very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1848 Go out and turn around

"But that's fine. No matter who Yang Ming lives with, as long as Chen Mengyan comes to catch the traitor "whether Sun Jie or Zhao Ying" can create a big trouble for Yang Ming and let him have no intention to pay attention to other things.

Fan Jinzhe took out his mobile phone and took pictures of Yang Ming's car for a long time. In order to make Chen Mengyan believe, he must leave evidence, otherwise Chen Mengyan would not believe it. What if she didn't come to catch adultery with him?

After Fan Jinzhe finished all this, he quietly drove away in the car. "He will wait until the night, when night falls, and then bring Chen Mengyan." Let Yang Ming die without a burial!

"Yang Ming, this is how you offended me! You're dead!" Fan Jinzhe's gloomy laughter sounded and drove away.

Yang Ming sat in the lobby downstairs of the villa and watched the TV program boredly. The TV here is a satellite channel and there are many movie stations, but Yang Ming is not very interested in these. After watching it for a while, he thought it was boring, so he casually switched to the local channel.

"Liu Jiangyan, chairman of Jiangyan Group, was hospitalized for a heart attack today. He is being rescued and has not yet out of the danger period. The stock of Jiangyan Group has fallen to the limit at the close of the market." A piece of news attracted Yang Ming's attention. Jiangyan Group, because of Jing Xiaolu's security Liu Huamei dealt with each other, but the matter was later resolved. Sun Jie's strong appearance made the reputation of the famous escort company resound again, and the advance compensation was also accepted by the citizens.

So that time, in addition to losing a large amount of money, it did not bring any practical loss. As for the person who stole the money, Yang Ming also found his body.

It's just that the money hasn't been recovered. I believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is Liu Zhenan and Liu Jifei. Yang Ming has been too busy for a while and has no time to deal with them for the time being. It seems that it's time to end the matter before I leave!

Otherwise, these two guys still think they are easy to bully, and they will feel at ease after taking a large amount of money?

However, Mr. Liu Jiangyan had a heart attack. If it is cured, there will be no problem. If it can't be cured, then the Liu family and Jiang Yan Group will be in a mess.

While watching the news, footsteps came from the stairs. As soon as Yang Ming looked up, he saw Sun Jie, Xiao Qing, Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia coming downstairs. Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia's little faces were blushing. Obviously, they were told some shy things by Sun Jie and Xiao Qing. Yang Ming didn't have to think about what it was "Have you finished talking? What did you talk about?"

As soon as Yang Ming asked, "Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia's faces turned even more red." They looked at each other and saw each other's shame from each other's good faces. Although what Sun Jie said before, although it would happen to happen to every girl's wedding night, it was really bad for Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia, who That's it!

Although Zhao Ying is ready, and with Sun Jie's words before, she has opened her heart to integrate into this big family led by Sun Jie. "She doesn't care if Chen Mengyan will accept her with so many sisters and herself. What are she afraid of?

Even if Chen Mengyan doesn't accept it in the end, it doesn't matter that she is not lonely. She still has so many bosom sisters to solve her problems!

So "Zhao Ying had no scruples before, and now she is waiting for a suitable opportunity at night." She really became Yang Ming's bride. Before he left, he had one more responsibility and one more concern in his heart before going to carry out the task, so that he could also protect himself more. There is also a woman who loves him waiting for him to return safely!

"It's nothing to welcome Zhao Ying, who has newly joined the big family, and then popularize science knowledge for her." Sun Jie smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, ask?"

Naturally, Yang Ming will not expose Sun Jie. Yang Ming also pretended not to know what they talked about before. "It's enough for Yang Ming to know these things in his heart, and there is no need to say them, so Yang Ming pretends not to believe it: "Really, Sister Ying?"

"Well..." Zhao Ying nodded shyly. Although she didn't want to admit it. After all, this matter is really shameful, if she doesn't admit it, Yang Ming will definitely ask them what they said, which may expose the sister interest unity plan that Sun Jie said before. At that time, let Yang Do you know that you won't go out to sell Sun Jie?

Therefore, Zhao Ying had no choice but to nod and recognize it.

"Haha, that's it!" Yang Ming saw that Zhao Ying was not good at lying, but he did not expose it. He just nodded: "Then what did she say?"

"Okay, Yang Ming, what did I say? Don't you know at night?" Sun Jie interrupted Yang Ming's question. She was afraid that Zhao Ying, the little girl, was too honest and revealed everything she had said before, so she took over the conversation first: "We have voted unanimously to let Yingying stay in the same room with you at night." Jiajia also agreed!"

"Um," Zhou Jiajia also nodded. Although she has not slept with Yang Ming in a **, she has confirmed a relationship with Yang Ming, so Zhou Jiajia is not in a hurry. Sooner or later, she will be Yang Ming's person, and she also lives in Yang Ming's villa. What's the worry about?

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let's give it to Zhao Ying. "After all, Zhao Ying does not live under the same roof as Yang Ming, and it is usually difficult to meet. If you miss this spring outing opportunity, "I don't know when the two will meet again and confirm their love relationship as soon as possible." Zhao Heart.

So when everyone was thinking about Zhao Ying, Zhao Ying was moved and wanted to cry! This is the kind of big family she wants. Everyone cares about each other and loves each other. She doesn't have to worry about being tricked all day long. "being jealous... How good would it be if Mengyan could put aside her own face and timidity and integrate into it?

At this moment, Zhao Ying also knows the news that Yang Ming is developing entertainment business on Youdao, and also knows that Yang Ming's final goal is to live in seclusion on Youdao, so it is very important for everyone to get along well.

"Yang Ming, you can accompany Zhao Ying out for a walk. She also needs to go to the graduate school to register. Anyway, the school activities should also show up properly, otherwise, it will be said by others." Xiao Qing said to Yang Ming, "We will prepare some food in the villa. Just come back to eat in the evening!"

"Shall we go out for a walk?" Yang Ming also wants to walk around this beautiful resort with Zhao Ying.