very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1938 substitution

Chapter 938 Replace people on the field

Feng Jiu can be the host of this competition through Fan Jinzhe's relationship with the student union! Fan Jinzhe donated a lot of money to the student union, so that the friend of the student union could get the position of host for Feng Jiu.

Naturally, the audience present did not know that Feng Jiuneng was Fan Jinzhe's person. They thought that he was really the host invited by the student union. So after Feng Jiuneng finished speaking, they applauded. They were very looking forward to Yang Ming, and naturally they were also very enthusiastic about the host.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Feng Jiuneng. You can call me Brother Neng. I am the host of this martial arts challenge!" Feng Jiuneng said, "Now, our players are in place, and the game is about to begin. Please welcome our players with warm applause..."

"Wow--!" There was a warm applause from the audience, and they were all looking forward to Yang Ming's appearance.

"First of all, Fan Jinzhe's representative team player, Fan Sibiao, is also a student of the graduate department of the university. This time he is on behalf of Fan Jinzhe!" Feng Jiuneng changed the name of Feng Sibiao to Fan Sibiao, which also made others not suspect his identity, and also installed a title of graduate student for him, so that others would not feel that Fan Jinzhe had found people in society, and there were violations!

are all graduate students, just from other schools, representing Fan Jinzhe, so this is also a cover-up.

However, even so, the students below are a little unhappy. Isn't it Fan Jinzhe's challenge? Why did another Fan Sibiao come out? Do you still ask for foreign aid? This is too tricky, isn't it? Don't play like this!

"Where's the cheating dad? Isn't it Fan Jinzhe? Why did you become Fan Sibiao?

"That's right. Did Fan Jinzhe send out the challenge letter and found that Yang Ming was so powerful that he didn't dare to fight, so he went to ask for a foreign aid?"

"Isn't this compliant? Obviously, it's Fan Jinzhe's challenge, why do you still bring a stand-in?

"Where is Fan Jinzhe's shrinking turtle? Come out quickly! Let him fight by himself..."

"Everyone, please be quiet first and don't be impatient. Please listen to my explanation!" Feng Jiuneng had expected this situation for a long time, because after all, it was not Fan Jinzhe who appeared in person, but let Feng Sibiao appear on his behalf, so he had to explain: "When Fan Jinzhe sent a battle letter on the Internet before, he just said that he wanted to challenge Yang Ming, but he didn't say whether he Challenge, if you don't believe that everyone has a mobile phone that can access the Internet, you can see what the book of war looks like!"

After Feng Jiuneng finished speaking, the students below were a little unhappy. Why did the host still talk to Fan Jinzhe? What's going on? Don't you know that everyone likes Yang Ming?

However, there are also good students who log in to the school's forum through the wireless signal of the gymnasium with their mobile phones and found the post sent by Fan Jinzhe. Sure enough, Fan Jinzhe's post is very clear that it is to challenge Yang Ming, not to say who specifically challenges Yang Ming!

This is completely a word game. Everyone is very contemptuous of Fan Jinzhe's careful behavior. If you can't beat it yourself, you just find someone to replace him. He also said that you want to challenge Yang Ming and pick a fart. He is a complete coward!

"Fan Jinzhe, coward!"

"Fan Jinzhe, villain!"

"Fan Jinzhe, come out and die!"

The students are very excited. Most of them are Yang Ming's supporters. I hope to see Yang Ming's powerful Fan Jinzhe rolling all over the ground! They are not optimistic about Fan Jinzhe, but now there is another inexplicable "Fan Sibiao", and the students are a little worried!

Since this person was invited by Fan Jinzhe, he must have some strength, otherwise Fan Jinzhe would not have invited him! Why do you always invite someone to fight? Don't you invite the best one? Although everyone is very confident in Yang Ming, Fan Jinzhe is prepared!

Seeing his battle letter on the campus forum, he seemed to be full of confidence, and everyone was even more worried that Yang Ming would lose!

Yang Ming is awesome, but he is also an amateur. Although he defeated the president and vice president of the campus taekwondo club, in fact, everyone knows how powerful can a school's taekwondo club be? It's far from the regular players. Yang Ming won them, which doesn't mean that he can be comparable to professional players!

And although the host Feng Jiuneng said that Fan Sibiao is also a graduate student of some university, who can prove this? From the appearance, Fan Sibiao doesn't look like a student at all!

He is tough in size and has an old face. He is simply in his thirties. What kind of student is he?

But although everyone doubts, there is no evidence, so they can only be angry below and abuse Fan Jinzhe.

"Presumably everyone is here to watch the game, instead of arguing about these meaningless rules here, right?" Feng Jiuneng frowned. He didn't expect that the students off the stage would be so excited. He hurriedly interrupted them: "If you don't want to see it, you can leave. Our organizer has allowed this practice. Do you have any different opinions?"

"You despicable!"

"This host and Fan Jinzhe are so stupid. It's a group of people. Go down, go down! Get out of here!"

"All right, stop arguing. Since the game hasn't started yet, the decision is in Yang Ming's hands. If he agrees, why are we in a hurry?" At this time, some of the trusts that Feng Jiu could find began to work!

They stood up and began to talk to Fan Jinzhe: "That's right, let Yang Ming decide. If Yang Ming doesn't dare to compare, then he won't compare!"

"Yes, even if he is replaced, if Yang Ming is so powerful, he will continue to play. If he is afraid, he can quit!"

"Yes, if you are afraid of being timid, you can't compare. What's the big deal?"

These people began to sneerically squeeze Yang Ming, but I have to say that what they said is a fact, that is, the game has not yet begun, and the decision is in Yang Ming's hands. Yang Ming is not comparable. That's Yang Ming's business. What does it have to do with the rest of you?

But I have to say that this person is very bad! If Yang Ming withdraws from such a squeeze, the responsibility will not be Fan Jinzhe's replacement, but Yang Ming's fear, timidity, and dare not compare!

What they said is easy, no comparison, what's the big deal? But for Yang Ming, retreating in the battle also found an excuse for Fan Jinzhe to attack, that is, Yang Ming bullied the soft and afraid of fleeing the battle!

When he challenged himself, Yang Ming readily agreed. Now that he has been replaced, he dare not. He is simply a bastard! RO