very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2243 One more person

"But if you know the truth, in this way, my death is closely related to Lan Miaozhai. Although you Lan Miaozhai are temporarily at ease, you have to think of me every day, afraid that I will be found by the right elder. Once I die, Lan Miaozhai will be dangerous..." Lan Hai continued: "So the most In the end, I still didn't say these secrets. It seems that I'm actually right if I don't say it!"

"That's good!" Grandma Lan nodded and said, "If you say it in advance, we will be distracted to worry about your safety, and after knowing that you are hiding in a safe place, we will not study the way to deal with the right elders so day and night!"

"However, in the final analysis, Yang Ming and Ling Ling have made great contributions, but we people have not played a role!" Elder Zuo smiled bitterly and said, "It's really the back wave of the Yangtze River, and the generation is stronger than the generation!"

"At the way, the right elder was caught in our Miaozhai. After a while, he fell into a coma, and his pulse was chaotic. Mr. Lin said that it was because of the water and soil. Was it because of the mysterious power of the sacrificial hall that made him coma?" Grandma Lan suddenly remembered the matter of the right elder, so she asked.

"Yes, that's what it should be!" After hearing this, Lan Hai nodded and said, "The right elder's body has evil poison - an incomplete version of King Kong, so after coming here, he will be sanctioned by the mysterious force, so he fainted.

"It seems that I'm still lucky. The incomplete version of King Kong in my [body] was integrated by the full version of King Kong and turned into a super King Kong." Yang Ming said, "Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be slightly cut by the mysterious power in the sacrificial hall!"

"Otherwise, although you have the evil poison in your body, you have not sacrificed the poison in your body with the blood of the newly dead, so you have not been infected with evil qi, so you will not be affected by the mysterious power." Lan Hai waved his hand and said, "Fortunately, you have a full version of King Kong Gos in your body to merge, otherwise where will you find the blood of such a dead person to sacrifice in the future? It is said that you will embark on the road of crime. At that time, you will also become the public enemy of everyone!"

"Yes, this right elder is bad enough!" Yang Ming nodded and said, "The right elder is in such a coma. Will he wake up in the future?"

"No way!" Lan Hai shook his head and said, "He has been sanctioned by that mysterious force. As long as he doesn't wake up in Lan Miaozhai for a day, it's no different from vegetative!"

"Is it? So that's it. If I had known this, it would have been better to let Grandpa Sun forcibly catch him to Lan Miaozhai with a flying saucer and put him here to faint directly, so as to save us trouble!" After listening to Lan Hai's words, Liu Yezi said with some regret.

"Dizzy..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "If you don't want the flying saucer to be destroyed by him, you can catch him!" That flying saucer will definitely be scrapped if I hit it hard now. If you never want to go back to your planet, you can try it!"

"Sweat! If you didn't test it, otherwise it would be over. Liu Yezi can't realize Yang Ming's strength now, but Yang Ming himself can deeply understand how powerful the right elder is!

"But the right elder is here, even if he has become a vegetable, in case he returns to normal and makes waves again." Yang Ming said, "Just raise it as a vegetable first!"

"Yes, after all, he is also my former right-hand man. After so many years, he has also had feelings. Looking back on his young days, it is vivid in my mind, as if it was yesterday morning." Lan Hai also sighed: "I didn't expect him to end up like this..."

"by the way, Grandpa Ma, I suddenly remembered a very important question. The right elder, in Lan Miaozhai, will not sacrifice the blood of the newly dead to him in the future, so can he still live?" Yang Ming thought of his own situation and the situation of the right elder, so he asked.

"Of course not, didn't I say it before? In Lanmiao Village, he was sanctioned by the mysterious power of the sacrificial hall. He will always be in a coma here. Just like vegetatives, he naturally doesn't need any blood to sacrifice!" Lan Hai said, "However, if he is in other places, if there is no blood sacrifice to the poison in his body after waking up, then he will die."

"So that's it!" Yang Ming nodded and said, "It seems that this is the best destination for the right elder!"

"That's what you can say!" Blue Ocean also nodded.

In the evening, after everyone had a rich dinner together, it was time for Yang Ming and others to leave!

Everyone was ready to go back to Yaogu again, said goodbye to Sun Sikong, and then went back to hand in the task. The matter of the right elder finally came to an end!

At the end of this mission, Yang Ming, as the captain of the whole team, called Xia Bingying.

"Brother Xia, it's me!" After Yang Ming answered the phone, he said directly, "The task has been completed, and the right elder is finished!"

"Oh? Yang Ming, have you succeeded?" When Xia Bingying heard Yang Ming's report, he was surprised and happy: "That's great. Is your whole team safe? It's a lot, isn't it?"

"In the morning, there are a lot of them, but there may be one more..." Yang Ming was in a good mood, so he made a joke.

"One more? Did you capture the right elder alive? Want to bring it back? 1 Summer hail stunned.

"It's Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu who have the crystallization of love." Yang Ming smiled and said, "These two guys have already married in Yaogu!"

The last time I called Xia Bingying, because of the tight time, I didn't believe it so much. Naturally, it was impossible to talk about the love between Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu, but now, I'm free. Naturally, Yang Ming doesn't mind making fun of it.

"The two of them? Is it all right? Do you even have children?" Xia Bingying said in surprise.

"Yes, both of them have children!" Yang Ming smiled and said, "So there is one more..."

As for Yiyi, it is not the people of this action team, so Yiyi's pregnancy has nothing to do with one more person who goes back, because when handing over the task, it is still the people of Yang Ming's team, and Yiyi will not follow.

"They got married in Yaogu, what about you?" Xia Bingying suddenly asked narrowly, "Yang Ming, did anything happen to you and Xia Xue?"

"We..." Yang Ming said this and was a little embarrassed: "Brother Xia, it seems that I have to call you my uncle in the future..."

"Haha, I knew it. You two must be getting better. How about it? Didn't one of you come back?" Xia Bingying also said teasingly. ( To be continued