateness. Victoria is also in Wang Xiaoyan's villa. Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria are no strangers,

The two have known each other since Africa. Among all the women in Yang Ming, these two know each other best. So after Victoria found Yang Ming's wrong, she found Wang Xiaoyan as soon as possible. Wang Xiaoyan happened to find out that Yang Ming was inappropriate. The two discussed and confirmed it, and he felt that Yang Ming was more and more strange. At that time, Victoria called Wang Xiaoyan. Since they returned to China, they haven't had much contact with each other, but they still left each other's phone numbers. "Hello? Victoria?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at the caller ID suspiciously and answered the phone. She couldn't figure out why Victoria called herself. "Wang Xiaoyan? I'm Victoria." Victoria's voice came from the phone: "Where are you? I have something to talk to you about." For Wang Xiaoyan, Victoria was very casual, and there was not so much politeness in her tone. Although Victoria knows the relationship between Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming, there is no need for her to be respectful to Wang Xiaoyan. She is only responsible for Yang Ming, the owner. "Talk to me? What's the matter?" After listening to Victoria's words, Wang Xiaoyan was a little strange: "Is there anything you want to talk to me about?" "About Mr. Yang." Victoria's speech is still very concise, without too much embellishment. "Yang Ming?" Wang Xiaoyan subconsciously asked. "Yes." Victoria replied lightly, "Only he will I call him Mr. Yang."

'Okay, come to my house and find me." Wang Xiaoyan also knew Victoria's character, so she no longer asked, "It's next to Yang Ming's villa. Ring the doorbell when you come, and I'll open the door for you." "See you in ten minutes." Victoria hung up the phone after saying that. Wang Xiaoyan shook her head. If it hadn't been for her trust in Victoria, she wouldn't have promised so readily, and since it was about Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan would pay more attention to it. Victoria was very punctual. Ten minutes later, the doorbell of Wang Xiaoyan's house rang. Wang Xiaoyan saw Victoria through the monitoring system, opened the door and invited Victoria to come in. "What can I do for you?" Wang Xiaoyan asked Victoria into the living room, sat down and asked. "Have you noticed that Mr. Yang has been strange recently?" Victoria doesn't like to talk in circles and get straight to the point. "Strange·ˇˇ·. Wang Xiaoyan listened to Victoria's words and looked at her in surprise, but then fell into meditation. Previously, Wang Xiaoyan felt that something was wrong with Yang Ming's abnormal behavior in the past few days, but she did not delve into it. Instead, she was so happy to immerse herself in the joy of getting together with Yang Ming every day. However, after Victoria's words today, Wang Xiaoyan thought carefully and felt that there was something really wrong with Yang Ming! Yang Ming was not like this in the past. "What do you mean?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at Victoria and asked. "Mr. Yang these days,

Text me every day, all day·. ˇ·. · It's all trivial, as if it's explaining something. Victoria said, "Mr. Yang in the past would not do these boring things * I don't know if you have found any similar abnormal things here?" "That's what you said·. ˇ·ˇˇ" Wang Xiaoyan frowned slightly: "It's true. Yang Ming will come to accompany me almost every day. The time is basically fixed for about an hour, and then he leaves in a hurry..." "I think Mr. Yang seems to be a twilight old man, walking the last part of his life. Before, such a regular life was like a routine, to deliberately contact everyone around him. Victoria said. "Is there... something going to happen?" Wang Xiaoyan carefully recalled what had happened during this period of time. She spent most of her time with Yang Ming, and she didn't find anything wrong. "With your confirmation, I'm more sure that Mr. Yang should have something to hide from us." Victoria said, "However, as his slave, I have no right to interfere in his affairs, but I also care about him. I hope you can figure it out." "I'll investigate..." Wang Xiaoyan nodded. Now that the matter has been aware of the strangeness, Wang Xiaoyan will naturally figure it out. So, in an afternoon when Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia all went to class, Wang Xiaoyan called Yang Ming to her villa.

