very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2245 Things for practitioners

"Naturally, I still have some technology visions here, and I can still know what's going on around here." Sun Sikong said, "I'm afraid you're leaving this time, right?"

"Yes, we have to go back and hand in the task, and then we are going to break up!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Ye Zi and Yiyi may go back to his original planet with you, and after dealing with Dr. Benjamin in the center, I will also leave to live in seclusion on X Island!"

"Dr. Benjamin in the dealing with the center... Are you sure?" Sun Sikong asked with a look.

"Not yet, but I inherited the incomplete version of the right elder's diamond, which has merged with the previous full version of diamond, and now it has become invulnerable to water and fire. It should be regarded as a capital to challenge the center and Dr. Benjamin!" Yang Ming said with a moment of thought.

"That's good!" Sun Sikong nodded and said, "Your current physical condition can indeed challenge the center and Dr. Benjamin, but if you want to beat them in this way, I'm not sure. I don't know if you have an absolute chance of winning!"

"Do they have any other cards?" Yang Ming recognized Dr. Sun Sikong's voice!

"I don't know if there is a bottom card for the time being, but I think everyone should have a certain bottom card and will not show all their strength!" Sun Sikong said, "Just like yourself, when facing the enemy, you will not easily show your cards to the enemy unless you have to."

"That's not wrong!" Yang Ming nodded slowly: "Dr. Sun, what means does the center and Dr. Benjamin mainly rely on at present?"

"According to my investigation, those steel men. It's just some of the initial means. These Iron Mans are not their ultimate trump card!" Dr. Sun Sikong said, "Iron Man may seem invincible to most ordinary people, but in this world. There is a kind of person called a practitioner. In the eyes of practitioners, these iron men are nothing at all!"

"Cultivator?" Yang Ming was slightly stunned and listened to the name with some surprise.

However, after Feng Tianlong heard the name. But his face changed, and he wanted to know some inside stories!

"Feng Tianlong, have you also heard of practitioners?" Sun Sikong also caught Feng Tianlong's expression, so he asked.

"To tell Dr. Sun, my family... is exactly the practitioner's family." Feng Tianlong said with a wry smile.

"Oh? Is your family a cultivator's family? After listening to Feng Tianlong's words, Sun Sikong was a little surprised and said, "So it is. No wonder you know about the practitioner..."

"Yes. However, it's a pity that I'm not good at learning, so I can't stay in the family to continue to practice. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can play a certain role in the battle with the right elder!" Feng Tianlong sighed and said, "If I can practice to the extreme. I'm afraid the right elder is not my opponent..."

"Extreme, what do you think is the ultimate?" Sun Sikong asked.

"Tianjie..." Feng Tianlong said.

"Tianjie...hehe..." Sun Sikong smiled indifferently, glanced at Lin Dongfang, Yang Ming, and said, "Tianjie master. With the strength of Lin Dongfang, it can be killed in seconds!"

"Ga?" After listening to Sun Sikong's words, Feng Tianlong's eyes suddenly widened. In his eyes, those extremely powerful heavenly masters can be killed in seconds when they come to Lin Dongfang?

"If you think that the master of heaven is the most powerful existence, it's a big mistake!" Sun Sikong waved his hand and said, "Ye Zi's father is also a practitioner. However, the mental method he practiced is a little special. The heavenly level... Forget it. Let's not talk about these things. After all, I don't do much research on what I practice. What I study is science!"

"..." Yang Ming and Feng Tianlong were trying to hear Sun Sikong's views on the heavenly steps and practitioners, but they didn't expect that Sun Sikong's words turned into science!

"Ha ha, don't underestimate science. In my opinion, if you study scientific research thoroughly, it will be more powerful than practice!" Sun Sikong smiled and said, "Everyone's pursuit is different. Practice can live immortal and have the ultimate strength, but science can also complete these!"

"So... can we still practice?" Yang Ming couldn't help but be a little moved when he heard about the practice! Yang Ming has been on the road to the strong all the way, so if he can become stronger, Yang Ming will naturally not let go!

"I don't do much research on the cultivation world here, but one thing is certain that there is no such excellent elixirs. At your age, if you want to practice, there is basically no hope!" Sun Sikong rudely hit Yang Ming and others.

" that so?" Yang Ming immediately cried and laughed after hearing this.

"What Dr. Sun said is not wrong." Feng Tianlong also nodded and said, "I left the family very early in order to escape from marriage. Although I have been practicing the family's mental formula, there is no elixirs and some sufficient aura of heaven and earth to cooperate. I am now a master of the yellow level!"

"Yes, let's take Liu Ye Zi as an example. Mr. Liu was separated from him for a period of time. When Mr. Liu met him again, he had passed the best cultivation age..." Sun Sikong said, "Of course, the kind of mental formula left by Mr. Liu is more special, which is more special than other mental formulas. It As soon as you are born, you can start to build the foundation and quench the body, so that you can practice all the way and finally become the road! If you miss this best opportunity and take another 10,000 elixirs, you can't practice!"

"So that's it!" Yang Ming suddenly wonder that Liu Yezi had nothing special: "So, is there no other mental formula that can be practiced? That kind of powerful one can't work, what about the one that is not powerful?

And Mr. Liu in the mouth of Dr. Sun Sikong, I'm afraid he is Liu Yezi's father!

"There are not many mental methods in Mr. Liu's hands. One is only suitable for his own practice, which is also extremely powerful, but this kind of mental method is only suitable for his own physical cultivation. When Mr. Liu was young, he encountered some once-in-a-lifetime coincidences, and there was no reference, so his mind method, It can't be used to practice for others!" Sun Sikong said, "But in his hand, there is also a way to practice the mind, which allows newborns to start practicing from birth. However, judging from the intensity of the aura of heaven and earth in the current world, it is definitely impossible to practice successfully, and my research direction over the years is how to find a way to replace the aura of heaven and earth Formula..."