very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2356 Can't figure it out

In this matter, there is an indescribable strangeness. What on earth makes Dr. Benjamin become like this? Has he found a way to deal with himself?

Yang Ming thought left and right, but he didn't think of why Dr. Benjamin suddenly appeared with such a strange smile. After all, Yang Ming could only distinguish what they said through his lips, but he could never see their thoughts from so far away.

I have rejected Dr. Benjamin's conspiracy. He should be very angry. How can he laugh? Is it to show it to yourself? It's not right. Dr. Benjamin should never know that he can see so far and directly see what they are doing.

If they knew, they would not often leak secrets. Even if they invented a secret language, Yang Ming could not crack it.

The three cobblers competed with Zhuge Liang. Yang Ming couldn't figure it out, so he called Alice and Dong Jun over and discussed why Dr. Benjamin suddenly became what he is now?

\"Yang Ming, how's it going? Do you have any new discoveries? \"Dong Jun asked.

\"Dr. Benjamin called me just now. \"Yang Ming said bluntly.

\"What? Did he call you? Is he sure that we have done these things? \"Dong Jun was a little surprised after hearing Yang Ming's words.

\"Of course, unless he is a fool and doesn't know that we did these things, he must have been sure. \"Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said:\" It's easy to understand that he called me. It's easy for him to find our phone number, and we don't hide anything now.\"

\"That's right. What did Dr. Benjamin say? \"Dong Jun asked.

\"Dr. Benjamin tricked me into going to Fire Wolf Island to negotiate, but let me expose it. His purpose was nothing more than to let the newly created Fire Wolf God of War deal with me. \"Yang Ming said:\"It's just that I said it directly, and Dr. Benjamin was surprised...\"

\"Haha, he absolutely can't imagine that you can see what he does. I guess Dr. Benjamin must have a wonderful expression when you knew that he had created the Fire Wolf God of War, right? \"Dong Jun suddenly burst into laughter.

\" Well, he was shocked and angry, and then I hung up the phone. \"Yang Ming said.

\"Is this what you want to discuss with us? \"Alice is a little strange:\" Although this Fire Wolf God of War is powerful, it should not be the kind of monster that can't be blown up, right? As long as he dares to come, we will blow him up in the same way. Even if he can't blow up, he can drown in the water.\"

\"This is just the reason for coming to you, but this is not the reason for discussion. \"Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "Dr. Benjamin has learned to be smart now. Do you think he can still foolishly let the Fire Wolf God of War come to us in a submarine or helicopter as before? That's impossible. He's not a fool! \"

\"Oh? Then he is going to...\" Dong Jun asked after hearing this.

\" He is going to let me go, let me go to Fire Wolf Island, and then use Fire Wolf God of War against me! \"Yang Ming said.

\"But you're not stupid. He asked you to go. Didn't you refuse? \"Alice asked strangely:\" As long as you don't go to Fire Wolf Island, Dr. Benjamin can't do anything about you at all! \"

\" There is no way. \"Yang Ming spread out his hands and said:\" However, now there is a strange phenomenon, that is, after I refused Dr. Benjamin's invitation on the phone and exposed his purpose, Dr. Benjamin should be very annoyed and angry, right? Dong Jun also expected this situation just now, right? \"

\"Yes, isn't that the case? \"Dong Jun nodded and asked.

\"In fact, this is not the case. Dr. Benjamin found the old mule, and then the old mule came out of Dr. Benjamin's laboratory with a smile...\"Yang Ming said with a wry smile:\"There must be something I don't know, and I can't see Dr. Benjamin's experiment. In the room, there is no way to see what Dr. Benjamin said to the old mule, so that the old mule is so happy, but I'm sure that Dr. Benjamin has probably found a way to crack it! \"

\" Listening to what you said, it's really possible! \"Alice nodded:\" That is to say, Dr. Benjamin thought of a way to deal with you, otherwise, the old mule should be sad! \"

\"Yes, but I really can't imagine how to do it. Dr. Benjamin can let me take the initiative to go to Firewolf Island! \"Yang Ming said:\" At present, it seems that only when Dr. Benjamin let me go to Fire Wolf Island can he deal with me...\"

\"This is really a problem...\" Dong Jun nodded, and the three of them suddenly fell silent. After all, this matter can't be thought of in a while. Although they roughly guessed Dr. Benjamin's possible intention, they couldn't think of Dr. Benjamin's method.


In Donghai City, a flight landed safely at Donghai City Airport, and Huang Lele is the co-pilot of this plane, which is one of her rotating positions and the airline takes care of her.

Because Yang Ming's X Island also needs to establish an airport, in order to promote the future tourism industry, Huang Lele, as the chairman of the future X Island Airlines, must learn these necessary knowledge. This airline puts Huang Lele on a variety of different positions, in order to make Huang Lele more familiar with it. Operation of airlines.

However, when she came to Donghai City this time, in addition to going to Songjiang City to meet Chen Mengyan and others, the biggest purpose was to meet her netizen Xiaohuxian. Xiaohuxian has always been her best friend on the Internet, and this time, she also responded to the invitation of Xiaohuxian.

In the past, Xiaohuxian and Huang Lele were very busy and had no free time to meet. Besides, every time Huang Lele came to Donghai City, he must go to see Yang Ming as soon as possible. There was not enough time to spend time with Yang Ming. How could he have time to meet netizens?

Even the best netizens, Huang Lele can't abandon Yang Ming.

And now, Yang Ming is no longer in Songjiang City. After Huang Lele came here, there was naturally nothing too important, so he naturally made an appointment with Xiaohuxian to meet at a * coffee shop in Songjiang City.

Huang Lele dialed the phone number of the little fox fairy.

\"Hey, little fox fairy? I'm Lele! \"Huang Lele said.

\" Lele, have you arrived in Donghai City? \"Over the phone, there was a girl's voice that was very surprised. To be continued