Nuclear God of War

Chapter 25: Heaven meets the waves again

The sunlight that exists in the earth world is the working principle of people in the earth world to collect sunlight through laser weapons, collect sunlight on the surface, and release it in the earth world, so that the environment of the earth world is close to nature.

Kufeng followed Hesheng and Pingyan while thinking: Why did the people of the earth have changed so much for the people in heaven? Why is this? Is it just because He Sheng saved them? I don't think it will be this simple. I must be vigilant.

"Well, He Sheng, this first area is almost the same I have introduced to you. Let's go to the second area, which is the leisure and entertainment area of our world, and there are many interesting things." Gu Quanso is going to take He Sheng and others to the second area.

However, He Sheng suddenly refused, "No, I think it's time for me to go back to heaven. After all, the matter here has been resolved, and I should go back to my uncle."

"Don't rush to go. A big gift prepared by our people around the world for you can only be completed in the evening. If you leave, who will we give that gift to?" Gu Quansuo immediately became nervous and persuaded He Sheng not to leave.

However, it has been decided that the peace and victory of returning to heaven will not stay in the earth. He said to Gu Quansuo, "I help you because my uncle wants to save you, not because I want to save you, so you don't have to thank me. If you don't want to waste gifts, then you can give gifts to my uncle. Uncle."

He Sheng turned around and said to Ping Yan beside him, "Sister Xiaoyan, let's go back to heaven." After saying that, he walked to the exit of the earth world.

Ping Yan hurriedly followed He Sheng and walked to the earth world. Kufeng turned his head and followed Hesheng to leave. At the same time, he noticed the change in Gu Quansuo's expression.

Gu Quansuo, who originally greeted Hesheng and others with a smile, saw that Hesheng ignored persuasion and insisted on returning to heaven, Gu Quansuo's expression suddenly became cold and serious.

Although Kufeng's rank is a second lieutenant, he is the captain of the evil dragon team, the strongest air force in heaven. He is by no means an idle person who can become the captain of the evil dragon team.

Kufeng noticed the subtle expression change of Guquan Sona and immediately became vigilant to prepare for any sudden ** situation that would happen afterwards.

He Sheng walked to the exit of the first area to the surface and was suddenly stopped by the ground world soldiers. "Why do you stop me? Do you want me to be angry again?" He Sheng suddenly said angrily.

As Hesheng's mood was slightly unstable, the emotional suppressor on his left wrist emitted an electric current, making Hesheng's body numb.

Ping Yan, who followed Hesheng, immediately supported Hesheng, who was a little shaking, and said, "Brother Hesheng, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, but I was electrocuted by the emotional suppressor again." He Sheng said to Pingyan with a smile.

Gu Quansuo, who caught up from behind, put down his mobile phone in his ear, stood in front of the soldiers who blocked Hesheng and left, and scolded loudly, "Do you know who you stopped? He is the benefactor of our world, and He Sheng!"

"Forget it, Senator Gu, don't embarrass these soldiers anymore. You can let them go now. You don't have to scold them. He Sheng only asked Gu Quan to let him leave the world.

Gu Quansuo looked depressed, "Alas!" He sighed and said, "Well, then you can leave our land and go back to heaven." He also said, "Hurry up and let Hesheng and his friends leave our world and return to heaven."

He Sheng heard what Gu Quansuo said and asked curiously, "What! What's going to happen to your world?"

"To tell you the truth, there is an imminent coup in our world. Now Tinos, who holds military power, wants to usurp the position of president of President Uvadas. I wanted to ask you to stay and help President Uvadas tide over the difficulties, but I didn't expect you to leave." Gu Quansuo lowered his head and said with regret.

"What does it have to do with us whether there is a coup in your world or not?" Sare asked the question first again.

"The coup in our world also has a great relationship with your paradise. Because our President Uvadas does not want to be the enemy of heaven, but Tinov wants to completely seize the capital of heaven. This attack on heaven was also planned and commanded by Tinov.

"If your President Uvadas can promise me that as long as he sits in the position of president of your Senate for a day, he will never attack our heaven, then I can consider and stay and help Uvadas." He Sheng took into account the safety of heaven and put forward conditions to the ancient spring.

"As long as you agree to stay, what conditions do you have, President Uvadas will unconditionally agree." Gu Quansuo said with a smile on his face.

"Hesheng, I don't agree with you to stay. What if heaven is attacked by nuclear mutants again during this period?" Kufeng persuaded He Sheng and hurried back to heaven.

"This." When Hesheng heard Kufeng's reminder, he really didn't know what to do.

Gu Quansuo heard that Kufeng was opposed to and Sheng's stay. There was a trace of murder in Kufeng's eyes, but he smiled and followed Hesheng and said, "Well, you can rest assured that I will monitor the capital of heaven for you. Once the nuclear mutant invades the capital of heaven, I will inform you immediately."

"If so, then I have no worries. Take me to Uvadas." He Sheng no longer hesitated.

After Hesheng left with Gu Quansuo, Kufeng grabbed Pingyan who was about to follow Hesheng and whispered, "Miss Pingyan, I'm worried about any conspiracy in this. Please stay with Hesheng at all times so that you won't be in danger."

"Well, I understand. In fact, I also think there is something strange about this. When I have a chance, I will remind Brother Sheng. After saying that, Ping Yan followed He Sheng closely and went to see President Uvadas.

Kufeng arranged for Sarui to go back to gather all the members of the evil dragon team and be ready to break out of the earth.


After an anxious wait, Hamidas finally appeared in the gathering place of nuclear people. He quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty to Hamidas: "Lord Hamidas, please punish the villain. The villain lived up to your expectations and failed to seize the first area in the world."

"What! How could this happen? With your strength, it should not be too difficult to capture the first area of the world. How can you fail? Hamidas said angrily with his hoarse voice.

"Lord Hamidas, this can't be blamed for the reinction. Here's the thing..." Black Wing said the reason for the failure of the recapital.

As soon as Hamidas heard that he appeared in the earth world, he didn't think about anything else and said, "Black Wings, Rekill, Take the order."

"Little people."

"You two, go and attack heaven quickly."

"Yes, Lord Hamidas." Black Wing and Rekill said in one voice. →[End of this chapter]