very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1969 Too Unlucky

Chapter 199 Too Unlucky

Fan Jinzhe's hand didn't work well on the spot. His hand holding the mouse was tremble and he could hardly move.

"Damn it, why are you so fierce?" Fan Jinzh wanted to cry without tears. He didn't expect that things would be so big that it was completely out of his control. Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe hurriedly canceled his plan to sneak out now!

After calming down for a long time, Fan Jinzhe continued to read the posts on the forum, but in the second article, it was his "wanted order" of Fan Jinzhe!

Because Fan Jinzhe did not appear after the competition, after watching the game in the stadium, the angry students began to find Fan Jinzhe to fulfill his promise and run naked on the campus!

But I couldn't find anyone for a long time, so the wanted notice was issued!

Fortunately, Fan Jinzhe lives in a separate room in the graduate school building. He knows that few people live here. Usually, the students in the graduate school building belong to different departments and have little communication. However, no one can find this luxury apartment in the graduate dormitory building for a while!

However, if you can't find it now, it doesn't mean that you can't find it in the future. You know, the students' human flesh search ability is very powerful. Fan Jinzhe feels that he is no longer safe in the dormitory. What's more, he can't go out all the time, right?

However, he dares not go out now, because it is also dangerous outside. Everyone is waiting for him to perform naked! If you go out now, I'm afraid you will be caught by the students who are waiting to see him.

So, Fan Jinzhe thinks it's better to wait. When the limelight is over, he will leave at night! In a short time, it is impossible for students to find a graduate dormitory building!

It's just that Fan Jinzhe underestimated the perseverance of these students. Unexpectedly, many students simply didn't sleep at night. They spontaneously formed a patrol to arrest Fan Jinzhe in the school and walked around the school!

Fan Jinzhe was lucky after reading the follow-up report on the Internet. Fortunately, he didn't go out! Otherwise, if you sneak out alone in the middle of the night, I'm afraid you will be caught as a suspicious target all of a sudden! These people are really patient and come out to catch themselves at night!

Fan Jinzhe scolded a few words, simply turned off the computer and went to bed, ready to leave the next day.

Anyway, no one can find a graduate student's luxury apartment now, and he is not very worried.

After a night, Fan Jinzhe turned on his computer and checked the latest news on the Internet. As a result, he didn't know if he didn't read it. He was shocked!

On the human flesh search post about him, someone has revealed that Fan Jinzhe lives in a graduate student's luxury apartment building! Although it's just a reply, and it hasn't attracted the attention of others yet, Fan Jinzhe knows very well that if it goes on like this, he will be caught sooner or later!

So, Fan Jinzhe didn't dare to wait any longer. He was ready to put on makeup and get out of school when there were many people during the day.

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe did not delay. He directly took out some props that he didn't use much before, such as sunglasses, caps, and so on. These things were originally bought for fun, but he didn't expect to be used at this time!

Fan Jinzhe disguised himself as a spy leader and slipped out of the graduate luxury apartment building.

Fortunately, although there are many spontaneously organized civilian patrols searching for Fan Jinzhe, after all, Fan Jinzhe is not a public figure. He has not made many public appearances before. There are not many people who know him!

Before, no one thought that he could win. In fact, he really didn't win, so there was only a photo of Fan Jinzhe on the leaflet about his comparison with Yang Ming. Now these people who search for Fan Jinzhe only rely on each person's leaflet to find Fan Jinzhe!

So, Fan Jinzhe, wearing sunglasses and a cap, easily avoided the search of these people and successfully walked to the school gate!

Fan Jinzhe is secretly happy. You idiots, I've put on makeup. What should I do? Go and find it. I'm exhausted. I've already left!

Seeing that the parking lot at the school gate is getting closer and closer, Fan Jinzhe has this beauty in his heart! When he got into the car, no one could catch him!

Three hundred meters...two hundred hundred meters! Fan Jinzhe saw his Honda Accord car. He subconsciously accelerated his pace and ran to his car quickly...

Chen Mengyan came to the school with Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun. She was about to park the car in the parking lot at the school gate. She had just found a parking space and was ready to listen to the car in. Unexpectedly, a man came out of the left side and pounced on a black car next to the parking space that Chen Mengyan was

Chen Mengyan was shocked. She had seen this person before, but according to the speed of this person, it is impossible to meet Chen Mengyan. Who would have thought that this person suddenly accelerated and ran this way...

Chen Mengyan subconsciously stepped on the brake, but it was too late, because she was too close to the person in front of her, so she still " banged" against the person and gave him a big heel!

Fan Jinzhe fell out with a "ouch" sound. Not only did his legs hurt by the roof of Chen Mengyan's car, but also his buttocks hurt!

Fan Jinzhe is so angry. How do you drive here? Didn't you see anyone? If it were normal, he would have to jump up and beat the driver, but now, he is afraid of revealing his identity. He dares not argue with the car owner, so he can only admit that he is unlucky!

Fan Jinzhe got up from the ground depressedly, without saying much, and limped to his car.

However, he thought he was unlucky, but some people didn't think so!

Chen Fei is an upright person. Chen Mengyan has been very upright since she was a child under the influence of her father. If she bumps into someone, she will naturally not ignore it or shirk her responsibility!

When Chen Mengyan saw that she had hit someone, she was shocked at first, but after reacting, she hurriedly got out of the car and ran to the person who was hit: "How are you? Is there anything wrong? Don't move. Can I call an ambulance for you?

"Gag?" Fan Jinzh was stunned. He didn't expect that he still knew the person who hit him. It was Yang Ming's girlfriend Chen Mengyan! Fan Jinzhe couldn't help shouting bad luck. His grandmother's legs are so bad. It's not good to meet anyone, but he met Chen Mengyan. Don't let her come out!

For those students who searched for him with leaflets, Fan Jinzhe was not very afraid. After all, they only had one photo. Once they were disguised, they would not recognize him. Isn't that right now? Wearing sunglasses and a cap, I successfully deceived those patrols! RO