very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1955 Chen Mengyan's Ghost Idea

Chapter 195 Chen Mengyan's Ghost Idea

"What? Why are the names of the two of us so clear? Su Ya suddenly found this. The names of many people on the stone tablet were not very clear, and some of them were even engraved with other people's names.

However, the names of Yang Ming and Su Ya, like the names of Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun below, are so clear, which naturally makes Su Ya a little curious.

"Ha ha, it must have been a little heavier for us when Mengyan came." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Meng Yan is a good girl!" Su Ya nodded sincerely after hearing this: "Yang Ming, you should cherish her!"

"I will, I will cherish every girl in my body!" Yang Ming nodded and clenched his fist: "I won't let you down. Believe me, I can definitely come back and take you around the world!"

"I believe in this day, and it's not far away!" Su Ya nodded..

Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun had lunch in the canteen. There was nothing to do. Chen Mengyan's heart was a little itchy again. She wanted to see what Su Ya and Yang Ming were doing, but she was a little embarrassed to say. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Sister Lin, do you miss Yang

"Ah...I..." Lin Zhiyun was stunned. She didn't expect Chen Mengyan to ask this question suddenly, and she was shocked: "I... I'm a little thinking..."

"What about you, Jiajia?" Chen Mengyan turned her head and asked Zhou Jiajia again.

"I... I'm fine..." Zhou Jiajia blushed and said.

"How about we go home to see Yang Ming?" Chen Mengyan suggested.

"Now? Go back?" Lin Zhiyun was stunned.

"Yes, now." Chen Mengyan nodded.

"That's not good. Su Ya is also there. If she and Yang Ming are doing something, it's not easy for us to participate, right?" Zhou Jiajia doesn't want to go very much. After all, she is afraid of disturbing Su Ya.

"It's okay. Shall we go back quietly? I think you must be curious, right? Chen Mengyan suggested.

"This..." Zhou Jiajia was suddenly a little moved. She thought of her video for Su Ya. If she didn't go to see Su Ya, it was really a little unbalanced. Thinking of this, Zhou Jiajia asked Lin Zhiyun, "Sister Lin, what do you think?"

"I... I listen to you..." Lin Zhiyun blushed and said awkwardly. She was not very good at this kind of thing. It's not good to peek at Yang Ming and Su Ya, but Lin Zhiyun didn't have any idea. Since Chen Mengyan and Zhou Jiajia agreed, she naturally couldn't say anything. Yes, he just nodded to show his echo.

"Well, since we all agree, let's go?" Chen Mengyan is a little eager to try.

Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia left the canteen together and came to the parking lot of the school. Chen Mengyan drove her Audi 5 and quietly returned to the Chinese business community and parked at the door of her villa.

In order to keep it a secret, Chen Mengyan didn't let Yang Ming find out that she didn't even dare to park the car in the garage. She just parked the car next to the villa, on the side of the road of the community.

"Let's go, our adventure begins..." Chen Mengyan felt like an explorer, taking two team members to the adventure, but she could not be found by the enemy. This feeling was very exciting.

Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia also followed Chen Mengyan carefully. The three of them crept to the outside of the villa. Chen Mengyan just wanted to open the door with the key, but she felt inappropriate! Thinking about Su Ya watching TV in the living room, in case Yang Ming comes back, they will linger in the living room. If they enter through the front door, won't they break it?

This is nothing to me. At most, it will be a little embarrassing, but for Yang Ming and Su Ya, in case they are scared, it will be a little bad if they leave any psychological shadow for their first time.

Thinking of this, Chen Mengyan waved her hand and said, "Let's go in through the back door?"

"The back door, that's okay!" Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun also felt that it was not appropriate to enter through the front door. It would be embarrassing to bump into them. It's better not to be discovered by Yang Ming and Su Ya.

The three of them crept to the back of the villa. This is the back door of the villa, which is generally rarely used. The door here is connected to the kitchen on the first floor, which is also a fire passage, which is usually closed all year round.

However, Chen Mengyan, as one of the hostesses of the villa, also has a key. She took out the key and carefully opened the back door of the villa.

There was a lot of dust on the door. When it was opened, it fell one after another and almost got Chen Mengyan's clothes. Chen Mengyan hurriedly flashed, but accidentally stepped on Sister Lin's feet...

"Oh..." Lin Zhiyun was about to subconsciously exclaim, Zhou Jiajia's eyes were quick, and she covered Lin Zhiyun's mouth to avoid her screaming!

"It's so dangerous!" Chen Mengyan patted her chest and said to Lin Zhiyun with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I stepped on you..."

"It's okay, but it's me. It's almost bad." Lin Zhiyun shook her head: "Sister Mengyan, what else are you saying to me? Even if you trample me to death, I won't say anything..."

"Puff..." Chen Mengyan listened to Lin Zhiyun's words and couldn't help laughing and trampled to death? Sister Lin is also cute enough, but how could she trample her to death?

"Okay, okay, let's go in quickly. It's really dangerous here. In case the community security guard treats us as thieves and shouts out, it will be exposed!" Zhou Jiajia looked nervously at the battery patrol car of the community security guard who was driving not far away, and said urgently.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Chen Mengyan was also in a hurry. She pulled Lin Zhiyun into the pargoda of the villa. Then when Zhou Jiajia also came in and hurriedly closed the pargoda door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them stood on the kitchen pargodin and did not go to the room immediately. Instead, they stood here and listened carefully to the movement in the room.

However, the three of them listened for a long time, but they didn't hear anything.

"What? Aren't they in the living room? Chen Mengyan said strangely.

"I don't know. I didn't hear anything either." Zhou Jiajia also shook her head strangely, and then asked Lin Zhiyun, "Sister Lin, where are you?"

"I didn't hear... Will they be in the bedroom upstairs?" Lin Zhiyun guessed.

"That should be the case. Fortunately, these two people are not ridiculous in the living room, but it is also convenient for us to eavesdrop!" Chen Mengyan smiled and said, "Let's go upstairs?"

Chen Mengyan found that as Yang Ming's day to go to Yunnan approached, her mentality had also changed. For Yang Ming and the women around him, there was no previous hostility. She just wanted to unite and wait for Yang Ming's return. RO