very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1836 Yang Ming's Egrace

"It's true, but why is there no one to govern? This is also an improper operation, and they should be banned!" Zhao Ying nodded and said indignantly.

"The ban is simple, but the key is that there is no evidence." Yang Ming shook his head: "Who can stare here 24 hours a day to see if their people come to throw nails? Most people are in a hurry, and no one is staring at them.

"Then let them go unpunished and cheat others?" Although Zhao Ying also agreed with Yang Ming's reason, she was still a little indignant.

"Then I'll smash their repair shop in a moment." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Although it's just a repair factory, there may be a lot of such black-hearted repair factories, but it can be solved one by one!" "That's better not. It's better to leave this kind of thing to the industrial and commercial department to ..." Zhao Ying didn't want Yang Ming to cause trouble: "When I was in school, I didn't tell you that it's good to be brave, but you can't force yourself. In this case, you can get the evidence and report it, instead of doing it yourself..." "Oh..." Yang Ming smiled and took Zhao Ying's hand: "Yes Mr. Zhao!"

"What are you doing... Yang Ming, how did you hold the teacher's hand?" Zhao Ying blushed and was called a teacher by Yang Ming. She was still very embarrassed.

"Have you never heard of a game called role-playing?" Yang Ming smiled evilly, "Actually, I like your teacher's body very much..." "Yang, stop it..." Zhao Ying's heart was tight, and she was a little embarrassed by Yang Ming said, although she had made up her mind to He stepped over the hurdle in his heart and wanted to be with Yang Ming, but Yang Ming reintroduced the previous identities of the two people, which still made Zhao Ying a little at a loss...

Originally, I was a little disappointed. Yang Ming didn't regard me as his classmate after all. In his heart, I was still his teacher... But Yang Ming's next sentence made Zhao Ying extremely embarrassed!

Role-playing? Do you like the identity of a teacher?

Zhao Ying has grown up so much that she will not be as pure as white paper. Although she has not seen it in person, she has also seen it on the Internet. In some adult movies, there is a role of "female teacher", which seems to be very popular...

Yang Ming likes himself, and Zhao Ying is naturally happy, but if she plays some role-playing, Zhao Ying will be a little embarrassed...

"Hey hey, I'm just saying it casually." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Sister Ying, in fact, I told you that the boys in school liked you more than Mengyan! You are the dream lover of all of us!" "Yes... Don't talk nonsense..." Although Zhao Ying said so, she was very happy in her heart. Chen Mengyan has always been a mental illness of Zhao Ying. She always feels that she is not as good as Chen Mengyan, and she can't do it in Yang Mingxin like Chen Mengyan. The irreplaceable position in his eyes, but when he heard Yang Ming say that he was the dream lover of the school boy at that time, he couldn't help asking, "What about you?" "Me too!" Yang Ming admitted unabashedly: "And" My first time was dedicated to Sister Ying! "Ga?!" Zhao Ying got...", ... What is the first time for himself and Yang Ming? The two of them have never had any excessive physical contact, let alone the first time! Didn't he mean the first time?

Is it the first kiss? It's not right. Kissing him by himself was a complete accident. Falling on the rock climbing of the temple fair is actually not a kiss at all!

Moreover, even if it's a kiss, it should be the first time for him to kiss Chen Mengyan... By the way, I heard that there is also a Xiaoluo named Lan Ling?

So the first time... What's the first time?

Just when Zhao Ying was a little confused, Yang Ming puzzled her: "Sometimes, when I can't sleep at night, I fantasize about your figure, and then masturbate..." Anyway, there is no one else in the car, only Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, so Yang Ming doesn't mind telling his embarrassment.

"One tube?" Zhao Ying was stunned, and then her face turned clight and wanted to drip water. Why didn't she understand what Yang Ming's so-called "one tube" meant?

Even if there was a brief doubt at the beginning, Zhao Ying still knew the meaning of such an obvious word: "Yang Ming, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"Hey hey..." Yang Ming smiled drily twice: "My first fantasy object is you, Sister Ying!" "..." Zhao Ying has a feeling of crying and laughing. Do you dare that she has become this guy's intention ** object before? Thinking of Yang Ming hiding in his room on a dark and windy night, doing that kind of thing there with a bad smile"... Zhao Ying had a chill...

Destroy the image, destroy the image! However, although Zhao Ying felt that Yang Ming was a little shameless, there was not much resistance in her heart, but she was a little overjoyed...

Zhao Ying really wants to ask, do you want to turn fantasy into reality tonight? But Zhao Ying couldn't ask. The previous boldness was just forced out in a hurry, but now, Zhao Ying has recovered her previous reserved personality and can't ask such bold words at all.

"Okay, don't talk about these things in the future!" Zhao Ying looked at Yang Ming helplessly: "Let Mengyan hear it, she should be more careful..."

"Oh..." Yang Ming smiled. Before, although Yang Ming and Zhao Ying said something and had a showdown with each other, maybe because they hadn't seen each other for too long. Before each other, there was always an indescribable feeling of diaphragment, which could not be seen and touched, but they really felt a little wrong. Strong! !

Because of the topic of the two people, it has never been easy, either talking about the business, or in silence and cold.

Yang Ming dumpling exhausted his brain and finally made such a half-meat and half-veulative scandal exposed. The relationship between the two also became much closer in an instant. The ambiguous feeling of a long time ago also came back unconsciously.

The two were talking when a trailer came not far away. Yang Ming and Zhao Ying also stopped talking and got out of the car.

At this time, a young man in a skeleton vest ran down from the trailer. At first glance, he didn't look like a good person. He belonged to the gangsters in society. However, Yang Ming did not despise these people very much, because he used to be similar to them, but Yang Ming did not do the business of the fish and meat of the

This is the essential difference between Yang Ming and those people, so Yang Ming got a gift from God when he acted bravely for justice, a pair of perspective glasses, and this skeleton vest will not.