"I didn't just meet you yesterday. Why did you call me so impatiently today?" Yang Ming still entered Wang Xiaoyan's villa through the window. Although Chen Mengyan and the others went to school, who knows if they will come back temporarily? Since Chen Mengyan already knew that Wang Xiaoyan lived next door, it was hard to guarantee that she would not cause her suspicion if she went to the door again, so Yang Ming decided to fly away. It's really a pity that I used my own skills to have an affair. If Fang Tian knew it, I don't know how he would feel? However, after Yang Ming said this, he saw that Victoria was also at Wang Xiaoyan's home. He was stunned and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "Why are you here?" "I came here myself." Victoria said, "If I have something to ask you, just discuss it with Wang Xiaoyan." "Is there anything you want to ask me?" Yang Ming was stunned: "Don't we often send text messages? If you have something to do, just ask. Do you still need to find someone to discuss it? "Okay, let me talk about it." Wang Xiaoyan glanced at Victoria, nodded to her, made a little restless gesture, and then turned her head to Yang Ming and said, "Yang Ming, what's wrong with you recently?" "Recently? What's going on recently?" Yang Ming was shocked, but he still asked indifferently. "How do you feel about your recent performance like living in old age? Has life become unusually regular? When you even look for me·. ˇ... It has also become very regular, basically once every two days?"

Wang Xiaoyan stared at Yang Ming's eyes and asked. "Oh? there a rule?" Yang Ming's forehead slightly sweated coldly: "Isn't this good? I have nothing to do recently. I will spend more time with you. What's wrong with you? "It's because there is nothing wrong, and life becomes too comfortable, which is the biggest wrong thing!" Wang Xiaoyan said, "Yang Ming, you are not a person who can be idle. Don't deny it. It can be said that I am the one who knows you best among all your women. Isn't that wrong?" Although Yang Ming was a little reluctant to admit it, he still nodded: "That's it, but I was too tired a while ago. What's wrong with taking a rest?" "Break? Are you taking a break?" Wang Xiaoyan took out a list of phone numbers and put it in front of Yang Ming. Chapter 1740 Upcoming Worries "You·. How do you know my mobile phone password? Yang Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he saw that Wang Xiaoyan took out the details of his mobile phone call records. "Guess, your birthday, I didn't expect the first one to be stunned by me." Wang Xiaoyan shrugged her shoulders: "As a killer, you are a little careless in this regard." "...·. Yang Ming was a little speechless. This mobile phone number was made with Lan Ling at the beginning, and the password was chosen at will. At that time, he was not a killer, so naturally he would not consider so much. As for the later, he had not changed it. Unexpectedly, he was taken advantage of by Wang Xiaoyan. "Look at your mobile phone call record

Every day, after getting up, I start to call. The contact people are fixed, and the text messages are the same, of course, including mine. I really admire you, Yang Ming. With so many people, you can take care of everything. Are you tired? Wang Xiaoyan pointed to several numbers on the call record list and said, "How do I feel that you are not resting at all, nor is you contacting for contact. It seems to be more of an obligation and responsibility?" "...·. Yang Ming didn't expect that his caution still made Wang Xiaoyan notice something. In the face of his own call record list, Yang Ming can't deny anything more. However, after listening to Wang Xiaoyan's doubts and analysis, Yang Ming also understood where his omission was. His performance was too calm and regular, which led to the suspicion of Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria. "Yang Ming, what's going on?" When Wang Xiaoyan saw Yang Ming silent, she couldn't help but feel a thor. This means that Yang Ming acquiesced to what she had said before. In this way, I'm afraid something is really going to happen! The more Wang Xiaoyan thought about it, the more she felt that Yang Ming seemed to have a feeling of explaining the future, which made Wang Xiaoyan's heart nervous. Although, Wang Xiaoyan has always been very confident in Yang Ming! Even the last time he went to the Lancer family alone to save his father, he was full of confidence when he left, but this time, even Yang Ming has become such an attitude. I'm afraid what will happen is by no means a trivial matter. Yang Ming was silent for a moment,

