Nuclear God of War

Chapter 107: Relics of Ancient Civilization 2

After listening to what Xu Feng, the speaker of Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said to him, Major General Guowei immediately walked out of Speaker Xu's office.

After the soldiers called in by Speaker Xu brought Guo Wei out, he asked someone to bring Qingchu in again and asked Guo Wei questions.

I thought that what Qingchu and Guo Wei said was very different and could not be the same. After listening to Qingchu's answer, he was very shocked and unbelievable.

yi yi yi zhu ren Xu thought to himself: Strangely, the situation mentioned by Guo Wei and Qing Chu is exactly the same. Is it true that I worry too much?

Just when Speaker Xu thought that he had thought too much, he accidentally found that Qingchu's microcomputer had always been turned on.

Syi yi President Xu held Qingchu's left wrist and forcibly pulled down the microcomputer on Qingchu's left arm. After that, he knew why Qingchu's answer was exactly the same as Guo Wei.

Before that, Guo Wei turned on his microcomputer when talking to Speaker Xu, and all the words he said to Speaker Xu were passed on to Qingchu outside.

Speaker Xu was really angry this time and said, "Qingchu, why did you deceive your uncle? No matter what you do wrong, your uncle will not punish you, but why did you deceive your uncle? Why on earth is this?

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I really can't tell the truth. I'm really sorry." Qingchu cried and apologized to Speaker Xu.

yi yi yi zhu ren Xu promised his brother General Xu Shan to take good care of Qingchu. Now when he sees Qingchu crying, he really can't ask Qingchu any more.

"Well, Qingchu, don't cry. Everything is wrong with your uncle. Uncle will no longer embarrass you and Guo Wei. Let's go with Guo Wei." Speaker Xu comforted his niece Qingchu.

"Uncle, are you really not pursuing this matter anymore?" Qingchu looked at Speaker Xu with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, uncle won't mention it again."

"Great, thank you, uncle." After saying that, Qingchu wiped away his tears and walked out of Speaker Xu's office.

After Qingchu left, Speaker Xu called two soldiers and ordered them to quietly monitor Guo Wei and Qingchu's every move. If there is any situation, he will come back immediately to report.

Guowei, who was outside, saw the traces of crying in Qingchu's eyes. He came forward and asked Qingchu, "Qingchu, why did you cry? Did Speaker Xu punish you?"

"No, my uncle didn't punish me."

"Oh, why did you cry?"

"If I don't pretend to be wronged, how can my uncle stop pursuing this matter?" Qingchu whispered to Guo Wei.


Hamydas has returned to the nuclear energy gathering place at this moment and said, "I'm going to do something of my own now. I want to ask two of you to help me with this. Which one of you would like to follow me?"

Most nuclear energy people are willing to help Lord Hamidus do this private matter of Lord Hamidas.

Hamedas was very happy to see that so many nuclear people were willing to help her and said, "Thank you for your willingness to help me. I'm very happy, but this matter may be dangerous, so I hope you will be careful."

When the nuclear energy personnel heard that this was so dangerous, they did not retreat, and scrambled to ask Hamidus to take them.

Hamydas looked at the nuclear man carefully and said, "Fantasy Army, I think I will definitely need your phantom ability, so I hope you can come with me to help me."

"It is our honor to work for Lord Hamidas. I will definitely help Lord Hamidas complete this." As the magic army spoke, he was complacent, because Lord Hamidas chose him.

After choosing the magic army, Hamidas is still continuing to choose the next candidate. Suddenly, someone volunteered and said, "Lord Hamidas, I am a person who has just upgraded to a seven-level nuclear energy. My nuclear energy is very powerful. I hope Lord Hamidas can take me there. I believe I can definitely help. Lord Midas is busy.

"Cut Water Day, have you really upgraded to a seven-level nuclear energy person?"

"Yes, Lord Hamidas, I have indeed been upgraded to a seven-level nuclear energy person."

Hamidas heard the answer of Water Cutting Day and thought: How can Water Cutting Day be upgraded to a seven-level nuclear energy person in an instant? There must be other secrets. When I finish this matter and save Hesheng, I will come to investigate this matter.

"Cut the water day, then don't go with me. You have such strong nuclear energy, or protect others here, that's what you need to do." Hamidas refused to let Cut Water Day go to the Antarctic with her.

"Yes, Lord Hamidas, everything is at your command." Cut the water day said a little lost.

Hamidas knows that Uncle Sirius's Sirius tomb is a place with many mechanisms. It is not easy to get the two things left by Uncle Sirius for Hesheng.

This time, it will never be as simple as Bai tends to get the heart of the devil wolf. After all, the heart of the devil wolf is only placed under the ice at the Antarctic point, and Hamidas himself put it there.

Hamitas wants to choose a nuclear energy man with high intelligence and also strong emergency response ability this time to go to the Antarctic with her to get the two things left by Sirius* for peace and victory.

Hamedas, who really can't choose a really good candidate, has no choice but to take the water-cutting day with him, because only the water-cutting day meets the most requirements, so he has to let the water-cutting day go to the Antarctic with her.

Hamedas, who chose the two nuclear energy personnel, quickly took the magic army and the water-cutting day to the Antarctic to go to the two things left by Sirius* for the victory.


In the body of Mount Everest in the Himalayas, Professor Lan looked at Hesheng's body, sighed, shook his head and sighed, "Alas! Originally a child's victory, he has gone through many hardships for the sake of the earth. We are really sorry for you.

Professor Lan was very moved by what Hesheng had done for the earth and said to himself, "Hesheng, don't worry, I will definitely bring you back to life."


After Hamidas arrived at the Antarctic with the magic army and the water-cutting day, he said, "The magic army and the water-cutting day, you two must always be vigilant. There may be nuclear beasts nearby."

"Yes, Lord Hamidas, I will be careful." Cut Water Day answered Hamidas.

The Water Sun and the Magic Army carefully followed Hamidus to the ice surface of a huge vertical ice body in the center of the Antarctic.

Hamedas took out the black crystal with his right hand, and the black crystal then turned into a black crystal magic sword. With one sword, a crack appeared on the ice, which was enough to allow normal people to enter the ice.

Hamidas turned around and ordered him to cut the water sun and the magic army who were more than three meters tall. Outside the ice body, he waited for her to come out. After ordering the water day and magic army, he would enter the ice body alone. →[End of this chapter]