very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1755-1756『』

Kaike looked at the decoration of the Songjiang International Hotel and the quality of the waiters in front of him, and said that this was not as unbearable as Chen Zhiye said. Although it is not as good as a first-class five-star hotel, there are always three stars.

Obviously, the overall building of this international hotel is slightly outdated. It is the architectural style four or five years ago, and it can no longer keep up with the development trend of the hotel industry a few days ago. The decoration here has obviously undergone a second decoration, and the style is similar to those luxury hotels that have been popular a few days ago. However, because of the limitation of the number of floors and the building pattern of the main building, the The style of the building cannot be completely changed.

"In a secondary city like Songjiang, it's not bad to have such a hotel." In the elevator, Keknon said to Chen Zhiye beside him.

"The Yun Hotel was not that boy before, but a business friend of mine. When I came back this time, I don't know why. My friend went to prison, and the hotel became the boy's bag." Chen Zhiye was a little annoyed when he said this: "That boy is a gangster. I guess he used some despicable means."

"Heroes don't ask about their origins," Keck smiled" "Here, you can have such a family

The store is also very great.

"However, compared with the boss, "it's far worse." Chen Zhiye said quickly.

In fact, Keck also means the same. He used such a hotel to highlight his dignity, but it was not easy to say it by himself, so he hinted at Chen Zhiye to say,. I didn't expect Chen Zhiye to be really smart.

"This is not comparable. Rong is the power of the whole family, and he is the power of one person

Dong." Keck said proudly.

"Boss, when do you think we will start to study the investment of drifting stores?" Chen Zhiye was a little impatient about this. He wanted to give Yang Ming a blow first. As long as the news is released, I believe Yang Ming will be worried: "This hotel is a very long stage. Shouldn't we hurry up?"

"NNN!" Keck laughed and waved his hand: "The latest modular construction technology, no

With cement and a steel frame, a 15-storey building can be built in just two days!

"Ah? Is it true or not? Chen Zhiye asked with some unbelief in surprise. Kaiyan's words had exceeded the scope of his image power. How could it be possible to build a tall building in two days?

"Practice, you are only proficient in the foreign trade industry. When it comes to the hotel industry and the construction industry, our family is an expert!" Keke said proudly: "We have adopted this modular building in many hotels in many countries and regions, and this technology was invented by your engineers. It is more earthquake-resistant than traditional concrete buildings, and the indoor air is 100 times cleaner than that of outdoor buildings. Strong walls and windows are completely insulated to ensure indoor constant temperature. ..."

Keck's words shocked Chen Zhiye, and at the same time, he was extremely excited! If a large hotel can be built in a few days, then Yang Ming's death is really not far away!

"Boss, is what you said is true? That's great! Now we have to do what we need to do next

?" Chen Zhiye asked excitedly.

"Now, contact the local government first and ask for a piece of land." Keck said

is understated, but Chen Zhiye doesn't feel that Keke is talking big at all!

If ordinary people want a piece of land to build a hotel, it is naturally not very simple. The complicated procedures and complex relationships will give people a headache, but Keck is different. Keck's identity is a foreign businessman, and it is the world! One of the top families in the hotel industry, investing in a hotel here is also the glory of the city!

Which leader doesn't want his territory to be more prosperous? Keck's family generally invests in first-tier cities with economic prosperity. This time, they can invest in Songjiang. It can also be said to give Songjiang's affirmation, which will naturally be welcomed by the local people.

A few days ago, there is no more than three-star hotel in Songjiang. Keck can invest in a five-star hotel

Hotels can also enhance the image of the city. That's why Keck is so confident.

"This matter, let's put it on the online, and I'm responsible for the lead!" Chen Zhiye patted his chest


"m;#039; Well, you do things, I'm relieved," Keck nodded and said.

Yang Mingyun has transferred 90% of the shares of Mingyang Entertainment and 40% of the shares of Mingyang Security to Jing Xiaolu through lawyers. 10% of the shares of Mingyang Entertainment and 60% of the shares of Mingyang Security have been transferred to Bao Sanli and Hou Shock, which is not in vain for the two of them to play with themselves.

Bao Sanli and Hou Shock, who got the equity transfer letter, were a little puzzled. They said that they didn't want it, but Yang Ming still insisted on giving it to them.

"Brother Yang, what do you mean? Is there something wrong between the two of us?

Poor, don't you want to use us? Bao Sanli took the equity book, and his face turned a little green.

"Yes, Brother Yang, my eldest marquis has been second to do it since the moment I followed you. If Yi tells a lie, I will die of thunder!" Hou Shock was also anxious to start gambling.

"You two, don't get excited first! M;#039;" Yang Ming was very moved by the shocked apricot affection of Zong Sanli and Hou, but he smiled and said, "Actually, you deserve this share. "I also thank you two for doing your best around me for so long!"

