very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2100 Do you know him?

After Chen Fei got the portrait, he did not make any stop, but drove directly to Yang Ming's villa.

It was the first time for Chen Fei to visit Yang Ming's villa. Although he knew the address, he had never been here. On the one hand, it was unnecessary. On the other hand, Chen Fei was afraid that he would be embarrassed to see Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun. After all, his daughter lived with them.

But now, I'm afraid it will be even more embarrassing. Chen Fei has learned about the situation in the villa by talking to his daughter on the phone in the past few days. To investigate those photos, Chen Mengyan had to tell her father the truth about the situation in the villa.

Fortunately, Chen Fei knew that Yang Ming was extraordinary. In addition to being shocked, he didn't say much.

After all, his daughter doesn't say anything, so what else can he say? And Yang Ming is not at home at this moment and is on a dangerous mission, so Chen Fei is even more difficult to say anything.

After parking the car, Chen Fei rang the doorbell of the villa.

The person who opened the door is a girl that Chen Fei doesn't know.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Through the iron gate outside the villa, Jing Xiaoqi looked at Chen Fei strangely and asked.

"My name is Chen Fei, and I'm Chen Mengyan's father." Chen Fei nodded politely to her and introduced himself.

Needless to say, this person must be one of Yang Ming's women, and Chen Fei doesn't have to confirm her identity.

At this time, Zhao Ying also came out with her. As she walked, she said, "Liu Xiaowei, who is here?"

Both of them heard the doorbell at the same time, but Jing Xiaoqi was a step faster than Zhao Ying.

"Tru...Teacher..." Chen Fei looked at Zhao Ying who came out, and his face suddenly looked a little strange. Zhao Ying naturally knew that she was Meng Yan's former teacher, but now she is one of Yang Ming's women. Although she is no longer a teacher, but Yang Ming's college classmate, Chen Fei is still I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Alco... Yes... Uncle Chen..." Zhao Ying was also a little embarrassed to see Chen Fei. The two met at the parent-teacher meeting. At that time, they also discussed Chen Mengyan's math scores together, but now... Zhao Ying had to call Chen Fei Uncle Chen.

"Then I'll call you Zhao Ying..." Chen Fei smiled bitterly and had to accept the title of Uncle Chen. There was nothing he could do. This is a person who is compatible with his daughter and sisters. What else can he do without being an uncle?

"You can find Mengyan, I'll call her!" Although Zhao Ying called Chen Fei and Uncle Chen, she was still a little embarrassed. She quickly turned around and ran back to the villa to find Chen Mengyan.

And Jing Xiaoqi also helped Chen Fei open the door of the villa and said, "Uncle Chen, please come in!"

Chen Fei and Jing Xiaoyou walked into the living room together, and Chen Mengyan also came down from the upstairs, together with Chen Mengyan, Zhou Jiajia, Xiao Qing, Wang Xiaoyan and others.

"Good, Uncle Chen!" In addition to Chen Mengyan, all the women greeted Chen Fei one after another, but they were also generous.

This is also the result of everyone's agreement. If you always avoid it, it's not good to admit the relationship with each other generously.

"Hear you!" Chen Fei nodded with a smile and said, "Before, I have investigated what Mengyan asked me, and I have also had the results."

"Dad, have you found the owner of that phone card?" Chen Mengyan was stunned and asked with some surprise.

"Um, I found it!" Suo Fei nodded and said, "I have found the seller of the phone card. According to her impression, she drew a portrait of the person who bought the phone card. It's here. You can have a look and see if she knows it!"


, Chen Fei handed the portrait in his hand to Chen Mengyan.

"Wow!" After seeing the portrait, Chen Mengyan felt a little familiar. It seemed that she had seen it somewhere, but she didn't have much impression of where she had seen it. I'm afraid she had met, but she was not familiar with it!

And others, such as Zhou Jiajia and Zhao Ying, Jing Xiaowei, Sun Jie and others, have no impression of the people in this portrait.

"Dong Jun!" Only Wang Xiaoyan suddenly called out the name of the person on the portrait!

"Do you know him?" Chen Fei was slightly stunned and looked at Wang Xiaoyan. No one else knew him. Only Wang Xiaoyan knew him. Chen Fei naturally felt that Wang Xiaoyan should know something.

"Know." Wang Xiaoyan nodded, but was a little puzzled: "How could it be him? Is it... He did all this. He had been targeting Yang Ming before, and those photos were also taken by him?

"I don't know about this. Since you know him, is there any difference between this person and Yang Ming?" Chen Fei asked.

"These... I'm not sure for the time being!" Wang Xiaoyan stopped talking and said, "Uncle Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you with this matter, but can you leave it to me for the time being? I'm going out to find someone!"

"Well, since you say so, I'll leave it to you." Chen Fei pondered and nodded. He probably guessed that Yang Ming should have some unknown secrets, and these secrets are not easy to tell to himself. Looking at his daughter Chen Mengyan's expression, he should also know these things, but since he didn't say it, there is naturally a reason not to say them.

"Dad, thank you for your hard work. There's nothing to do. Just go ahead. If you have anything to do here, I can contact you at any time!" Chen Mengyan knew that Wang Xiaoyan was afraid to find Yang Ming's master Fang Tian, and this person seemed to be Yang Ming's brother!

Chen Mengyan seems to have met this person vaguely, but she can't remember exactly where she met, and Yang Ming has not made a detailed introduction.

"Okay, then I'll go back first." Chen Fei nodded and got up to say goodbye.

After Chen Fei left, Wang Xiaoyan also cleaned up and was ready to find Fang Tian.

"Yang Yan, do you know this person?" The others couldn't wait to ask.

"Yes, this man is Yang Ming's brother, his name is Dong Jun, and he is a thief!" Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said, "Although I don't know why it is this person, it is not impossible for this person to take those photos and hide them from all of us! The thief's skills are naturally first-class!"

"But since he is Yang Ming's brother, why does he still target Yang Ming?" Chen Mengyan asked puzzledly.

"Maybe there is a conflict of interest between them?" Sun Jie interrupted and said, "Since he is a senior brother, it means that he worshipped Fang Tianmen before Yang Ming, and Yang Ming worshipped Fang Tianmen later. Did Yang Ming's appearance touch his interests?"

"Yes, Sister Sun Jie's analysis makes sense. Is it because of this?" Chen Mengyan and others nodded suddenly after hearing this.