very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2372 The Big Bang

Here are his research materials and results over the years, as well as some experimental new inventions and so on. These things must be taken away and cannot be left on Fire Wolf Island. Not to mention these things that he has studied for many years, even if he can study them again, it will waste a lot of time!

So Dr. Benjamin didn't have time to watch the battle between Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao. He began to pack up his experiments and prepared to secretly leave here in a submarine while Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao were fighting!

Dr. Benjamin doesn't believe that Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao can still take care of his escape action when they fight against each other. I guess he will ignore it, right? Anyway, there is such a gap that Dr. Benjamin is sure to escape.

It's just that there are too many things in his laboratory that can't be transferred in a while, so he has to hurry up!

In Dr. Benjamin's opinion, it should be no problem for Yang Ming and the Fire Wolf God of War to fight for two or three hours, but if it takes longer, I'm afraid something will change, so he must hurry up, but in two or three hours, although all the information can't be emptied, most of the things can still be

Although the central base has a few Dr. Benjamin's men in addition to those who just died, Dr. Benjamin does not want to ask for help. His laboratory has a secret passage that can directly lead to the escape submarine, and can also transport luggage into the submarine through a special transmission channel, although he It's a little troublesome to move around, but in fact it won't take too much effort, but it takes a little longer.

Because Dr. Benjamin doesn't want to reveal to others that he is going to escape, so there are so many people who know. What if those men have to go with him? What if Yang Ming knows about it? It was even more troublesome, so Dr. Benjamin wanted to leave quietly.

Over there, Yang Ming was always paying attention to Dr. Benjamin's movements. Seeing that he actually began to move things to the submarine, Yang Ming sneered at the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, the old man wanted to escape!

It seems that he also had a hunch that the Fire Wolf God of War might not be able to do it, so he was ready to escape in advance, but how could Yang Ming let him escape? Even if he doesn't take anything and escapes directly in a submarine, Yang Ming can directly contact Dr. Sun Sikong, transfer the flying saucer, leave Wang Zhitao alone, and blow up Dr. Benjamin first.

But now that Dr. Benjamin is on the verge of death, he still carries those useless research materials and experiments, which is ridiculous!

It's just that Dr. Benjamin's abacus is still crackling. He is ready to wait until he get on the submarine and stay away from Fire Wolf Island, then start the explosives of Fire Wolf Island and blow up Yang Ming! He doesn't care about Wang Zhitao, the fire wolf god of war. In his opinion, Wang Zhitao is one of his running dogs. If he dies, he will die. It's not a big deal to make it again.

Soon, Yang Ming hit the rotary reverse magnetic field network under the ground under his feet with Wang Zhitao. With the burning of electric sparks, the rotary reverse magnetic field network under Yang Ming's feet was destroyed, and Yang Ming's feet also regained their freedom at this moment.

However, Yang Ming did not stop, but continued to smash it down with Wang Zhitao. When Yang Ming was watching those killer skill teaching CDs, he remembered that the detonation method of this strong explosive had an electric spark.

So Yang Ming is ready to use the powerful electric spark here to incur explosives! However, Yang Ming hit the power grid, and the high-voltage power on it was transmitted to Yang Ming through Wang Zhitao's body, but Yang Ming did not have any special feeling. In fact, this was also within Yang Ming's expectation. King Kong is known as saying that knives and guns do not enter water and fire, and even fire can be defended, and there should

As the Fire Wolf God of War, Wang Zhitao doesn't seem to be afraid of high voltage, but Yang Ming doesn't care about him. Whether he is afraid or not, let's smash it first!

So, the sad Wang Zhitao was once again treated as a sledgehammer by Yang Ming and smashed the ground! I guess Wang Zhitao never dreamed that he had not been an infinitely powerful fire wolf god of war for a long time. His only existential effect was that Yang Ming used his hard body as a hammer to plan the ground...

Although Yang Ming has a tool in his hand, and this tool is still very easy to use, the explosives are not buried in general depth! Of course, this is understandable. If it is on the surface of the ground, in case it is accidentally detonated, everyone will suffer.

However, after Yang Ming saw that Dr. Benjamin was ready to escape, he accelerated the speed of the blow in his hand, while Wang Zhitao inevitably became more tragic.

If he can faint, Wang Zhitao will definitely choose to faint at this moment. Isn't it too painful? Yang Ming was used as a sledgehammer to plan the ground, shaking him to death, and everything in his stomach was about to spit out. It was simply worse than death!

He is a dignified fire wolf god of war. Wang Zhitao was so ashamed and indignant that he was turned into this by Yang Ming.

(Kchler and other Iron Man and Super Iron Man: I cry, at least you have been out for so long and didn't hang up. We hung up as soon as we came out. You are much better than us...)

Finally, with Yang Ming's efforts, Yang Ming saw hope. No further down, there is the explosives buried by Dr. Benjamin! And as long as Yang Ming works harder, it won't be too difficult to exploding!

Yang Ming continued to hit the ground crazily and speeded up. Finally, the protection on the layer of explosives broke through the ground. Yang Ming took a deep breath, then picked up Wang Zhitao, smashed him on the power grid of the rotary reverse magnetic field, and smashed the power grid of the rotary reverse magnetic field into the explosive

"Boom--" With a loud noise, Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao were blown up to the sky together, but Yang Ming was fine, but there was only half of Wang Zhitao in Yang Ming's hand, and the other half was no longer known where it was, and it was estimated that it had been blown to pieces!

Yang Ming quickly threw down the half of Wang Zhitao in his hand, and the following was the center of the place where Yang Ming began to dig, and then quickly exploded in all directions! There are chain explosives buried under the island. If one area explodes, other areas will also explode in turn, just like a domino!

Yang Ming saw that the other half of Wang Zhitao's body was also blown to pieces, and after Yang Ming landed, the huge explosive airflow once again rushed Yang Ming into the sky!