very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2116 I'm also trying to figure it out

"Give up? Do you really want to give up? But I don't want to give up... I want to avenge the Wang family!" Huang Youcai said painfully, "Have you really decided? What should I do if you suddenly give up?

"The best way for you is to give up!" Dong Jun said, "If this time, even the right elder can't do anything about Yang Ming, then how can we be Yang Ming's opponents?"

"But..." Huang Youcai still wanted to say something.

"Don't... Think about your sister Huang Lele. I'll ask her to talk to you as soon as possible and let her convince you!" Dong Jun saw that Huang Youcai swayed a little and could not make a decision, so he used the final killer copper, that is, to let Huang Lele convince Huang Youcai!

Relatives and masters, it depends on how Huang Youcai can make a decision! However, Dong Jun thought that it was impossible for him to see Huang Lele lose his happiness, right? Huang Lele will definitely stop him desperately, and even force him to die. How will Huang You choose then?

Dong Jun thought that if Alice really had something with Yang Ming, and if Alice forced her to die, she would definitely give up! Compared with hatred, my sister's happiness is more important! At the time of life and death, Dong Jun is still thinking about Alice's future, which is enough to see how much Dong Jun loves Alice.

And Dong Jun, from Huang Youcai, can also feel the big brother's love for his sister, and Huang Lele is Huang Youcai's weakness!

Dong Jun is right about this move. It seems that he has succeeded in most of this move. The next step is to get in touch with Huang Lele as soon as possible.

"This... let me calm down... let me be quiet alone..." Huang Youcai felt a little upset, waved his hand, and manipulated Lun Lin back to the room.

If Huang Youcai is still as calm as before, then Dong Jun is really helpless, but Huang Youcai's current performance shows that what he insists on has become some cheap...

Wang Xiaoyan returned to the villa in Huashang Community. She also told the story of what happened in Fang Tian's home to the girls at home and asked them to help them think of a way together.

And what Dong Jun said later. Although Wang Xiaoyan didn't care at that time, he actually remembered it in his heart. Huang Youcai's resistance was not only Dong Jun's, but also Yang Ming's, but Wang Xiaoyan did not make a statement at that time, but was ready to think of a way afterwards to see how to make Huang You ...

Wang Xiaoyan had to admit that Huang Youcai still had a certain wisdom. Don't care about the conspiracy or the conspiracy. He almost harmed Yang Ming several times. This time, he successfully set Yang Ming's backyard on fire. Huang Youcai contributed to these things!

Although it has not caused any consequences, you can't underestimate this person! If there is really nothing we can do, Dong Jun can't do it, then only Wang Xiaoyan can sort it out!

"Huang Youcai? I know this person... He is a loyal lackey in Wang Zhitao's family. No wonder he will deal with Yang Ming. It turns out that it is because of the Ru of the Wang family..." Chen Mengyan is no stranger to Huang Youcai.

"Yes, I also know this person. I also saw him at the beginning."

Xiao Qing also nodded and said, "I don't have a very impression of you..."

"Does this person have any weaknesses? He is wholehearted to avenge the Wang family. How can he persuade him to stop this behavior? Wang Xiaoyan asked.

"Stop this move... If this person is so loyal as you said, then I'm afraid that only the Wang family can tell him in person that he can give up, or his behavior will affect his relatives and friends, otherwise it will be difficult for him to stop and peace..." Sun Jie's eyes are very accurate. , hit the nail on the head and said Huang Youcai's personality characteristics.

"The people of the Wang family... I know a person from the Wang family... But it's true that Wang Xifan's illegitimate daughter, I don't know if it's okay?" After listening to Sun Jie's words, Chen Mengyan suddenly remembered her classmate Wang Xuelai. Isn't she Wang Xifan's illegitimate daughter and Wang Zhitao's sister?

"Wang Xue... Yes, how did you forget her!" Lin Zhiyun also thought of Wang Xue.

"Wang Xue? How is your relationship with her? Can she help us convince Huang Youcai? Sun Jie was slightly stunned, and then asked quickly. She really didn't expect that a casual sentence really worked.

"She is Tian Donghua's girlfriend. The relationship should be better, right?" Chen Mengyan said, "I think it's better to talk to Tian Donghua about this matter first? Sister Sun Jie, you are familiar with Tian Donghua. Why don't you tell him?

"It turned out to be this boy's girlfriend!" Sun Jie suddenly was relieved and said, "That's easy to do! Tian Donghua must have no problem. Now it depends on whether he can convince his girlfriend.

With that, Sun Jie picked up the phone and dialed Tian Donghua's phone number.

Tian Donghua is currently dealing with the affairs of the Sun family in Donghai City. After several months of study and training, he is basically qualified for this role, but the pressure every day is huge!

Tian Donghua didn't understand. Why did his father work so hard to win this position? Do you still want to betray the Sun family and usurp the throne? Although this position is good, it manages a company of Nuoda, and it is very powerful, but it is also tired!

But since Yang Ming and Sun Jie trusted themselves and put themselves in this position, no matter how hard and tired they are, Tian Donghua will also make achievements. This is not only the kindness of knowing the encounter, but also the forgiveness of his father's mistakes!

He has decided that he will follow Yang Ming and the Sun family in his life and can't do such a wolf-hearted thing as his father!

"Dangdang..." The door of the office was pushed open directly, and only Tian Donghua's personal assistant Wang Xue dared to knock on the door and come in directly.

Tian Donghua did not invite any beautiful secretaries, not how loyal he was to Wang Xue, but because in his opinion, Yang Ming and Sun Jie put him in this position to trust him, and let him come to do business, not to enjoy eating, drinking and having fun. If he found a beautiful secretary, he would be known by Yang Ming. What will Yang Ming think?

So Tian Donghua avoided this kind of thing and directly turned Wang Xue into his personal assistant. With Wang Xue's girlfriend in front of him, Tian Donghua didn't think about anything else.

"Donghua, your phone number is from Miss Sun Jie." Wang Xue quickly sent the phone to Tian Donghua.

Now there are too many phone calls to find Tian Donghua every day, so Tian Donghua has to ask Wang Xue to help him hold the phone, the strange number, and help him deal with it first. Otherwise, Tian Donghua can't answer the phone every day.