After worrying about the gains and losses, he finally sighed and said, "Well, since you guessed it, I won't hide it anymore. You and Victoria are not outsiders. It's okay for me to tell you, but that's all for what I said today. Don't tell anyone." When Wang Xiaoyan saw that Yang Ming finally recognized him, she couldn't help but feel nervous. "Actually, I also have an official identity." Before Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria spoke, Yang Ming continued to say to himself, "There is a divine department called the Mystery Investigation Bureau, which is similar to an agency, and I am one of them·ˇ·. ˇ" "Mysterious Investigation Bureau?" Wang Xiaoyan repeated the name. She seemed to have heard of it somewhere. She was well-informed as a killer, and it was not strange to have heard of such an institution. "The tasks performed by this organization are very mysterious and dangerous. Generally speaking, it is basically responsible for what cannot be solved under abnormal circumstances." Yang Ming continued: "And I'm going to carry out a task...·. Yang Ming has always been very confident in doing things. Even if he is not fully sure, he still has a good grasp. Therefore, every time Yang Ming goes out, whether he performs tasks or saves people, he is full of confidence. Only this time, Yang Ming is not sure at all! It's not wrong for Yang Ming to have extraordinary powers, and it's not wrong to be the heir of the King of Killers. It's not wrong to say that Yang Ming has an advantage over ordinary people! But the enemy Yang Ming faced this time was not an ordinary person, but the mysterious and evil right elder! This man is not only proficient in magic, but also practiced evil skills. Not to mention Yang Ming, even the authentic people from Miaojiang Miaozhai are not the opponents of this right elder, and Yang Ming is even less sure. Since the right elder has not been cleaned up by the Miao village where Lan Ling is located for so many years, but was forced by him to almost destroy his family, what confidence does Yang Ming have to win? However, whether Yang Ming is sure or not, this time, he has to go! It's the same for the public and private. The right elder is his enemy. Even if he is not facing him now, he will fight with him sooner or later. What's more, a man has something to do. Since he has been a member of the Mystery Investigation Bureau for so long, he should also contribute to the country here. Therefore, after thinking deeply, Yang Ming decided to fight back. However, to be honest, he is not sure whether Yang Ming can return safely this time, so Yang Ming cherishes the current peaceful days even more, tries his best to accompany his loved ones, and enjoys the rare warmth and tranquility. Maybe this time, I can't come back. Of course, I'm a little frustrated to think so, but there are some things that I can't do without preparing early. "Is it dangerous?" Wang Xiaoyan suddenly understood Yang Ming's words and couldn't help asking. "Well·. ˇ·. Yang Ming nodded: "T to be honest, at least I'm not sure at all."

Wang Xiaoyan listened to Yang Ming's words, and the anxiety on her face became more intense: "Can you not go?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have promised him." "Yang Ming·ˇˇ·. Wang Xiaoyan hugged Yang Ming and threw himself into his arms. Tears couldn't help falling. Wang Xiaoyan was a strong person and hadn't cried for a long time, but this time, she finally couldn't help crying. She understood the meaning of Yang Ming's previous words. ˇ·ˇˇ She also knows Yang Ming's strength well. Since Yang Ming is not sure of anything, you can imagine how difficult it is! Although Wang Xiaoyan has long known that as a killer, she lives today without tomorrow, that's relative to ordinary killers! People like Yang Ming, who stand at the top of the pyramid of the killer world, even if the mission fails, they can escape and retreat without being damaged on the spot. 'If you fail this mission, can you escape?' Wang Xiaoyan asked. "Of course!" Yang Ming stroked Wang Xiaoyan's forehead and said, "You think I'm a fool. Do you rush up knowing that you're going to die?" However, there was another sentence behind Yang Ming that he didn't say, but muttered in his heart: I'm afraid that if he wants to run away, he can't run away... "That's good·. ˇ·ˇˇ" Wang Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you must be careful." "I will. There is only one life, and I will naturally cherish it. Yang Ming comforted with a smile.

"Do you need my help?" Wang Xiaoyan subconsciously asked, but after asking, there was a wry smile in his heart. Yang Ming himself was not sure. Didn't he make trouble if he went there? "No need·. ˇ·. Yang Ming shook his head: "Be open-minded. In fact, it's nothing. The danger you and I have encountered has not been once or twice. In the end, haven't they all been saved?" "Well..." Wang Xiaoyan nodded obediently. Victoria still sat aside with her eyebrows locked. What Yang Ming said later, Victoria automatically filtered down, and she also climbed out of the dangerous pile. She knew that in some cases, you can't run away if you want to run... Most of the time, once you step out, you can't turn back... Just like yourself If you fight in the life-and-death ring and get into the ring, can you still run away? What Yang Ming said later can only comfort Wang Xiaoyan. Out of blind trust in love, there is no doubt. Otherwise, with Wang Xiaoyan's agility, it is not difficult to figure this out. However, Victoria didn't say anything, because there are some things that need to be explained too clearly. What should happen is still going to happen, and she can't stop it. Yang Ming made a gesture to Victoria, and then went upstairs with Wang Xiaoyan in his arms. And Victoria just glanced at Yang Ming and didn't make any response. Instead, she was thinking about something... D