very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2165 Regret

"So you've been prepared for it!" Yang Ming sighed helplessly. Qi, but not very surprised, because before he set out, the right elder said a strange sentence: "I have been studying this King Kong Gobyt for many years, although I have not refined a stable version of King Kong Goby, the beta version of King Kong Goby in my body has long been thoroughly studied by me!"

At that time, Yang Ming didn't quite understand this sentence, but now he understands the intention of the right elder!

It turned out that the right elder had already known the fright of King Kong Gu, and he was also prepared in advance, so the King Kong Gu of Yang Ming, Lin Dongfang and Liu Yezi lost their effectiveness!

"But why are you all right? Why didn't your King Kong Gobster fail? Liu Yezi asked reluctantly. This is a strange thing for him. Since the right elder sprayed this kind of powder on his body that can make King Kong Kudderness ineffective, why was he not affected?

"Of course mine is not invalid!" The right elder laughed and said, "Although my King Kong Gob is an incomplete version, after my improvement, I have avoided this fbreak!" My original purpose of doing this was actually to be afraid that Lan Ling's grandmother and the people of Lan Miaozhai would know this fw, so I tried my best to improve it! However, now it seems that they don't know about this matter, and they didn't expect it to come in handy at this time!"

"So that's it!" Yang Ming was convinced that he lost this time. This time, he was not wronged at all. Although he was ready, the other party was also prepared, and the right elder also said that in the understanding of King Kong, no one was as good as him!

"So Yang Ming, you don't have to be delusional. With your strength, if you want to deal with me, it's delusional!" Elder Right said, "And, let me tell you the unfortunate news. Recently, I will upgrade my incomplete version of King Kong again! After the upgrade, my incomplete version of King Kong will also become the existence of passive skills. Only if someone attacks me, my incomplete version of King Kong will automatically start, and the time limit that can be persisted will be longer. If you want to assassinate me or something, I advise you to give up this idea! The only thing you have to do now is to refine a full version of King Kong Goma for me!"

"That's impossible... There is no catalytic enzyme anymore." Yang Ming said, "You have run out of catalytic enzymes, only enough for three people, and we have taken them all!"

"Hum! In order to avoid this, I deliberately left some catalytic enzymes. This time, when you refine a complete version of the larva of King Kong, give it to me. I will add catalytic enzymes myself. I don't need you!" The right elder said.

"So, are you going to let us go?" Yang Ming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Elder Right's patience was really good. This time, he hasn't done anything about himself and others.

"It's easy to control you. Your little conspiracy is like a joke in my eyes!" The right elder sneered and said, "I can completely control it. It doesn't matter whether I let it go or not, because you will never escape from the palm of my hand!"

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you turn your incomplete version of King Kong into a full version?" Yang Ming asked, in fact, he wanted to get more information about the right elder.

"I have a different research direction from yours. I can only improve and improve on the basis of the existing poison, but I can't make it out of thin air until you make it." The right elder did not hide anything from Yang Ming, but explained, "Although the incomplete version of King Kong Gosm has been greatly improved by me now, start the incomplete King Kong Gos immediately, and it can be started instantly, and the continuous effective time has also been extended by me, but anyway, there is a cooling time in the middle! If you refine the full version of King Kong, and I will improve it, I can improve this shortcoming!"

"So that's it!" Yang Ming nodded: "You still believe us. Aren't you afraid that we will do something again?"

"Next time? Humph, with your means, I really didn't pay attention to it!" The right elder looked at Yang Ming sarcastically and said, "You know, Yang Ming, you, my former enemy, an opponent who gave me a headache. Now at my feet, it is actually an ant-like existence! I'm in control of your fate now, but if you are always obedient, I don't think it's interesting. Life is too dull, and you find me something to do, which makes me feel very fun!"

"Is it?" Yang Ming asked rhetorically, but the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, which is the truth that has never changed. Yang Ming has now become a prisoner of the right elder, and this time he has failed to reverse, so the right elder is indeed qualified to say these words!

"If you still want to play next time, please play something awesome. It's not challenging!" Elder Right said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. I'm leaving!" The medicinal properties of the powder will be automatically released after three days. I don't have the interest of assigning a separate antidote for you. You can take a three-day break!"

After saying that, the right elder turned to the helicopter. In the roar of the engine motor, he slowly took off and left the medicine valley!

Looking at the departure of the right elder, Yang Ming got up from the ground helplessly and smiled bitterly at Liu Yezi and Lin Dongfang, who also got up with him: "It seems that we have prepared a plan for a long time and failed..."

"Haha, if you fail, you will fail. At worst, let's start all over again! This time it's just a little temptation!" Lin Dongfang was very optimistic: "However, Elder Right also revealed a message that he is becoming more and more difficult to deal with!"

"Yes, I was also thinking that when we were about to study King Kong, we called him to study with us, and then secretly lurked beside him and killed him when he was unprepared, but what he didn't expect was that he turned his incomplete version of King Kong into a passive skill!" Yang Ming really doesn't know how to proceed with the next plan: "But now it seems impossible"

"That's right, his King Kong has also become a passive skill... We have no way to start..." Liu Yezi said.

"Now I regret it! When dealing with the right elder, he should have been cruel to him at the first meeting and kill him directly!" Yang Ming's face showed an expression of regret...