Nuclear God of War

Chapter 84: A Beautiful New Power

Kufeng, the captain of the evil dragon team, heard Hamidas' angry tone and knew that Hamidas was indeed not joking. He was surprised: "Why did you suddenly come to help us in heaven? What is your purpose?"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Your evil dragon team quickly returned to heaven and asked Professor Han Xingbo to make a super-large nuclear freezer. Go quickly."

"Why should I listen to you?" Kufeng said very unconvincedly.

"If you don't want heaven to be destroyed by this three-headed nuclear snake king, do as I say, or I can't save you in heaven."

After saying that, Hamidas saw Kufeng leave, and she immediately rushed to the three-headed nuclear snake king and punched the three nuclear snake king, and the three-headed nuclear snake king fell to the ground.

Hamedas hovering more than 20 meters away from the ground and saw the three-headed nuclear snake king being punched down by him, he felt that something was wrong and said, "How could this happen? Is Professor Lan overestimating these nuclear beasts, or is there something else hidden in them?

"Hamidas, be careful." Deputy Captain Sarui, who was driving the evil dragon 33 in the sky, reminded Hamidas, who was talking to himself.

Hamidas heard Vice Captain Sare shout and looked up! The giant tail of the three-headed nuclear snake king threw at her from top to bottom.

Hamedas avoided the tail split from top to bottom on one side. However, while the three-headed nuclear snake king saw Hamidas dodge its blow, his tail suddenly swept horizontally and tightly entangled Hamidas.

After Hamidas was wrapped around the tail of the three nuclear snake king, his body became tighter and tighter, and then his body began to suffer severe pain.

"Hamidas, what's wrong with you? If you are the enemy of our three-headed nuclear snake king, you won't have a good end. You'd better give up protecting heaven. The blue sky appeared on Hamidas's head and persuaded him.

"Qingtian, don't be controlled by nuclear beasts. They are using you. Wake up quickly. Heaven is the place you always want to protect. How can you allow nuclear beasts to destroy heaven?"

When Qingtian heard what Hamidas said, his heart began to become confused. He didn't know how to choose. He said to himself, "How could this happen? What should I do? Heaven is something I must protect, but how dare I disobey the orders of nuclear beasts? What should I do now?

With the escalation of Qingtian's inner contradiction and Qingtian's inability to make a choice, the painful struggle in the choice really makes him miserable.

The blue sky struggled with painful choices, and the painful fell from the air to the ground, and the nuclear energy on his body began to decline sharply.

Hamidas knew that this was a good time to break free and shouted, "Light and shadow nuclear energy - eight-level nuclear fusion!"

Hamidas's body emits a powerful red light, and the nuclear energy has also increased rapidly, surpassing the nuclear energy of the three nuclear snake kings.

What Hamidas didn't expect at all is that although her nuclear energy has exceeded that of the three nuclear snake king, she still can't break free from the tail of the three nuclear snake king.

Hamidas, who couldn't break free from the tail of the three-headed nuclear snake king, said to himself and wondered, "How could this happen? My nuclear energy has obviously surpassed this three-headed nuclear snake king, but why can't I break free?

Hamidas does not know that these nuclear mutants have nuclear energy, which is not as small as shown on the surface. There is powerful nuclear energy hidden in their bodies.

What's more terrible is that the nuclear mutant has the effect of eliminating three special nuclear powers. That is, the gas form of aerosol nuclear energy, the light and shadow form of light and shadow nuclear energy, and the light fog form of light fog nuclear energy do not work at all in front of nuclear energy mutant beasts.

Hamedas reluctantly thought: I didn't expect these nuclear beasts to have such strong nuclear energy. It's really my negligence. I thought this guy only had the nuclear energy of a seven-level nuclear energy man and could easily defeat it. I really shouldn't have listened to Professor Lan's persuasion.

"Hamedas, why are you here? What exactly do you want to do here?" The plainness of women's armor in purple and red patterns appeared on Hamidas' head.

"Miss Pingyan, you came back too soon, otherwise, our heaven may be destroyed by this three-headed nuclear snake king." Deputy Captain Sa Rui, who was driving the Evil Dragon No. 33 in the sky, was very happy to see Miss Pingyan coming back.

"Captain Sarui, why is Hamidas here?"

"Miss Pingyan, Hamidas is helping us resist this three-headed nuclear snake king. If it weren't for Hamidas, this guy would have reached the edge of heaven."

Ping Yan listened to Vice Captain Sarre's answer and knew that Hamidas was helping the evil dragon team protect the capital of heaven.

"Hamidas, it seems that I was right to let you go last time, otherwise our heaven would not be protected this time. All right, I'll come to save you now." Ping Yan lowered her head and said to Hamidas, who was entangled in the tail of the three nuclear snake king.

After saying that, Pingyan's right hand instantly turned into a purple metal glowing sword, which was 1.5 times the length of Pingyan's body.

After Pingyan's right hand turned into a purple metal glowing sword, it disappeared in the air in an instant. The three-headed nuclear snake king knew that it was Pingyan's attack target, and the three snake heads looked around looking for Pingyan's trace.

Ping Yan suddenly appeared under the tail erected by the three-headed nuclear snake king. With a wave of her right hand, blood splashed, and the five-meter-long tail of the three-headed nuclear snake king fell to the ground.

Hamidas flew back to the sky, and Pingyan suddenly appeared beside Hamidas. Hamidas was very surprised and asked, "Pingyan, what kind of power are you? Why are you so powerful?"

"This is my new nuclear energy, called 'New Heteronuclear Energy'!" Pingyan replied casually.

[Light new nuclear energy: The flat body is injected with superpower human blood to obtain unique new nuclear energy. The body can change any metal form at will and has the ability to control light]

Hamidas doesn't know what light new nuclear energy is, and he has never heard of new nuclear energy. He asked, "What kind of nuclear energy is this?" Why have I never heard of this kind of nuclear energy?

Pingyan has no time to explain to Hamidas now, because she knows that this three-headed nuclear snake king will not be easily defeated.

Ping Yan and Hamidas were surprised to find that the cut tail of the three-headed nuclear snake king squirmed behind the three-headed nuclear snake king and reconnected with the broken tail.

When Pingyan and Hamidas reacted, the tails of the three nuclear snake king had grown together again and recovered intact as before.

Three-headed Nuclear Snake King six eyes shot a beam of light into Pingyan and Hamidas. →[End of this chapter]