"Brother Tochigo..."m;#039; Don't you really want us?" Three-on-one listening

Yang Ming's words were a grievance in his heart, like a resentful woman's face.

"It's not that I don't want you..."m;#039; but..." Yang Ming pondered for a moment. He didn't want to tell them about his own affairs. However, since they asked, Yang Ming had no choice but to say nothing, otherwise the two of them would probably pester themselves and never stop.

"Brother, is there any other reason?" Hou Shock asked hesitantly, gun

The brain is smarter than the violent Sanli. From Yang Ming's words, I heard something unusual.

"Marquis, leopard, since you ask, I won't hide it anymore." Yang Ming sighed and said, "Or, from the beginning, you two feel that my identity is not just superficial...

After listening to Yang Ming's words, he nodded: "Brother Yang. Rong has always felt that you are a cruel person!"

Biao Sanli was originally attached to Yang Ming because Yang Ming's identity was "Mr. y

"Actually, I'm a national agent," Yang Ming estimated that he could only use such words to describe his profession. Even if he was not a serious agent, he was inseparable.

"Agent? Brother Yang, isn't it? Are you an agent?" Violous Sanli and Hou were shocked and surprised at the same time

can't close the mouth.

Once shocked, he was originally a special forces soldier, so he can be said to admire the dangerous profession of agents. At the beginning, agents were also selected in the army, but they were all excellent special forces who could be selected as agents to perform some extremely dangerous and special tasks.

If it hadn't been for the disciplinary mistake, he might have become an agent, so

· When Hou shocked to hear this familiar word, he was so shocked that he was speechless.

Yang Ming nodded: "Dahou, you may know more about this profession. You are a special forces soldier. You should be able to see the authenticity of the army's certificate. This is my temporary duty in the army." You can have a look."

As Yang Yu said, he took out his certificate in the army and handed it to Hou Shock. "The agent's certificate is confidential. I can't take out the curtain. Don't mind."

Hou shocked trembled and took Yang Ming's certificate with both hands, nodded and said, "I understand, "The discipline is everything, Brother Yang, we won't embarrass you."

Originally, Bao Sanli was still a little curious to see what the agent's certificate looked like. After sang Hou's shocking words, he also worried about what he wanted to say. He didn't want Yang Ming to be embarrassed.

As soon as Shock was born as a soldier, he took the certificate and looked carefully. He immediately saw the authenticity of the certificate. He nodded and handed it to Bao Sanli: "Brother Yang, it turns out that you are an agent! At first, I felt a little wronged to do these things with you. Later, although I got used to it, it was also because you saved my mother. I am an upright person, and I vowed to follow you all my life. But today I learned that I am doing my career with the kind of person I admire most, so I have no regrets! "

"Don't say it's really so sensational!" Yang Ming smiled and said, "Since I am, you are all here

Solved, the following is what I want to say, I guess Dahou can also guess..."

1756. There is nothing wrong

"Brother Yang, are you going to perform a dangerous task?" Hou looked shocked and immediately

What did you think of? He looked up and asked.

Yang Ming clicked a little bit: "That's right."

"Is this task dangerous?" After listening to Hou's shocking words, Bao Sanli quickly asked, although he was a rude person. But at this time, I also understood why Yang Ming said the previous words. Yes..

"Is it not dangerous for agents to carry out the task of inheritance?" Hou Shock explained to the violent Sanli: "Special

The nature of the death squad is basically the same, and every task may be killed!"

"This task is indeed extremely dangerous. So far, I haven't been sure at all." Yang Ming nodded with a wry smile and said, "What this task is facing is completely unknown, so it's hard to say whether I can come back or not. At present, it seems that it is not optimistic."

"Brother Yang, since it's so dangerous, what are you going to do? Let others go!" Violability

said subconsciously.

"Leopard, how can you say that? As a soldier, it is natural to stand up when the country needs you most. What is the danger? Do you still ask others to go? Hou was shocked to hear. After Bao Sanli's words, he looked at him with some contempt and immediately corrected him and said, "Why are you so selfish?"

"What is selfishness? Bao Sanli immediately was not happy: "Don't mention anything to the sacrifice of the little me to achieve the big me. I'm a small citizen, and I don't want Brother Yang to have anything to do. What's the matter? Dahou, you are smarter than Rong. You are better at business than me, but in everything, that's what I think!" The address of the first \ departure station in parentheses"

"All right, all right!" Yang Ming waved his hand with tears and laughter: "Don't quarrel between you two! Dahou and leopard, it's not wrong for you to stand from your own point of view. Dahou started from Da Li; Yi, and the leopard is also for my own good. I understand these, but "It's a silent decision whether to go or not. You two, who can make the decision?"

As soon as Yang Ming's words came out, Bao Sanli and Hou Shock lowered their heads, like two children who did something wrong. Yes, both of them are Yang Ming's men. How dare they interfere with Yang Ming's decision?

"Brother, we are wrong!" Bao Sanli and Hou shocked said carefully at the same time.

