very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1877-1878

"Big boss, big, it's not good!" Mike rushed in and shouted.

"Why are you in a hurry? What's wrong with you?," the broken-headed wolf frowned: "Even if you take people back, you won't ask for credit like you!"

In the view of the brokenheaded wolf, Mike must have caught someone and come back to ask for credit from him! In his opinion, Mike is his confidant, and he must want to promote another position in the gang, but there must be a reason for lifting the well. Mike must be on the grounds of arresting people, and then let himself take the opportunity to promote him.

However, the broken-headed wolf feels that taking someone to a hotel to catch a foreigner is not a big deal at all. This matter is too simple. Anyone can be sent to complete it. What can be done?

So the wolf stared at Mike: ". I know what you are thinking! You are my confidant. If there is a chance, I will definitely promote you, but you don't have to be in such a hurry. It's just a person, and it's not a big credit. "I promoted you." Others will definitely have opinions!" No, boss..." Mike was so confused by the words of the wolf that he didn't know what to say, so he shook his head quickly.

"Okay, what is it? Have you caught it? Shut it up and watch it. I'm going to call the boss to recover my life!" The wolf waved his hand and interrupted Mike's words.

"No, boss!" Mike is a little anxious.

"I told you to stop talking, why do you still say it? I'll call the boss first. If you have any ideas, you can talk about it when I'm done!" The brokenheaded wolf stopped impatiently.

"Big boss, listen to me! I really have something important to report! It's a big deal!" Mike didn't care much. He rushed over and grabbed the phone that had just been picked up by the brokenheaded wolf and put it back in place.

"I said, what's wrong with you boy? It's not over yet. What's the matter?" The broken-headed wolf suddenly looked anxious: "Even if you are my confidant, you can't be without rules, no big or small, right?

Give me some rules. If you are not honest, you don't have to do anything next time!" Mike complained in his heart. Even if you asked me to go next time, I wouldn't go. It was terrible. It was so scary that I almost died! It's not enough to have this time. Who dares to go again?

"Big boss, I really dare not go next time! It's so horrible!" Mike said in a hurry.

"Eh? What do you mean? What the hell is going on?" Only then did the broken-headed wolf hear that something seemed to be wrong. He frowned and put down the phone in his hand: "Mike, isn't it? Did you fail this time? "

"It's more than a failure. It's simply a failure!" Mike smiled bitterly and said, "Big boss. I took ten of my men, but I was the only living person who came back, and the rest were corpses!"

"What! You mean, everyone else is dead? How is this possible?" The broken-headed wolf was shocked and looked at Mike in disbelief

"Elder, do you think I'm a casual nonsense person? Those corpses are placed in the car downstairs, and they are all packed in woven silk bags..." Mike said with some fear, ". Boss, you don't know that Yang Ming has a subordinate, who is simply super powerful. His body moved like that. Our ten brothers were be benecked by him, and my pistol was also dropped without my notice!" Are you telling the truth? "The broken-headed wolf didn't expect such a simple task" to fail. It seems that Yang Ming's men are not simple?!

"How can you joke about this kind of thing!" Mike nodded and said.

"Damn it! This time I underestimated the enemy!" The broken-headed wolf frowned: "No wonder the boss told me that I must do it well. It seems that this person is not simple!" Yes..." " Mike quickly agreed. This time he led the team and the whole army was destroyed. Although the other party's people were too powerful, it was impossible for him to have no responsibility at all, so he also wanted to minimize his responsibilities.

"Eh?" The wolf suddenly thought of another thing. His face changed and he said to Mike, "Are they all dead? Why did you come back from a good life? Are you not hurt at all?"

"Big boss, I was put back as a microphone and a corpse porter!" Mike was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of the wolf. He was doubting himself, so he quickly explained with a wry smile, "They don't care about killing me at all. They just want me to send a message to let the owner of the Nancheng family to see him within 24 hours, otherwise the consequences will be at their own risk!" The brokenheaded wolf frowned. As soon as Mike explained, he believed it. After all, it was just a sudden suspicion before. After all, Mike was his confidant, and he had no reason to doubt Mike's infidelity.

What's more, this foreigner named Yang Ming was ordered by the temporary boss to arrest him. It was impossible to have an intersection with Mike before, and it was impossible for the two to have any connection.

"Well, it's quite arrogant!" The wolf is very disdainful of Yang Ming's tone. Even if his men are very good at fighting, so what? I lost ten of my men this time, which doesn't mean anything. It only shows that I underestimated the enemy.

"Yes, boss, you don't know how embarrassing I am today. I kneel on the ground and kowtow to him. He still disdains to it!" Mike also angrily echoed, "Elder, you must show him some color!,.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter. Leave it to me to deal with!" The wolf snorted and said, "Go and settle down your dead brother. The funeral expenses in the family will be more regrettable. Leave these things to your son!" Yes! Boss, I'm going to deal with it!" When Mike heard that he didn't need to continue to care about Yang Ming's affairs, he was immediately overjoyed! And let him be responsible for the settling of the family of the dead brother, which is a good job to buy people's hearts and accumulate reputation!

