very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1832 I won't let you go

Bang" Xiao Wang didn't give him much time. He closed the door directly. The sound insulation effect of the car was still very good. He cursed outside the car, and he couldn't hear it inside...

"Are you not leaving? If you don't leave, let's find a place to practice, come on," Xiao Wang grabbed Fan Jinzhe's neck, picked him up, and then threw him on the road teeth: "Don't you like knocking on the car? Come on, let me knock on you!"

"Can you try to touch me? Do you know who I am? If you dare to touch me today, I promise to make you regret it!" Fan Jinzhe is still a little timid. "This guy has a big waist. If he fights, he will definitely not be his opponent!

So Fan Jinzhe threatened Xiao Wang with some fierceness.

"I don't know, but you knocked on my car" and scolded my boss. "That's a beating!" Xiao Wang said, "Do you want to fight back" between us, or hold your head and let me beat you up?"

" dare!" Of course, Fan Jinzhe doesn't want to do any of them. Which of these two choices he chooses? He is at a loss. Since he suffers, what's the choice?

"What dare you do? Since you don't choose, I'll take it as your acquiescence..." Xiao Wang said, swung his fist and began to beat Fan Jinzhe...

"Yang Ming, is he a little overdone?" The tutor is still in front..." Zhao Ying looked at Xiao Wang beating Fan Jinzhe and was a little worried: "Besides, the fight is not good after all?" "You are just too kind. If you don't hit him, he will put his nose and face, just like the original It looks like it." Yang Ming said, "Villain still needs to be grinded by villains. Don't you think King Kong will harass you after that? How honest? I'm not afraid of being beaten..." Zhao Ying is a little speechless. As Yang Ming's former teacher, she actually disapproved of Yang Ming's use of violence to solve things, but in some cases, she has to admit that violence is effective!

If you just reason, it may not be useful at all. As Yang Ming said, like King Kong at the beginning, he rejected him many times, but he still pestered himself, and his painstaking persuasion is not as useful as Yang Ming's punches and kicks.

"'s not good after all?" Zhao Ying still couldn't convince herself to condone Yang Ming's use of violence.

"Then don't look at it and close your eyes." As Yang Ming said, he reached out and covered Zhao Ying's eyes. Zhao Ying wanted to hide, but she accidentally touched Zhao Ying's lips. Zhao Ying exclaimed and blushed. "I didn't dare to look up at Yang Ming again...

Why are you timid again? Zhao Ying felt a little sad for herself in her heart. What about the heroic words she said just now?

Before, Zhao Ying was in a hurry, as if she had changed someone else. She said such bold and decisive words, but the time had just passed each other, but she was a little timid. She was even shy to be touched by Yang Ming's lips... Can she still make that bold decision at night?

Zhao Ying is Zhao Ying after all. Although she is impulsive, her essence has not changed." Just after being touched by Yang Ming's lips, she began to think of these things.

Hey, can't you be resolute again? Think about the scene just now, if it were Wang Xiaoyan or Sun Jie, I'm afraid they would take the opportunity to kiss Yang Ming's fingers twice." Then maybe the two of them would naturally kiss each other. What am I thinking? Zhao Ying was a little shy and felt that she had begun to think about such a shy thing, but these "isn't it what she thought in her heart?"

Just when Zhao Ying was worried about gains and losses, the door of the car opened again, "Xiao Wang returned to the car", and Fan Jinzhe was beaten black and fell to the roadside." She stared at Xiao Wang's sister Audi fiercely, and his eyes were full of resentment...

"Yang Ming, I won't let you go! You wait for me, and I'll make you die!" After Fan Jinzhe finished scolding, regardless of whether Yang Ming heard it or not, he got up from the ground and walked quickly to his Accord car.

In fact, although Yang Ming can't hear what he said, he can also know what he means by distinguishing the mouth shape. "It's just that Yang Ming laughed and put it away. In this world, there are many people shouting to let themselves die, and now I still live well." And most of those who shout are dead.

After Fan Jinzhe returned to his car, he was not idle, but directly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Brother Bomb? I'm Fan Jinzhe," Fan Jinzhe said.

"Xiao Fan, what's the matter?" The bomb brother on the other side of the phone asked. This person's surname is Niu, and his name is Niu Bomb. He is the boss of a car repair shop, but he is not doing serious business. He has a group of horses under his men who rely on cheating and bullying the market to make money every day.

Of course, if the other party spends a lot of money, he doesn't mind making a guest appearance in the revenge company again to let his horse fight. In short, the bull bomb is a half-underworld figure.

The last time, Fan Jinzhe found a cow bomb to block Yang Ming, but it was not blocked, but Fan Jinzhe was very bold. He not only paid the cow bomb's money, but also invited the cow bomb to have a meal.

So the cow bomb had a good impression of Fan Jinzhe. He always felt a little uneasy about taking other people's money and not helping them. He thought about how he could repay him.

"Brother Bomb, I have something to trouble you this time!" Fan Jinzhe said.

"Oh? Xiao Fan, if you have anything to do, just open it.! There is no relationship between you and me. As long as I can do it, there will be no problem!" Niu Dan patted his chest and answered.

"Brother Bomb" Thank you in advance. Don't worry, your reward is absolutely indispensable!" Fan Jinzhe said.

"The remuneration and so on are secondary. I mainly handed over to you, my brother, and I want to help you!" Bull Bomb was overjoyed after listening to Fan Jinzhe's words! Is there any gratuity this time? Originally, the cow bomb admitted that it was just a simple help this time!

"Then I said, the thing is like this, that is, the person I asked you to block it for me last time!" Fan Jinzhe explained, "He appears now. After a while, we are going to the East China Sea. When we go out of the city, we will pass by your car repair shop. At that time, you can help me intercept a car!" "No problem, I am best at this kind of thing. I promise to let him stop!" The cow bomb smiled and asked, "What car? What's the license plate number?

The cow bomb often throws a pile of nails near the highway out of the city. After the car has a flat tire, he goes to his car repair shop to repair the tire, so that he can make a profit from it. Therefore, as long as he wants to stop the car, none of them will run away!