very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2104 Admit the error

"Don't you know?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun strangely and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I... come here to discuss with you about whether there will be anything dangerous about Yang Ming..." Dong Jun also said doubtfully, "Master, what's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you before? Why did you forget it?

"Did I forget it or did you forget it?" Fang Tian said, "Then why do you think Yang Ming is in danger?"

"Because of the right long old man..." Dong Jun still didn't understand what Fang Tian meant.

"Yes, isn't Yang Ming's enemy the right chief? Since you know, why do you say you don't know? I think you forgot, don't you?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun, and he didn't know whether it was a smile or something.

"Ah, that's what you said. I thought it was someone else..." Dong Jun suddenly said this time, but he was also scared out of a cold sweat.

"Then what do you think I'm talking about?" Fang Tian asked rhetorically, "Is there anyone else who wants to deal with Yang Ming?"

"Jing... How can I know this..." Dong Jun is about to collapse.

"You don't know what you're talking about?" Fang Tian asked rhetorically.

"I... I..." Dong Jun is about to cry: "Master, it's very hot today. I'm afraid you have a rest, right? Why don't I say goodbye first and come to see you another day?"

"Go now? Don't worry, why did you leave so early? It happens that you don't want to sleep for a long night. Isn't it fast to chat and kill people? Fang Tian said.

"Gag!" Dong Jun was so scared that he jumped up and bounced up from the sofa, as if he had been pricked: "Sang Chen... kill Chen..."

"Killing? What kind of murder? Who wants to kill people?" Fang Tian asked rhetorically.

"Just now... Master, didn't you talk about killing people? What's going on..." Dong Jun asked.

"Did I say that? Why don't I know?" Fang Tian was stunned and said, "Maybe it's just for fun. What, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Yes... How can this be... I'm your apprentice. Master, how can you kill me..." Dong Jun said with a dry smile.

"Isn't that enough? You are my apprentice. Of course I can't kill you. Fang Tianshen nodded when he thought so, but he turned around and continued to say, "Unless you have done something to betray the teacher, I will kill you to clean up the door!" But did you do it?"

" can I do it..." Dong Jun's expression at this moment is worse than crying.

"Then what else are you afraid of?" Fang Tian was even more strange: "As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ghosts if you don't do bad things."

"That's the morning..." Dong Jun nodded in echo.

"What else do you want?" Fang Tian asked, "I think you have something to tell me? Why don't you say it?"

"I... have nothing to do..." Dong Jun came to find out, but he was scared to death.

"No, I think you have something to say?" Fang Tian asked rhetorically.

"No... really no..." Dong Jun shook his head.

"Really not? Then why do you sweat so much? Fang Tian asked.

"Isn't it... too hot at night?" Dong Jun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "It's so hot. It's too hot!"

"Is that right? Then wipe it!" Fang Tian took up the toilet paper on the coffee table and handed it to Dong Jun. However, he seemed to inadvertently bring up a piece of paper next to the toilet paper and put it in front of Dong Jun.

"Okay, this?" Dong Jun picked up the toilet paper, but suddenly found the picture of you... Isn't this his own portrait?

Dong Jun was obviously stunned. How could he put his portrait here? Fang Tian is not a painter. It is impossible to play with painting by himself. In Fang Tian's family, he has not heard who is a painter, but what's wrong with this painting?

"What's wrong?" Fang Tian asked lightly.

"Master... Isn't this picture painted by me? It's quite similar. Who drew it? Dong Jun took the painting in his hand and asked strangely.

"Chen Fei asked someone to draw it." Fang Tian said.

"Gag!" Dong Jun was stunned: "Chen...Chen Fei? Why did he ask someone to draw this?

Dong Jun naturally knew who Chen Fei was. At the beginning, Fang Tian was able to clear his grievances thanks to Chen Fei's help. Moreover, Chen Fei was also Yang Ming's father-in-law, so Dong Jun was naturally not strange.

"Oh, this is drawn according to the description of a person who sells phone cards." Fang Tian said, "Is the painting quite similar?"

"Selling phone cards? What phone card do you sell? Dong Jun didn't react for a moment. He didn't know what Fang Tian meant.

"Oh, the person who sold the phone card sold a phone card, and then this phone card called the dead jewelry to the thief, using the phone card number!" Fang Tian said.

"I..." Fang Tian's words sounded in Dong Jun's ear like thunder. Dong Jun stood up, the painting in his hand also fell to the ground, and the bean-sized sweat on his face slid down!

No matter how stupid he is at this moment, he also understands what Fang Tian means! Isn't the person who bought a phone card and called the jewelry thief Dong Jun himself?

It turned out that Fang Tian already knew that he was the one who dealt with Yang Ming. No wonder the yin and yang he said before were inexplicable. It turned out to be aimed at himself!

Dong Jun complained in his heart. He was too careless. What kind of person is Fang Tian? How could he say something inexplicably? It turned out to be a secret point!

"What are you? What's wrong with you?" Fang Tian said as usual, "You seem to be a little emotionally unstable today? Why don't we change the topic? Tell me how we met, or what have you done over the years?

"I... Shi Chen... I was wrong, please forgive me!" Dong Jun could no longer hide it. Since Fang Tian already knew it, it was useless for him to say anything. Dong Jun knelt directly to the ground and knelt in front of Fang Tian: "Master, I know I'm wrong. In fact, I'm here tonight to admit my mistake with you!"

"Oh? Why are you wrong? Why can't I understand?" Fang Tian asked faintly, "What's wrong with you and me?"

"Master, since you know it, why do you say that again?" Dong Jun said with a wry smile.

"I know, Dong Jun. In fact, I have been doubting you all these years, but I'm not sure. You really let me down!" Fang Tian sighed and said, "Do you know? In fact, I don't want this person to be you. I didn't doubt it until today when I saw this portrait!"