very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2358 Lele is missing

"So...what should I do now?" Jing Xiaolu looked at Zhou Jiajia with some confusion.

"What else can I do? Or I will take some effort to crack the password with exhaustive method, but it takes too long. The easiest way is to use your company's computer to appeal back, which is the fastest way. Zhou Jiajia said.

"Well, let's go to the company!" Jing Xiaolu nodded quickly..

Therefore, Jing Xiaolu drove the car and took Zhou Jiajia to the company. In the past few days, Jing Xiaolu originally wanted to take a vacation and leave the company's affairs to Bao Sanli and Hou Shock, but what she didn't expect was that such a trouble had, which made Jing Xiaolu a little helpless and laugh.

The two quickly came to the company. With the help of Zhou Jiajia, they completed the QQ number appeal. Next, they waited for the result of the appeal. After all this, they went home.

Probably in the afternoon, Jing Xiaolu received a reply to the result of the complaint. Because the information she filled in was completely correct, the password of the QQ number can be reset. This time, Jing Xiaolu also applied for password protection with the help of Zhou Jiajia and bound the mobile phone. In this way, it will be greatly reduced. The possibility of theft is low.

"Wow... I finally found it..." Jing Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Although there is nothing important on this QQ number, it has been used for a long time. It is full of good friends and family members. I really can't bear to lose it!"

"Don't be happy too early. Why don't you look at the chat records? Has your QQ number been used by the thief to defraud?" Zhou Jiajia reminded.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to use stolen numbers to commit fraud. In many cases, it is to use stolen numbers to send messages to friends on QQ, saying that they have encountered any difficulties. If they have no money, they can ask their friends to remit money quickly.

Although people are also very vigilant now, and this kind of fraudulent method is often publicized on the Internet, there will still be some careless friends who are deceived because of this. In fact, these people are not without consideration, but because they are in trust in their friends, they think that it must be difficult for friends to have no money, so they are not There are a lot of questions. If you remit money directly, you will be fooled by the swindler.

Therefore, the swindler also took advantage of such a mentality and repeatedly succeed!

"Yes, I have to have a look quickly..." Jing Xiaolu nodded quickly after hearing this, clicked her QQ friends one by one, and then looked at the roaming records of the last 7 days. There were any records used by swindlers.

Jing Xiaolu first checked from her real friends, but it was good that when she saw all her real friends, she was immediately relieved. None of her real friends were cheated, and even the swindlers did not talk to them.

This made Jing Xiaolu breathe a sigh of relief and thought, maybe this liar didn't want to steal the number to deceive people, maybe to see if she had Q coins or something...

However, when Jing Xiaolu saw her best netizen "Lele", she was immediately shocked! Because there are a lot of chat records here!

Jing Xiaolu was shocked and quickly read it carefully, but as she read it, Jing Xiaolu's face became pale and ugly. She got a very important information from this chat record!

That is, Lele actually met the little fox fairy, and the little fox fairy is not himself, but the thief! This shocked Jing Xiaolu!!

This netizen Lele is Yang Ming's girlfriend Huang Lele! And Jing Xiaolu is naturally the real little fox fairy.

Previously, Jing Xiaolu did not associate with Huang Lele. After all, her netizen's name is "Lele" and the name "Lele" is very ordinary. How can she connect Lele with Huang Lele?

But then, as she deepened her chat with Lele, and she got Yang Ming's QQ number. Compared with Yang Ming's QQ number she knew, she realized that Lele was also one of Yang Ming's women! Of course, Jing Xiaolu has never had time to tell Yang Ming or Huang Lele about this secret.

What she thought was that when she met Huang Lele, she would talk about it when the two of them talked about it. After all, it would be a little embarrassing to say it directly, and it was not a big deal!

The last time Huang Lele came, because Yang Ming was leaving and the time was in a hurry, Jing Xiaolu did not find a chance to talk to Huang Lele, so Huang Lele left in a hurry!

Originally, Huang Lele said that he would come here in the next few days, and Jing Xiaolu was also ready to scare Huang Lele and announced the [true] identity of the little fox fairy with her, but how did she expect that such a thing would happen?

Not to mention that Lele is Yang Ming's girlfriend Huang Lele, but it's not. She is Jing Xiaolu's good friend, and Jing Xiaolu can't sit back and watch Huang Lele be deceived!

I took a look at the time of the chat record, which was the day before yesterday, and the time they made an appointment to meet was just this morning! And it's almost night now. Seeing this, Jing Xiaolu was shocked and afraid, and she didn't care to explain to Zhou Jiajia. She quickly picked up her mobile phone and dialed Huang Lele's number...

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off or is not in the service area..." In the receiver of the phone, a formulaic prompt sound came, and Huang Lele's phone was turned off and couldn't get through!

This situation made Jing Xiaolu's heart suddenly stunned. She dialed it again, and it was still the prompt tone of the shutdown...

"Xiao Lu, what's wrong with you? Why are you in such a hurry to call? Zhou Jiajia looked at Jing Xiaolu strangely and asked.

"Jiajia, it's not good, something's wrong!" Jing Xiaolu said in a hurry.

"Ah? What's going on? Your QQ friend, is someone really cheated?" Zhou Jiajia asked.

"It's much more serious than this..." Jing Xiaolu said, "It's Lele, Huang Lele was cheated!"

"Ah? Lele? Why was Lele cheated? Also, why is she your QQ friend? We don't have her QQ number, do we?" Zhou Jiajia asked strangely.

"It's hard to say!" Jing Xiaolu smiled bitterly and said, "Jiajia, you can ask Xiao Qingjie, Sun Jiejie and Mengyan to come over. I'll tell you about the matter in detail!"

"Well, then I'll call them!" Zhou Jiajia didn't dare to neglect, so she ran out of the room to inform the other girls, and in the room, Jing Xiaolu called Huang Lele's phone number over and over again!

However, every time I dialed it, it still sent a shutdown prompt tone, and there was no miracle! It seems that Huang Lele's phone is really turned off, and it's not that there is no signal or anything. ( To be continued