Anyway, it's all the money spent in the gang, but what everyone sees is his own good, and Mike naturally responds happily.

After Mike went out, the wolf dialed the phone number of his boss Govisick with a depressed face.

"How about the wolf? Is everything all done?" Govisik picked up the phone call from the wolf and asked.

"Boss, something went wrong!" The wolf said cautiously.

"Is there a problem? What's the problem?" Govisik was stunned and asked.

"Boss, this time I sent eleven brothers to arrest people, but only one person came back alive, and those ten were all damaged there!" The brokenheaded wolf said, "That Yang Ming has a very powerful subordinate, almost a second kill..."

"What!" When Gövisik heard the report of the brokenheaded wolf, he suddenly stood up from the office chair and exclaimed, "How can it be? Is this guy so awesome?" Boss, I underestimated the enemy before, but I didn't expect that the other party had a hard hand." The wolf admitted his mistake first: "However, even so, Yang Ming is arrogant enough. He asked my subordinate who came back alive to tell you to inform the owner of the Nancheng family. Go to see him within 24 hours. "Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!" Humph!" Gevisik snorted coldly when he heard the words of the brokenheaded wolf. It was not the first time he heard this sentence. He also heard it from Smith and Butterton. He didn't expect that the brokenheaded wolf also brought this sentence and sneered in his heart. Isn't Yang Ming too big? How can you be so sure?

Isn't it just relying on a subordinate who can fight? What if I can play again? You can't beat the gun!

"Boss.... You see..." The wolf didn't know what Govisick was thinking. He only heard him snort coldly, and he was a little nervous and hurriedly asked.

"Well, you ask someone to send him a village war letter, and ask Yang Ming to take his hand to the headquarters of the broken head gang!" Govisik thought for a moment and said, ". Since his men are so good at it, if we send someone to the hotel to find him, we will suffer a little! After all, the Douglas Hotel is someone else's territory, and we can't go to too many people. We also need to take into account Du's impact, and we can't get a few elevators at a time. If the last batch of ** drops a batch, it's not worth the loss!" After dinner in 1887, he went to "That's a good idea. Let that boy go to our gang headquarters to die!" It's a good idea to avoid unnecessary casualties when he hears this. Moreover, when he comes to the headquarters, even if his people can fight again, it's useless. The headquarters is his own territory. He can do whatever he wants. He can only suffer to death!

"You don't need me to teach you the next thing, do you? Get him to the headquarters, and don't tell him any rules." Just rush up and tie him up!" Govisik said.

"Boss, I understand!" The broken-headed wolf replied. However, he thought about it and thought of a key question: "Big boss, what if Yang Ming doesn't come? He is not stupid. Let him come to the headquarters. No matter how powerful his subordinates are, he is not our opponent!" Think... You are right on the worried side, but it's not necessary!" Govisik laughed.

"Why is it unnecessary?" The broken-headed wolf was stunned.

"Think about it, since Yang Ming is so conceited and let the owner come to see him 24 hours a day, otherwise the consequences will be conceited, which means that he is a very arrogant and confident person. In this case, he can't escape!" Govicik said, "And you can tell him like this, just say, the owner, please don't move, if you want to see the owner," you can come to the headquarters of the Duantou Gang! In this way, "I guess a person as arrogant as him must have gone to the headquarters of the Broken Head Gang!" That's right! Why didn't I think of it!" The broken-headed wolf said happily, "Boss, you are so good at using this exciting method!"

"This time" Don't make any mistakes, deal with it carefully" Call me when it's done! Although Gavisick knew that this incident was actually not to blame the wolf, but the opponent was too strong, but he was still a little dissatisfied. If he did not underestimate the enemy, he could not do this. After all, it was ten men, and it was also a lot of strength.

"Don't worry, boss" There won't be any problems this time!" The broken-headed wolf promised.

Gevisick didn't say anything. He directly cut off the phone. The wolf wiped the sweat on his forehead, then thought about it and dialed Mike's phone again. Originally. The brokenheaded wolf is not going to let Mike take care of this matter.

According to his original idea, he asked Slytter, one of the four golden states of the gang, to take action in person. This is his personal bodyguard. There is no problem with a pair of eleven points. Let him take the other three golden states, and he should be able to deal with it.

But Gvisick's phone call made him change his mind. It's safer to let Yang Ming come to his gang headquarters, so that Yang Ming can only be restrained.

But this messenger, the wolf thought about it over and over again and decided to let Mike act, this little,

Zi has previous experience and has been there once, and Yang Ming can let this boy go last time, and this time he can also let him go, so as to save others from going.

"Mike, where are you?" The Broken Head Wolf called Mike again.

"Big boss, I'm discussing the issue of pension compensation with the families of the dead brothers!" Mike said, "Well, I'll leave this matter to someone else first. I'm looking for you. Come to my office first!" The wolf said.

