very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2281 A Familiar Scene

The inner meaning of the Douglas family is to let Butterton take the money and retire.

However, the owner of the Douglas family did not do so, because he didn't know when Yang Ming thought of Batton again. In case he asked, Batton was gone, or Batton said a few bad words about the Douglas family, it would be the disaster to welcome the Douglas family!

Sure enough, the owner of the Douglas family is very prescedent, because Yang Ming really came to the Douglas Hotel again!

Soon, the taxi arrived at the parking lot in front of the Douglas Hotel. Yang Ming paid the fare and got out of the car and walked into the lobby of the Douglas Hotel.

"Hello, sir!" After Yang Ming walked into the wine, Miss Yingbin greeted him politely: "Sir, do you want to stay?"

"Yes, accommodation." Yang Ming nodded with a smile and said, "However, I want to find someone before staying."

"It's no problem to find someone, but I'm afraid it won't work if you stay! Sorry, sir, the rooms here are full, and there are no spare rooms. Miss Yingbin said apologetically.

She saw that Yang Ming came in the ancestral car, and he was very face-to-face, so she guessed that Yang Ming was not a guest before the hotel, but a newcomer, so she asked and confirmed it first.

After hearing Yang Ming's affirmative reply, Miss Yingbin quickly explained.

Because the annual International Jewelry Festival will be held in the past few days, the hotel is still designated as the designated hotel for the International Jewelry Festival, so it has been full for a long time and can no longer be opened to the public.

"Oh? Can't you stay again?" Yang Ming was slightly stunned. How similar is this scene to a year ago?

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir. Our hotel is a designated hotel for the International Jewelry Festival, so it has already been full of guests and there are no extra rooms." Miss Yingbin explained to Yang Ming apologetically.

"What? International Jewelry Festival? Yang Ming was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, he caught up with the International Jewelry Festival when he came last time, and this time he caught up with the International Jewelry Festival again!

"Yes, sir." Miss Yingbin nodded.

"Then I'll find someone first, Butterton. Is he still here?" Yang Ming asked.

"Ah?" Miss Yingbin was stunned. Unexpectedly, the person Yang Ming was looking for was their general manager, Batton: "Sir, do you know our boss?"

"I know each other, I know each other for a time." Yang Ming nodded..

"Okay, what's your name, sir?" Miss Yingbin asked.

"Just tell him that my surname is Yang." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment. I'll call our boss right away!" Miss Yingbin said.

Yang Ming nodded and signaled that she could make a phone call, while Yang Ming temporarily sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

Bartton's life these days can be said to be very nourishing. The Douglas family was not very famous in Las Vegas in the past, which is also the reason why the old Lange of the Speed Party did not sell his face!

But since Yang Ming cleaned up the old Lange last year, all the major forces here know that the Douglas Hotel and the South City Casino have become the cruel industry, and the old Lange is also very protective of these two industries, so that some Xiaoxiao, who have the meaning of these two places, dare not be rash. Move!

Moreover, although Butterton is still the nominal manager of the hotel here, he has long been a member of the Douglas Family Presbyterian Association and has the family's industrial dividends. However, all this is still so good until a few days ago. In the past few days, Bart The mood is not that good!

Because there has been news from the family that he wants to retire! Of course, retirement is just an excuse. The real purpose of the family is to deprive him of his status as a member of the Presbyterian Association, and the family's industrial dividends are naturally no longer enjoyed...

This is like letting Batton go from heaven to hell, losing all the glory and wealth he has.

However, Batton had nothing to do. He knew that the reason why the owner of the Keck family gave him these was just because he helped Yang Ming take care of the industry, but after so long, Yang Ming did not ask about him any more. Even if the owner of the Keck family and his three elders supported him, and the other elders of the family The members of the meeting will have other ideas!

After all, Batton's dividends are squeezed out of their earnings. If Batton retires, Batton's earnings will also be returned to those Presbyterian members...

Looking at the beautiful, sexy and beautiful female secretary, Butterton was not interested at all. He waved his hand and let the female secretary go out. He sighed and sat up on the sofa helplessly.

Before that, he was just a manager here. He had no status as a member of the Presbyterian Association and no dividend, but now, he is a little reluctant to lose it! Although the dividends he earned during this period are enough to make him decent for the rest of his life, he always feels unwilling.

"Hey!" Batton sighed, and the phone rang on the table. Originally, Batton didn't want to answer, but the female secretary was kicked out by himself. He had to pick up the phone in person: "Hello, I'm Batton!"

"Mr. Batton, I'm the welcome guest of the hotel. An oriental man surnamed Yang is here, saying that he is your old acquaintance and wants to see you..." Miss Yingbin said.

"What? Is your surname Yang?" Bartton jumped up from the sofa all of a sudden! He thought of a person, a person who can change his fate! Thinking of this, Butterton immediately said, "Give him a good call. I'll go down right away, right away! Don't neglect it!"

"Morning..." Although Miss Yingbin didn't know why Butterton had such a huge reaction, she thought that the Oriental man surnamed Yang was a great figure not far in front of her, so Butterton was like this!

"Mr. Yang, the boss said he would come down soon. I'll make you a cup of tea first!" Miss Yingbin was instructed by Batton, and she was naturally respectful to Yang Ming.

"Good, but you don't have to bother." Yang Ming said, "Just bring me a bottle of mineral water."

"Yes, Mr. Yang." Miss Yingbin hurriedly went to pick up a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Yang Ming, and then respectfully retreated aside, waiting for Yang Ming's other orders.

Batton ran out of the elevator. Sure enough, he saw Yang Ming sitting on the sofa at a glance and ran over: "Ha, I said why the magpie kept barking today. It turned out that it was Mr. Yang who came. It was a great honor!"