Nuclear God of War

Chapter 111: Reacquire Heart

After the emperor system finished speaking, the golden dragon wolf mask suddenly appeared in front of Hamidus, and his eyes shot two blue rays, which quickly shrank and were shot into Hamidus' eyes.

A tall golden dragon wolf mask, the blue light was injected into Hamidas' eyes. Hamidas was hypnotized in an instant and slowly fell down.

After Hamidas lay flat on the ground, his body slowly rose, hovered in front of the dragon wolf mask, and followed the dragon wolf mask into a small tomb behind the main tomb.

The dragon wolf mask entered the small tomb with the unconscious Hamidas, which was exactly the same as Professor Lan Shike entered the small tomb before, and disappeared in an instant.

Hamedas's body suddenly appeared on the central disk of the remnants of the first generation of super-ancient civilization, the largest core brain - the 'Royal Hall', and suspended the central core disk of the royal palace together with Hesheng brought by Lan Shike.

The dragon and wolf mask appeared on the giant monitor of the console on the north side of the royal palace and asked Professor Lan Shike in front of the console, "Is everything ready?"

"Don't worry, emperor, I'm ready to start."

"Okay, then let's start the first step to move Di Xiaoer's heart into Hesheng's body."

"Yes, Emperor God, I have started the heart transplant program." Lan Shike reported the situation to the Emperor God System.


At this time, the base of the central core disk extends several golden hoses, connecting with several important parts of Hamidas' body.

After opening the upper cover of the central core disk, it slowly lowered from above, and the host with 16 robotic arms began to perform surgery to remove the heart for Hamidas.

Three minutes later, Hamidas' heart was taken out, the base of the central core disk began to rotate, and Hesheng's body was moved to the front of the host lowered from the cover of the central core disk.


The dragon wolf mask displayed on the giant display of the console said, "Lan Shike, you can use Sirius*'s 'God Light Blade' now to open Hesheng's body."

When Professor Lan Shike heard what the emperor system said, he immediately pressed a white switch. The crystal coffin in the main tomb of Sirius's tomb suddenly opened, a white light flashed, and the crystal coffin closed.

The white light flying from the crystal coffin of the main tomb of Sirius's tomb suddenly appeared on the central core disk of the royal palace, in the upper cover and base, and above the left chest of Hesheng.

The white light turned into a white blade, which pierced Hesheng's left chest little by little, opened Hesheng's left chest, and the white light disappeared in an instant.

The host came down from the upper cover and quickly implanted the heart of Hamidas, Di Xiaoer, into Hesheng's body. A minute later, the host has successfully made Di Xiaoer's heart beat in Hesheng's body.

A robotic arm of the host injected a dose of medicine into Hesheng's body. Hesheng began to slowly open his eyes and slowly recovered.


Ping Yan in the Arctic Polar Ice Palace is now about to begin to obtain new nuclear energy that really belongs to her. Vutter asked with confirmation, "Ping Yan, are you ready? We are going to start. Five days after the start, you will be able to do nothing.

"Well, I'm ready. Let's get started." Pingyan looked at Vutter with unwavering eyes.

"Okay, let's start now."

In this way, Vutter began to transform Pingyan's nuclear energy, allowing Pingyan to have new nuclear energy to protect the future of heaven.


He opened his eyes and completely woke up. Seeing the host with 16 arms on his head, he was very confused and said to himself, "What is this place?" Why am I here? Shouldn't I be fighting against the king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear dragon beasts? How can I lie here now?

"Hawa Sheng, you finally woke up. That's really great." Lan Shike walked from the console to the central core disk.

"Professor Lan, why am I here? What the hell happened?"

"Hawa Sheng, to tell you the truth, you are dead."

"How could I die! Am I killed by the giant-winged nuclear dragon-like beast? What's the situation in heaven now? It has not been destroyed by the giant-winged nuclear dragon-like beast, right?

"Hang, your death is not because the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, but because you are dying because the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast. You are dead on the super nuclear energy in your own body. When you defeat the giant wing nuclear power like a dragon beast, the nuclear energy released is too strong, causing your heart to be crushed.

"Professor Lan, am I dead or alive now? If I'm dead, why can I hear you? If I'm still alive and my heart is broken, how can I still be alive? He Sheng was puzzled.

"Hawa Sheng, of course you are still alive now."

"But, Professor Lan, didn't you say that my heart has broken. How can I still be alive?"

"You are still alive because Hamidas dedicated her heart to you, and now the heart in your body is the heart of Hamidas." Lan Shike told the truth to win.

He Sheng was surprised to hear what Professor Lan Shike said and said, "Professor Lan, are you telling the truth? Does Hamidas really want her own life to save me?

"If you don't believe it, you can look to the left and you will understand everything." Lan Shike motioned and Sheng to look at the left side of his body.

He Sheng did what Lan Shike said and turned his head to the left to have a look! He said, "Hamedas! Did you really give me your own heart?

"Hawa Sheng, don't waste your efforts. Hamidas is now a dead man, and she can't hear what you say to her." Professor Lan Shike reminded and won.

He Sheng, who was originally lying flat and suspended in the central core disk, was excited. He stood up and said, "Professor Lan, you must find a way to give first aid to Hamidas."

"Impossible, Hamidas is not you. She will die completely in an hour if she loses her heart. No one can save her."

"How long has the heart of Hamidus been removed?"

"About 20 minutes."

"Professor Lan, take out the heart of Hamidas in my body and put it back in Hamidas."

"No, I can't do this, because you are the hope of protecting human beings. Once you cease to exist, human beings on earth will be in danger of extinction." Lan Shike refused and won the request.

However, the emperor's system, which suddenly appeared with a physical golden dragon and wolf mask, said, "He Sheng, I can save Emperor Xiaoer, that is, the Hamidas you mentioned, but whether you can really save Emperor Xiaoer depends on your choice."

"My choice? What do you mean? He Sheng asked incomprectively. →[End of this chapter]