"Ah... All right..." Mike just wanted to ask what was going on, but the wolf hung up the phone. Mike could only come to the wolf's office with trepidation.

" Boss, are you looking for me?" Mike asked carefully.

"Well" is like this!" The broken-headed wolf has written the war letter and is printing it out with the printer: "You go to the Douglas Hotel again. Go to Yang Ming and give him this war book!"

"Ah? Are you still going?" Mike immediately turned into a bitter gourd face. He thought he didn't have to go before, but he was so happy that he didn't expect that the wolf would change his mind in a blink of an eye.

"There is nothing for you to do this time, and it's not for you to arrest people. Just give this letter to Yang Ming!" The wolf said.

"This... All right..." Although Mike didn't want to go, since the wolf had told him, he had no choice but to go.

"After you go, tell Yang Ming that this is the war letter we gave him. If he has the courage, he will come to our headquarters. As for the matter that he asked us to invite the owner, just say that we can't move. If he wants to find the owner, "Let's talk about it when he comes to the gang headquarters!" The wolf said.

"I know!" Mike nodded and took over the war letter given to him by the brokenheaded wolf. He walked out of the wolf's office dejectedly.

The bodies in the car have been moved out. As for the after-shi of these people, Mike also handed them over to his deputy and his confidants to deal with it. Anyway, this kind of good thing can't be handed over to others. Even if it is allowed out, it must be good for his own people.

Driving back to the Douglas Hotel, parked the car and got out of the car. Mike looked carefully at the hotel before entering the hotel, only to find that Butterton was still standing in the lobby of the hotel. He was a little embarrassed, but he had no choice but to go in.

"Mr. Mike? Why are you back again? Butterton greeted him strangely: "This time, why are you alone?"

Although he laughed at Mike in his heart, Batton still pretended to be very concerned on the surface.

"Oh, don't mention it. I'm here to send the war letter. I'm here for our boss!" Mike said helplessly, "I didn't want to come, but the boss asked me to come, and I couldn't help but come!" Forget it, let's not talk about it. I'll send out the war book quickly. "Then I'll dodge quickly. I dare not stay here longer."

"Go, go, be careful!" Butterton said.

Mike came to Room 1 on the top floor of the hotel and hesitated for a long time before knocking on the door.

In fact, Yang Ming had already sensed that someone was coming from the movement in the corridor. When he saw that it was Mike, he didn't do anything. He just wanted to see what the boy went back and did he do when he came back.

When Mike lingered for a long time and finally knocked on the door, Yang Ming asked, "Who?"

"Mr. Yang, it's me, Mike!" Mike said carefully, "Would you please open the door?"

"What, you brought someone to catch me again?" Yang Ming deliberately asked back and got up to open the door.

"No, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to bother you. How dare I!" Mike quickly explained, "Mr. Yang, I'm here to send the war book!"

"Send the war letter?" Yang Ming was stunned and opened the door with some doubt.

"Yes, that's it!" Mike quickly handed over the war letter in his hand to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming snorted coldly and took over the so-called "1 Battle Book" in Mike's hand and opened it to read.

Is it the method of excitation? Yang Ming looked at the wording of the war book and felt a little disdainful. Did he let himself go to the headquarters of the Broken Head Gang? They have a good calculation. Do you want to throw yourself into the net?

However, if you don't have strength, it's called throwing yourself into the net. If you have strength, it's called smashing the field!

This time, it's good. I don't have to bother to investigate where the headquarters of the Broken Head Gang is, and write down the address directly.

Seeing that Yang Ming didn't say anything, Mike was a little scared: "Mr. Yang, I have sent the war letter. Can I go?"

"Go?" Yang Ming asked a rhetorical question.

"Mr. Yang, I'm just here to send the war letter." It doesn't mean anything else!" Mike's voice is about to cry: "The two armies are at war, don't kill me!"

"Oh" Yang Ming looked at Mike's appearance and couldn't help but be amused: "Are the two armies still fighting? Are these two armies? Come on, I didn't say I was going to embarrass you. Tell that wolf that I'll go. Let him wait for me.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, when are you going?" Mike nodded quickly.

"Let's go after I finish my meal. 1 Yang Ming said it faintly" waved his hand and closed the door.

"Wow!" Mike breathed a sigh of relief and hurried downstairs before Yang Ming changed his mind.

Yang Ming threw the war letter in his hand aside and dialed the phone in the Taurus room.

"Leader, what do you want!" Taurus also noticed that someone was passing by in the corridor and kept staring at Mike at the door, but Yang Ming didn't tell him, and he wouldn't take action on his own initiative.

"Golden Bull, gather all the people and horses, and follow me to destroy the headquarters of the Broken Head Gang in a moment!" Yang Ming said. To be continued" If you want to know what will happen, please log in to Vika uunum, there are more chapters, support Zha, support genuine reading!)
