Nuclear God of War

Chapter 122: Four-color Warrior Attack

In the headquarters of the Heaven Shield system, Earth Eagle, the president of the Great Council, said strangely after receiving the new news from Seans, the vice president of the Earth World of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, "Strange, what do earth people mean? Why do you have to come to heaven?"

"Perhaps because the people of the world know that you are in heaven and can be saved every time you are in danger, so the people of the world will recognize the matter of going to heaven to take refuge." Black Wing, Speaker of the Nuclear Energy Council of Heaven and Earth, said.

While checking the data of the satellite monitoring system, Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Tiandun system, suddenly found that there was something wrong with the data sent back by the satellite monitoring the world.

Guo Wei began to urgently analyze these data and found that there were two or three times more nuclear beasts around the world than those near their paradise.

Major General Guo Wei told President Earth Eagle and others about this matter. President Earth Eagle wanted to inform the people of the earth world to be prepared, but they could not get in touch with the earth world.

President Earth Eagle sighed, "Alas! Just inform the people of the world when the communication system was not disturbed before.

In fact, long before President Diying met Speaker Xu and Speaker Black, he sent a message to the people of the world in the main building of the Grand Council.

Although he did not find nuclear beasts surrounding the paradise at that time, in order to find an excuse to prevent a large number of people from the earthly people in heaven, he declared to the earthworld people that their paradise was attacked by nuclear beasts again.

"President Earth Eagle, the nuclear beasts around our heaven have now begun to retreat a little." A monitor of the Tiandun System Command reported.

"What! Nuclear beasts retreat without fighting? How can this be possible? President Earth Eagle said with a little surprise.

"President Earth Eagle, do you think these nuclear beasts appear near heaven just to attract our attention, and their real target is the earth world?" Major General Guo Wei guessed.

"I don't think it's impossible. I'm really worried about the safety of the earth. After all, they don't have the protection of the shield of heaven, let alone the peace that can repeatedly create miracles. The president of the ground eagle is a little worried about the earth world.

It is basically impossible for the earth world to resist the attack of nuclear beasts with its own strength. Now only others may be able to help them tide over the difficulties.

But heaven is now insurable. Even if people in heaven want to help the world, they are powerless and can't help.


In the polar ice palace under the Arctic ice, Vutter summoned all the four-color warriors and said, "Xiqing, Xitian, Xiwu, Heishi, you have a new task now. Go and protect the earth world. Now the earth world is in danger."

"Master, the earth is the enemy of heaven. Why should we protect them? Please give our brothers a reason." Black warrior - Xiqing asked his master Vutter to give a reason to protect the world.

Blue Warrior - Xiwu directly refused his master Vutter and said, "I will never help the hateful people of the earth. Unless I am completely manipulated, I can't let me go to the people of the earth."

Red Warrior - Heath said with a smile, "Hey, master, if my idol superhero, He Sheng, does not appear in the earth, I will not go to the earth."

When Wutel saw Xiqing, Xiwu and Heishi, they all expressed their unwillingness to protect the earthly world and said, "It seems that if I don't say the real reason for protecting the earthly world, you will not protect the earthly world. Come on, I'll tell you why to protect the earth..."

Xiqing, Xiwu, Xi Shi, the three, after listening to what the master Wutel said, finally understood why the master wanted them to let the four-color warriors protect the earth.

Xitian, a white warrior who has been silent, said, "Master, can I not go to the earth?"

"Why? Are you afraid of danger?

"No, I'm not afraid of danger. I just want to go back to heaven to see my beloved. How are you doing now? How are you doing? I didn't have a chance to see her last time I went to heaven." Xi Tian said with some embarrassment.

"If so, you can go to heaven, but you must get to the earth before dawn, otherwise your brothers will be in danger."

"Thank you, master. I will go to heaven to meet my beloved with my 'white flash' new nuclear energy. I will definitely get to the earth before dawn. Xitian was very happy to promise.

[White flash new nuclear energy: After Xitian was injected into the quadruple fission nuclear energy, he obtained a unique new he nuclear energy. This nuclear energy is a kind of speed nuclear energy, which is as fast as lightning, as fast as lightning attack, and as fast as lightning's keen perception]

Xitian walked to his brothers and said, "Brothers, you must wait for me. I will definitely appear in front of us when you need me most."

"Okay, don't waste any more time here. You'd better go to heaven quickly, and then go early and come back early." Xiqing urged Xitian to leave quickly.

At Xiqing's urging, Xitian kept going to heaven to meet his dream lover day and night.


At this time, Qingtian has led a large number of nuclear beasts to the surface of the earth's world. Qingtian ordered in beast language, "Nuclear beasts with the ability to drill the ground, quickly open the way to the earth world."

Three nuclear energy beasts similar to pangolins quickly dug holes with their sharp claws. Ten minutes later, three passages into the earth's world were opened.

Qingtian led a group of nuclear mutant lions into the first region of the earth world and was preparing to go to the second region, but they were resisted by the fighters of the earth world.

The last line of defense in the world - the magic eagle team of the top secret troops, holding atomic freezing guns, continuously attacked Qingtian and the nuclear beast behind Qingtian.

The soldiers of the Magic Eagle Team of the top-secret troops, led by their deputy captain, Rika Deterrence, made every effort to shoot atomic nuclear frozen gas into the nuclear mutant lion.

Unfortunately, these frozen gases are meaningless to their nuclear beasts. Rika saw this situation and immediately ordered all the team members to retreat.

However, the magic eagle team of the top-secret unit has no way to retreat. Now it is surrounded by several nuclear mutant lions and is in danger of being swallowed anytime and anywhere.

"People of the earth, if you hadn't launched a nuclear jihad ten years ago, I don't think there would be today's nuclear people or nuclear beasts. All the disasters are caused by you. Now it's your turn to pay this evil debt." Qingtian's thinking is a little clear.

After saying that, Qingtian waved his hand gently, surrounded the nuclear mutant lion of the soldiers of the Magic Eagle Team, and launched an attack on the Magic Eagle Team. →[End of this chapter]