Nuclear God of War

Chapter 65: The Robbery of Meteors

Seeing that Qingtian was about to kill Pingyan, the Evil Dragon No. 1 machine shot a laser pulse into Qingtian and hit Qingtian's body.

Qingtian was safe and sound. He grabbed Pingyan's neck, slowly raised Pingyan and said, "Xiaoyan, don't blame me. I have no choice. Whoever calls me a servant of the nuclear beast masters, I must obey their orders."

After saying that, Qingtian began to pinch Pingyan's neck hard. Pingyan began to breathe, and soon her consciousness began to blur a little.

Although Pingyan is already a nuclear person and does not need to breathe the oxygen that humans breathe, as a nuclear person, like other nuclear mutants, she needs to breathe sunlight to survive.

The consciousness began to be a little vague and flat, and he shouted weakly, "Brother Hesheng, please save me quickly, Brother Hesheng, save me..."

He Sheng, who was unconscious in the central core of the hero's original nucleus, heard Ping Yan's continuous shouts and woke up from the coma little by little.

He Sheng saw Qingtian hold Xiaoyan's sister's neck. Although he didn't know what was going on, he would never allow anyone to hurt Xiaoyan's sister.

He Sheng was furious, and a horrible voice came from the hero's original nucleus: "Qingtian, please let my little sister go quickly, otherwise I will definitely not let you go."

"Who are you? Get out of here. Don't hide. Don't dare to show your true face. Qingtian didn't know where the sound came from.

"Qingtian, I'll count three. If you don't let go of my little sister, I will definitely not let you go."

"Even if you count a hundred, I won't let her go, because I have to kill her." Qingtian ignored what Sheng said and said resolutely.

When Qingtian resolutely wanted to kill Pingyan, the victory in the hero's original core was completely provoked and released nuclear energy beyond the past.

A long chain slowly extended from the hero's original nucleus and quickly hit the ground to wrap around the blue sky around the flat neck.

Qingtian is wrapped in this special nuclear energy chain, and his body seems to be bound by a powerful force. His own nuclear energy is completely suppressed and cannot be released.

Pingyan easily broke away from the blue sky, stood on the ground weakly, looked at the hero's core in the sky, and said, "Brother Hesheng, thank you for saving me again, thank you."

The two-headed nuclear mutant eagle noticed the existence of the hero's original nucleus and flew near the hero's original nucleus at full speed, flying around the hero's original nucleus.

The two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle suddenly fell on the hero's core, with four eagle claws, tightly grasping the hero's core, quickly swinging its wings, and wanting to take away the hero's core.

No matter how fast the frequency of the double-headed nuclear mutant eagle dances its wings, it is impossible to move the hero's original nucleus above the center of the shield of heaven.

The two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle, two eagle heads, peck at the hero's protonuclear under its eagle's claws with its huge eagle's beak. Every time the hero's nuclear nucleus is pecked, its nuclear energy will weaken by one point.

Hamedas, who was seriously injured on the ground, was very nervous when he saw the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle attacking the hero's core. He thought: No, I must find a way to save Hesheng, otherwise if it goes on like this, Hesheng will definitely be in danger.

Although Hamidas really wants to save Hesheng, with her current body, she can't save Hesheng at all, and it is difficult to save her own life, let alone save Hesheng.

As the double-headed nuclear mutant eagle keeps pecking, the hero's prokary nucleus shrinks little by little, and the harmony in the internal central core has also felt inexplicable pain.

Although everyone wants to save and win now, no one has the ability to save and win from the four eagle claws of the two-headed nuclear power mutant eagle.

After the nuclear energy chain released by the hero's pronuclear dissipated, Qingtian broke free and was ready to kill the double-headed nuclear mutant eagle again and ordered him to kill Ping Yan.

Qingtian grabbed Pingyan's neck again and said, "Don't think that someone will come to save you. No one can save you now."

Before the blue sky's words fell, there was a loud sound from the sky. Everyone on the ground heard the deafening sound and looked up at the sky.

Hamidas, the blue sky and even the flat beauty strangled by the blue sky, and the scattered nuclear power mutants, the evil dragon team at a height of 10,000 meters, were surprised to find that there was a meteor shower on the earth *.

However, compared with previous meteor showers, this meteor shower is very different. Professor Han Xingbo, a giant energy laboratory in heaven, informed Senator Fu in the evil dragon team and said, "Congressor Fu, please go down with Kufeng and others, otherwise you will be very dangerous."

Senator Fu, who flew the evil dragon fighter plane, learned from Professor Han's notification and knew that the meteor shower was very different from the past. He quickly told the captain of the evil dragon team - Kufeng.

Captain Kufeng learned that the meteor shower was extremely dangerous, so he quickly ordered the members of the evil dragon team hovering at a height of 10,000 meters to quickly evacuate the airspace.

All the evil dragon fighters had just evacuated from the airspace. One by one, meteors crossed the atmosphere, burned violently, formed a fireball, and fell to heaven.

The Heavenly Shield system automatically begins to search for meteorites that may fall to the Heavenly City. Once some meteorites are found and will fall in the Heavenly City, the Heavenly Shield system will automatically send laser pulses or * to these meteorites to protect the Heavenly City.

Suddenly, the meteor shower became more fierce, and more and more meteorites fell. The shield system soon reached the maximum defense level to protect heaven.

However, this can't stop the next larger meteor shower. In the blink of an eye, heaven is full of holes on the periphery of the ground.

The scattered nuclear power mutants, with the help of some four-level drilling nuclear power people, have all hidden into the depths of dozens of meters of ground to avoid meteorites that hit the ground fiercely.

Qingtian was almost strangled Pingyan, but Pingyan suddenly said, "Brother Qingtian, it doesn't matter if you kill me. As long as you can better protect heaven and avenge our parliament, I will die without regret."

"I will kill all the nuclear mutants, who are also the target of our master, so I will definitely kill all the nuclear mutants."

After saying that, Qingtian began to pinch Pingyan's neck harder, and Pingyan was soon dying.

Suddenly, a three-meter-diameter meteorite suddenly hit the ground and began to shake violently.

When the shaking caused by this meteorite falling to the ground calmed down, another large meteorite hit the ground and the earth shook again.

Large meteorites hit the ground one after another, causing the ground around the periphery of heaven to be smashed with holes. The shield of heaven to protect the heaven capital began to dim due to the consumption of too much nuclear energy. →[End of this chapter]