very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2181 T13 Qixi Special Chapter 3

Before, the relationship between Ling Yi and Xiaojiu was also good, so that she knew her condition, but her condition was so strange that even the master could do nothing! You know, the master's medical skills are comparable to that of the old man Lin at home, and there is nothing he can do, that is, there is really nothing he can do!

At present, the only thing they can do is to rely on drugs and natural resources to continue Xiaojiu's life before they find a cure! Speaking of which, Xiaojiu is also a poor person.

"It's still like that... It can only be maintained with drugs..." Xiaoqi sighed. The family's education made these children have a responsibility at a very young age and understand a lot of things.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time... Ha ha, I don't know if she has forgotten me?" Ling Yi was a little melancholy when he heard about Xiaojiu's condition.

"Of course not. I was clamoring to see Brother Ayi a few days ago..." Xiaoqi said, "Are you going to see her later?"

" OK, let's take a look." Ling nodded and didn't see her for a year. I don't know how Xiaojiu's sister is doing. The children are the same every year. Last year, Xiaojiu was still very young: "How's Xiaojiu's computer? Master originally meant to let her take over Master Zhou's current work in the future and provide task assignment and computer tasks for the killer group. I don't know how she is learning now?

"Xiaojiu's talent in this regard is amazing. Jiajia's mother said that Xiaojiu is very good and will definitely take over her job in the future." Xiao Qi said.

While the two of them were talking, they walked out of the courtyard and came to the front of a very modern house. The design style here is somewhat incompatible with other houses in the manor. The rest are typical artistic styles, but this is a modern style.

However, here is the soul of the whole killer group. The Butterfly Killer Group, the Black Butterfly Killer Group and the Charles Killer Group have been merged under the integration of Yang Ming. Most of the members of the original Black Butterfly Killer Group, in addition to being merged in the Butterfly Killer Group, are also in the original Black Butterfly Killer Group and The S.S. killer group found some suitable people and formed a mercenary group, so in addition to the island's tourism industry, the income of the killer group and the mercenary group are also the main source of the island!

Of course, retaining these two forces is also Yang Ming in order to avoid the island being coveted by some people. There are butterfly killer groups and black butterfly mercenary groups. Who dares to underestimate this island?

Here is the computer center of the killer group. The tasks of the killer group and the mercenary group are released from here. Moreover, when the members of the killer group and the mercenary group encounter danger and trouble and need to find some information, the role here will be highlighted.

Even if Xiaoqi is the daughter of Yang Ming, the owner of the island, if you want to enter this computer center, you need to show the electronic door card. Otherwise, the security guards here will not recognize it. Unless Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia don't need the electronic door card when they come here, other people, including Xiaojiu, must verify the The door card is good.

However, Xiaoqi and Ling Yi both have door cards here. After swiping the card, the two of them successfully entered the computer center.

From the moment the two entered the computer center, Zhou Jiajia already knew that the two were coming, so she directly sent people and took them to Xiaojiu's study room.

Because Zhou Jiajia can't be more clear about the purpose of the two.

Soon, Ling Yi and Xiao Qi met Xiao Jiu and Zhou Jiajia in the same room.

"Master Zhou!" Ling Yi said hello politely.

"Jiajia's mother." Xiao Qi also said hello in a regular way.

"You are looking for Xiaojiu, aren't you? Ha ha, I still have something to do. You can talk about it first. Zhou Jiajia nodded with a smile, and then said to Xiaojiu, "Xiaojiu, you don't have to do your homework today. It's a day off."

"It's so kind of you, Jiajia's mother!" Xiao Jiu said happily.

Zhou Jiajia smiled and didn't say anything. She turned around and left the room.

When there were only Ling Yi, Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu left in the room, Xiao Jiu immediately became active. Although she could not get up in a wheelchair, she flexibly manipulated the wheelchair and rushed to Ling Yi's side: "Brother A Yi, hug!"

"Oh..." Ling Yi picked up Xiaojiu's thin body helplessly. Although Xiaojiu was only one year younger than Qiqi, because he was the youngest of Yang Ming's nine disciples, he was like a child at any time.

"Brother Yi, why haven't you visited Xiaojiu for so long... Don't you like Xiaojiu..." Xiaojiu said aggrievedly.

"How is that possible?" Ling Yi smiled and said, "Brother, I have a lot of things to do this year. Master has left, but the training still needs to continue. I'm going back to learn kung fu..."

Ling Yi is a little strange about the matter of letting himself go back. Why did the master's other disciples stay on the island to continue to learn kung fu with others? You know, there is Grandpa Fang Tian, and Dong Jun, the uncle, who is unremitting in the training of these apprentices!

But the master only let himself go back to Xixingshan Village because there was no one to take care of old man Lin? Or for other reasons? But the master didn't say at the beginning. After Mr. Lin went back, the reason was also unknown, which made Ling Yi very confused!

Why is my treatment different from others? However, since they didn't say anything, Ling Yi couldn't ask.

"Well... Do you still have time to come to see us in the future?" Xiaojiu asked unhappily after hearing this.

"If you have time, you will definitely come!" Ling Yi sighed in his heart. This time, when he went out, he told the old man for a long time before he was allowed. God knows how long it will take to come out. According to the old man's meaning, he can't go out again until he is completely out!

"Well..." Xiaojiu was a little disappointed, but although she was young, she also knew that the system of the killer group was strict. It must be reasonable for Ling Yi to be asked to leave.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Ling Yi should have left. His vacation was very short. The old man only allowed him to stay here for one day, and he had to leave.

Because it was inconvenient for Xiaojiu to move, it was the island left by Ling Yi sent by Xiaoqi. Before leaving, Xiaoqi was a little sad. She was older than Xiaojiu. She had already heard it from Ling Yi's tone. It seemed that it would be a little difficult for the three of them to meet again in the future...

The happy time of training together is gone forever. As I get older, that kind of happiness can only be kept in my heart...

"I hope... When the two of us are old enough to perform tasks, we can perform tasks together..." Xiao Qi blinked his eyes and said expectantly.

"I hope so..." Ling Yi also sighed and walked in the direction of the island airport... [To be continued