Nuclear God of War

Chapter 58: Hero Arrow of the Original Core

Major General Guowei, who received the order of Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council, was very moved and said, "President Earth Eagle, don't worry, as long as I am here, there will never be a nuclear mutant to enter our paradise."

After saying that, Guo Wei took the mechanical left arm of the mobile phone, smashed the mobile phone, turned around and walked away, mobilized all the members of the Tiandun Defense Guard, and fought to the death with the nuclear mutant.

Guowei changed into a heavy nuclear defense suit and led a team with Chen Yang, the captain of the Tiandun Defense Guard, to the edge of the southern city of Paradise, waiting for the arrival of nuclear mutants.

In the conference room of the main building of the Grand Council, President Diying asked Senator Xu: "Xu Feng, is Qingchu ready to attack?"

"President Earth Eagle, I have arranged everything as you said. As long as the nuclear mutant is close to the attack range of the Youfeng fighter, you can attack."

"Very good." Di Ying smiled with Senator Xu with satisfaction, and then asked Senator Fu, "Fu Heng, what's the situation on Professor Han's side? Is it enough to defeat the invading nuclear mutants?"

"I don't know about this. I need to contact Professor Han again."

"Okay, then you can go to the giant energy laboratory now to help Professor Han test and complete the new atomic freezing bomb." The ground eagle ordered Congressman Fu to rush to the giant energy laboratory to help Professor Han complete the test of the new atomic frozen bomb.


Hamedas has returned to the body of Mount Everest in the Himalayas and informed Professor Lan Shike of what she learned.

As soon as Lan Shike heard what Hamidas said, he was very surprised and said, "Do people in heaven really give up Hesheng and let Hesheng become the core of heroes again?"

"This is what a nuclear mutant saw with his own eyes, so I don't think it should be fake. The hero's nucleus should have reappeared."

"If so, how much do you think you are sure to occupy the capital of heaven?"

"I think it should be about 70%, because heaven and the earth world already have a certain understanding of us, so I dare not jump to conclusions."

"How sure will you be if you use the eight-level nuclear fusion of light and shadow nuclear energy?" Professor Lan Shike asked Hamidas.

Hamidas was surprised to hear that Professor Lan Shike allowed her to use eight-level nuclear fusion and asked, "Professor Lan, didn't you say that I was not allowed to use eight-level nuclear fusion easily? Why did you allow me to use it this time?"

"I didn't allow you to use eight-level nuclear fusion before, but I didn't want your body to suffer too much nuclear energy damage. Now it's completely different. You already have Sheng's blood, so if you use level 8 nuclear fusion, your body can completely withstand it.

"Professor Lan, if so, I am still very sure to occupy the capital of heaven and fulfill your beautiful wish."

"Hamidas, it's all up to you. This is our last hope to destroy the people of heaven, otherwise we will have no chance."

"Professor Lan, I'm going to lead the nuclear power people to attack heaven together." After saying that, Hamidas turned around and wanted to leave.

Professor Lan Shike stopped Hamidas, gave a backpack to Hamidas, and told him, "If the nuclear energy of the nuclear energy people disappears, you distribute the things in this backpack to the nuclear energy people, and they can recover nuclear energy."

"Yes, Professor Lan, I remember." Hamidas nodded, put on a red phoenix mask, and disappeared in front of Professor Lan Shike.

Lan Shike, sitting in the seat, turned on a virtual scene system, showing a real-time virtual scene in the south of the capital of heaven, and said, "Landhawk, I don't believe that anyone else will save you in heaven this time."


On the edge of the city in the south of Paradise, the Tiandun Defense Guard has deployed heavy laser weapons here, and the team members are always watching ahead to prevent the sudden appearance of nuclear mutants.

Guowei, who did not dare to relax his vigilance at all, said to Chen Yang, the captain of the Tiandun Defense Guard, "Chen Yang, you must pay attention to the ground. Some nuclear mutants can emerge from under the ground."

"Yes, commander-in-chief, I understand." Chen Yang stared at the ground and answered Guo Wei.

Suddenly, the first nuclear mutants to attack the capital of heaven appeared in the sky. These white winged four-level nuclear energy people reacted quickly, and it was difficult for the Tiandun Defense Guard to hit them.

While avoiding laser pulse attacks, the four-level nuclear energy man made a stream of nuclear energy to Guowei and others in the shield of heaven.

However, these nuclear energy hit the shield of heaven and were completely intercepted by the shield of heaven. They could not penetrate the shield of heaven and attack the shield defense guard.

"How could this happen? The shield of heaven has not recovered to the extent that it can resist the attack of nuclear mutants, but it has just clearly blocked the attack of nuclear mutants, which is really great news for us in heaven. Guo Wei was surprised and happy.

Guo Wei was about to tell this happy event to the president of the ground eagle of the main building of the Grand Council. Suddenly, a stream of nuclear energy attacked Guowei through the shield of heaven.

Guo Wei protected his head with his mechanical left arm. This nuclear energy completely smashed Guo Wei's mechanical left arm, but failed to hurt Guo Wei's body.

"Guo Wei, don't be too happy. I still want to enter the shield of heaven and kill you hateful people in heaven." Hamidas, dressed in red gold silk, appeared in the sky wearing a red phoenix mask.

"Chief Commander, are you all right?" Chen Yang led people around Guowei who fell to the ground to protect Guowei who fell to the ground.

Chen Yang waved his hand and ordered two shield defense guard soldiers to escort Guo Wei away from the front line.

Hamedas, who fell on the outer edge of the shield of heaven, said as he walked, "Alas! It's a pity, it's a pity that a major general in heaven escaped from the battle at a critical moment. It's really a pity that these brothers who serve you.

When Guo Wei heard this, he was very angry. He pushed away the members of the Tiandun Defense Guard who helped him, pointed to Hamidas who came by step by step and said, "Although I only have one hand left, I will never be a deserter."

After saying that, Guo Wei ordered the members of the Sky Shield Defense Guard to shoot at Hamidus. However, this attack had no effect on Hamidus.

The laser pulse hit Hamidas and then bounced away and reflected to other places, which could not hurt her body at all.

Walking to the edge of the shield of heaven, Hamidas hit the shield of heaven and stopped. Hamidas thought to himself: Hesheng, why did you stop me? They are not worth paying so much for them.

"What's the matter? Aren't you rampant just now? Why don't you talk now?" I don't know what Hamidas is thinking about, satirizing Hamidas.

Suddenly, Hamidaz's body flashed red light and once again walked to the shield of heaven. →[End of this chapter]