"I've said it all,

None of you are hunting," Yang Ming said with a smile, "This time, I'll go, so I have to settle down at home before I leave!"

"But this stock..."m;#039;" Bao Sanli still can't turn the spring bend.

"If I can't come back, what's the use of this stock?" Yang Ming said, "Why don't you do this? These shares should be deposited with you first. If I come back, you can return the shares to me. If I can't come back, I can only give you the shares.

"Brother Yang, where are Mengyan's sister-in-law? You should leave the shares to them!" The three friends are a little strange why Yang Ming only took the shares of the company, including Da Xan and Jing Xiaolu, without giving them to others.

"They, I left them something else, which is enough." Yang Ming said, "This company was founded by you and Dahou. As for Xiaolu's share... 'You don't have any ideas, do you?'

"Of course not!" Bao Sanli quickly waved his hand: "Brother Yang, I was about to say, "Why don't you give Xiaolu all the shares of me and Dahou? We really can't...

"Do you mean the marquis?" Yang Ming took a look at Bao Sanli and asked with a smile.

"This..." The violence suddenly became embarrassed.

"Brother Toki, that's what I mean." Hou was shocked and said quickly.

"Well, I don't care what you two mean, but the current equity distribution is the meaning of Rong!" Yang Ming suddenly smiled and said solemnly, "Can you two understand? This is the farmer's decision!"

"This...yes!" Bao Sanli just wanted to say something more, but when he saw Yang Ming. Seriously play something

Love, I don't dare to say more, quickly call it "

And Hou was shocked, which was much more capable, with some of the style of the army. After listening to Yang Ming's testimony, he immediately called it.

"m;#039; The matter, the two of you will know the guide, but don't say it." Yang Ming glanced at the two of them and told them.

"Don't worry. Brother Yang, we won't talk nonsense." Bao Sanli and Hou shocked quickly agreed

It's down.

Toki Ming nodded. He still trusted Bao Sanli and Hou Shock very much. These two people would not make any trouble for themselves.

Hearing that Yang Ming insisted on holding shares for himself, Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenzhi no longer insisted. Anyway, Yang Ming also said that if he came back, even if the shares were deposited with them, it would be good to give them back to Yang Ming at that time.

If... means that if Yang Ming really can't come back, then Bao Sanli and Hou Zhen will also leave the shares to Yang Ming's family. The two of them looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

It's enough for Yang Ming to give them. Based on their current status in Songjiang, it's easy to create a career. It's not difficult.

"Brother Yang, can you tell me about the situation of some dangerous tasks you have performed?" He hesitated for a moment, but still asked that Yang Ming's career was once his dream. Although he couldn't do it, it was also very enjoyable to listen to Yang Ming's deeds.

Yang Ming was stunned for a dangerous task? When it comes to tasks, it seems that I really haven't done anything, except for the time of the right elder...

Seeing that Yang Ming didn't say anything, Hou Shock thought that Yang Ming wanted to keep it secret and couldn't do it casually, so he smiled apologetically: "Yang Qi "I'm sorry, I forgot to have confidentiality and discipline, just ÷ just think I didn't ask!"

"It's nothing!" Yang Ming shook his head: "Since you want to hear it, I'll be with you

Say it, just don't spread it out!

Yang Ming planned to talk about Chen Afu's Hongzhi and Bao Sanli and Hou Shock.

"Brother Yang, don't you know what I don't say, we will never

Yes, I won't say it." The violent Sanli patted his chest in a row to guarantee.

"Don't be with Jing; Yang Ming stared at others angrily m;#039;


"That... and what Xiao Lu said are all irrelevant and serious things, I know

." The violent three times were a little embarrassed.

"Just kidding with you, our brothers haven't been together for a long time, leopard, you call the kitchen

, ask them to bring some wine and vegetables to the room. Let's have a good drink!" Yang Ming said.

"Good!" After listening, he picked up the phone and called the kitchen. Several people in the international hotel

It's in the box, so it's very convenient to ask for something to eat.

The meal was soon served, and Bao Sanli called in person. Why didn't the lobby manager hurry to handle it? Manager Liu knew that the three giants Yang Ming, Bao Sanli and Hou Shock gathered here at the same time today and personally delivered the food to the dagger

As he was walking to the door, he saw Xiao Zhang, the security captain, running over breathlessly.

"Captain Zhang, what are you going to do?" Manager Liu was also very polite to Xiao Zhang. He is now the middle-level manager of the hotel. Although there is no direct relationship, Manager Liu is still easier to speak. However, Manager Liu knows that Xiao Zhang and Yang Ming's driver Wang Lin had a good relationship before, so he was also polite to him.

"I have something to do. I want Brother Yang!" Xiao Zhang said, "Mr. Liu, Brother Yang is in the room

, right?

"I'm here, but he is talking to Mr. Hou. You see, isn't your matter..." Manager Liu said with some embarrassment. C