very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2284 Critical Moment

It is said that Yang Ming's super Hercules could not be killed by being bombed by meteorites, let alone jumping off a building. Sure enough, Yang Ming not only fell to the ground and had nothing to do, but also with his superb light skills, he didn't even fall down!

Yang Ming's jump was more eye-catching than the stunts in those movies, but no one noticed when Yang Ming jumped down, and after Yang Ming landed, no one knew where he jumped from, so no one paid attention to it!

While giving Xiao Lange a big arc, Yang Ming got on a taxi waiting for passengers at the gate of the Douglas Hotel and said to the driver, "Go to the abandoned garbage treatment plant in the eastern suburbs!"

There is an old garbage disposal plant on the eastern outskirts of the city. Although it has been deactivated for a long time, it is not strange to taxi drivers, so after listening to Yang Ming's instructions, he directly started the car and drove to the destination.

"Hello?" Xiao Lange picked up the phone sweating profusely. He, as well as Chu Pengzhan and Ye Waner, are hiding in the dirty and smelly garbage heap at this moment! But there is no way. This kind of place is the safest hiding place at present.

Fortunately, Xiao Lange was born in a flying car party. His driving skills in the city were first-class, so he got rid of the trackers and came to such a garbage dump here to hide.

And in the city, the other party's people may also be concerned about the influence. They don't dare to take action too openly, but just drive tracking, which gives Xiao Lange a chance!

The advantages of terrain plus the advantages of driving skills. Another thing is that he knows about this garbage dump. This used to be the territory of their flying car party.

However, although the car is still far away, the people of the other party will definitely find it one by one!

Although Xiao Lange had informed Lao Lange by phone and asked him to send his elite reinforcements, when he arrived at the garbage dump and hid in the garbage, Chu Pengzhan confessed to Xiao Lange about the identity and strength of the other party's people, as well as their own identity and strength. After Xiao Lange suddenly felt cold. It's cold!

Chu Pengzhan and Ye Wan'er. What level of existence is it? Are these people actually martial arts masters? I'm afraid that the elites sent by my father with pistols are no match for these people!

But now Xiao Lange is on the same line as Chu Pengzhan and Ye Waner, and they have been getting along well during this period. So little Lange doesn't regret being in such a dangerous situation with them!

He is just thinking about how to get out of trouble?

If my father's men are not opponents of those people, then those people will come here sooner or later, and he is not the opponent of those people. At that time, Chu Pengzhan and Ye Waner will be in danger...

At this time, Xiao Lange's mobile phone vibrated. Xiao Lange didn't look at the caller ID in the garbage dump and answered the phone directly.

"Little Lange. I'm Yang Ming. Where are you? I'm on my way to your side, but the hotel I'm staying in is a little far from your location..." The Douglas Hotel where Yang Ming lives and the garbage disposal plant on the eastern outskirts of the city are a little different from the south, completely in two directions.

"Ah, it's Mr. Yang! Great, we are in the garbage disposal plant. There are three piles of garbage in it. We are hidden in the pile of garbage in the middle. It's great that you're here... You're here. I'm sure I can deal with those people!" When Xiao Lange heard Yang Ming's voice, he was overjoyed!

With Yang Ming's help, you are sure to deal with those people! Yang Ming is awesome, he saw it with his own eyes...

"What's wrong?" I saw Little Lange's excitement. Chu Pengzhan couldn't help asking, "Is there a good way?"

"It's Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang is here. We are saved!" Little Lange said excitedly.

"Mr. Yang?" Chu Pengzhan was stunned and didn't realize who Mr. Yang was for a moment.

"It's Yang Ming, Mr. Yang. At the beginning, you and I met because of Mr. Yang..." Xiao Lang quickly explained.

"Ah! It's him!" Chu Pengzhan was said by Xiao Lange, and he immediately hit the number and knew who Mr. Yang was: "Why is he here? Did he come to help us? He is very powerful. If he is willing to take action, we may still have hope!"

When he heard that Yang Ming was coming, Chu Pengzhan was also very excited. The original sad expression also became more expectations.

However, as soon as this expectation appeared, she was drenched on Ye Waner's head with a basin of cold water!

"He's here... I'm afraid he's not an opponent..." Ye Waner smiled bitterly and said, "Peng Zhan, you don't know how powerful they are, which is not comparable to ordinary martial artists! They don't come out easily, so no matter how I describe them, you can't understand how powerful they are! Mr. Yang, when he helped us at the beginning, I also knew that he was very good, but... Although he was very good, he was only limited to the secular world. At our level, his kung fu can only be regarded as very shallow and shallow..."

At this point, Ye Waner sighed. She didn't want to undermine the confidence of Chu Pengzhan and Xiao Lange, but that's the truth. Otherwise, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! As for her name for Chu Pengzhan, now that her identity has been confessed to Xiao Lange, she no longer hides and no longer uses the previous identities of Chen Ze and Tao Linfang...

"Ah?" After listening to Ye Waner's words, Chu Pengzhan and Xiao Lange were immediately shocked and said, "Really or not, no... Is there nothing Mr. Yang can do, then we not..."

"Mr. Yang's kung fu..." Ye Waner shook her head helplessly: "It's not as strong as before my kung fu was sealed, and this time, it should be led by the elder himself. Although Elder Li and my good elder also followed, he didn't have much to say in front of the elder. The right to speak... And the elder is much more powerful than me and many times more than me... Mr. Yang, how can he be his opponent?"

"That..." After hearing this, Chu Pengzhan was suddenly very disappointed and a little worried: "Isn't it equivalent to hurting Mr. Yang?"

"Exactly... We should inform him in advance not to come. It's futile to come. Maybe he will die..." Ye Waner sighed.

"Then I'll call him..." Little Lange picked up the phone in disappointment and was about to call when suddenly there was a car sound near the garbage dump...

When the three of them heard the sound of the car, they were all stunned!