very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2192 Believe it or not

Therefore, after listening to Yang Ming's words, Liu Yezi, Yi Yi and others also nodded with him and expressed their approval.

It was settled. Lin Dongfang came to the laboratory and swallowed the prepared full version of the Hercules cup under the eyes of everyone. However, when he just swallowed it, Lin Dongfang did not have any difference. As usual, there was nothing wrong with it.

"How do you feel?" Liu Tianqi asked.

"It's not bad. There is a feeling of power all over the body!" Lin Dongfang said.

"At present, don't rush to fight with the right Elder. Let's test how much attack power this Hercules cup can make and how long it can last." Yang Ming said, "What do you think?"

"That's right!" Liu Tianqi said, "It is necessary to test how long this Hercules cup can remain active on Brother Lin's body, and can make several super-intensity attacks. After all, our previous tests were on animals, and Brother Lin was the first to take it."

However, Liu Tianqi and Lan Ling are authoritative in this regard. Yang Ming and others can't get involved in professional tests. He just reminds.

After Lin Dongfang took the Hercules cup, everyone began a long test routine. In the test, it was found that if Lin Dongfang did not consume any physical strength, that is to say, not long after taking the Hercules cup, he could play three super-strong attacks in a row!

After that, Lin Dongfang began to become weak like those tested animals, just like the restraint medicine of the right elder before. It feels a little similar, and they are all weak all over!

But the right elder's medicine can be automatically solved after n days of rest, and this won't work. Lin Dongfang rested for three or four days and is still weak, which is exactly the same as when he was originally tested with animals, and the effect is not much different.

So, Liu Tianqi and others quickly gave Lin Dongfang the nutrient solution secreted by the cicada cup, and Lin Dongfang quickly returned to normal.

Now that the effect has been tested, the next thing everyone wants to test is whether Lin Dongfang will affect the activity of the Hercules cup in the body when he does not use high-intensity force.

However, as the days went by, everyone came up with a result that made everyone extremely disappointed! Although Lin Dongfang did not use high-intensity force, the activity of the Hercules cup in the body is also constantly automatically decreasing, which is different from everyone's original idea, because those animals used for testing can supplement the energy in the [body] through ordinary food when they do not use high-intensity force, and do not need Take something like nutrient solution.

But Lin Dongfang is different. When Lin Dongfang does not take nutrient solution, he can only persist for seven days! And it's the most seven days. In these seven days, Lin Dongfang didn't do anything that consumed his physical strength. Even so, if he can only hold on for a few days, he must take the nutrient solution again!

This also broke Liu Yezi and Yiyi's previous fantasy. In their opinion, if Lin Dongfang does not do some high-intensity and energy-consuming things, it should not affect the activity of the Hercules cup. You can not take nutrient solution all the time. In this way, you can leave the medicine valley with Lin Dongfang, but now It's impossible to come.

However, this strange phenomenon also makes everyone a little strange. Why did the results of the experiment on animals become unsuitable when they came to Lin Dongfang? According to the previous test results, they are all the same, but the activity of the Hercules cup is different, which makes everyone very strange.

However, under Lan Ling's analysis, everyone finally found the [answer] case. The reason is that the Hercules cup and the King Kong cup in Lin Dongfang's body [body] had a conflict. These two kinds of poisons were originally the existence of nemesis, but Lin Dongfang alone took these two kinds of poisons, so it also Use high-intensity force to consume the activity of the Hercules cup, and the activity of the Hercules cup is automatically consumed by the diamond cup in his body, that is to say, the two are basically equal to the relationship between spear and shield.

Although the reason has been found, it is impossible to solve this problem, because Lin Dongfang has taken the Hercules cup, and even if he did not take the King Kong cup and only took the Hercules cup, everyone is worried that he will fight with the right elder!

In case the right elder hits Lin Dongfang with the super-strong hard body of the King Kong cup, while Lin Dongfang is high attack and low defense, he may be seriously injured.

Seven days, although it is not much, it is absolutely enough. At the speed of rapid cicada secreting nutrient solution, it is definitely not enough to supply two people, but it is more than enough to supply Lin Dongfang to take it alone!

And Lin Dongfang takes nutrient solution every two days, which can also ensure that the activity of the Hercules cup in his [body] is kept at its best!

After the experiment, the effect of the full version of the Hercules cup is more than ten times stronger than the previous incomplete version of the Hercules cup, which is really powerful. At this moment, Lin Dongfang can make a big hole in the mountain wall with one punch, which was absolutely impossible in the past.

In the following time, everyone began to wait for the right elder to come again, and finally three days later, the sound of the helicopter sounded again in the air of Yaogu, and everyone's eyes coincidentally crossed a trace of excitement!

Everyone has been looking forward to this moment for several days. This time, they are going to test the effect of the Hercules cup!

However, this time, the person who came was still the confidant of the right elder. He came to deliver food to Yang Ming and others. Like the rules every time, after the helicopter docked in Yaogu, he moved down the food and daily necessities on the plane and was ready to leave by plane. He would not say more with Yang Ming and others. A sentence.

After all, they have nothing to say, unless Yang Ming and others take the initiative to talk to him.

"Wait a minute!" And this time, Yang Ming once again stopped the confidant of the right elder.

"What's the matter?" The right elder's confidant asked.

"Go back and tell the right elder that the initial training cup of the diamond cup he wants has been cultivated, and you can let him add catalytic crisp!" Yang Ming said.

"Have you been cultivated?" The confidant was slightly stunned, with a suspicious look on his face. After all, there was only a few days between him and the previous one. He was cheated once last time. This time, Yang Ming was still a liar.

"Of course, believe it or not, you can choose not to believe it!" Yang Ming saw the suspicion on the faces of his confidants, but said faintly.