Nuclear God of War

Chapter 124: Appear! Optimus Prime

At this time, the blue sky, which exists in the form of green gas, has tied up all the magic eagle team soldiers in the first area of the world with his green gas body.

Qingtian is preparing to strangle all the soldiers of the top-secret magic eagle team. Suddenly, another black gas is entangled with the green gas of Qingtian.

This black gas is Tairui, which has long been hidden in the first area of the earthly world. It is really impossible to watch. The last line of defense in the earth world - the magic eagle team of the top secret army, was killed by Qingtian alone.

So Tairui suddenly risked his life to stop Qingtian and kill their world's strongest elite troops, the top-secret magic eagle team.

Unfortunately, how could the weak nuclear energy of Yi Tairui compete with the powerful blue sky? In a blink of an eye, the black gas he changed was wrapped in the green gas of the blue sky, and the blue sky threw out the black gas.

Qingtian was very proud at this moment and said, "You are by no means my opponents. You'd better give up fighting against me. Now you can defeat me. One is my master, the king of nuclear beasts - giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast, and the other is peace victory. No one else is my opponent. You guys give up."

After saying that, the blue sky, which exists in the form of green gas, is ready to attack the soldiers of the magic eagle team of the top-secret unit again.

However, at this time, the black warrior, Xiqing's black cloud new nuclear energy, has been intertwined with the green gas of the blue sky and cannot easily kill the warriors of the magic eagle team.

While releasing the new nuclear energy of the black cloud and preventing Qingtian from killing the soldiers of the Magic Eagle team, Xiqing said with great difficulty, "Xiwu, what are you still doing? Why don't you use your blue-flow new nuclear energy quickly and freeze the body of the blue sky."

"However, that will freeze the soldiers of the top-secret magic eagle team."

"Don't worry, my black cloud new nuclear energy can protect the magic eagle team soldiers of the top-secret troops from being frozen by your bluestream new nuclear energy. Xiwu, just do it quickly, or I really can't stand it."

"Okay, I'll use my blue current new nuclear energy to freeze the body in the form of blue sky and green gas." Blue warrior - Xiwu promised to take action.

Hearing Xiwu promise to use the bluestream new nuclear energy to freeze his blue sky, I thought: My humanoid body will be frozen by this guy (Xiwu) nuclear energy. Now if it is frozen, it will be really difficult for me to escape.

Thinking of this, Qingtian suddenly returned to his real form, wearing green armor, and appeared in front of Xiqing and Xiwu.

Hishi, who had been waiting in the dark for a long time, suddenly appeared behind Qingtian with a red hidden sword in his hand. He cut down with a sword and cut Qingtian's right shoulder when he turned around.

"I'm really angry that you dare to hurt my body. I'm going to kill all of you without leaving any of you." Qingtian held the red sword that cut into his shoulder in his left hand and was furious.

The red hidden sword formed by the new nuclear energy was covered by the angry blue sky and angrily raised the red hidden sword together with Heath.

Qingtian angrily threw out the Red Hidden Sword and Heath, gave a green nuclear energy to His, and prepared to kill Heath, who was in the way.

Black Warrior - Xiqing will not let his brother, Red Warrior - Heath be hurt by others and said, "Heath, let me help you."

After saying that, Xiqing's black gas suddenly appeared in front of Heath to protect Heath, but the green nuclear energy of the blue sky still passed through Xiqing's black gas, that is, the new nuclear energy of the black cloud, and hit Heath.

The green nuclear energy hit by the blue sky, Heath, who hit his body, suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, and the red hidden sword in his hand quickly disappeared.

Qingtian was relieved to see that Heishi had fallen to the ground and covered the wound cut by Heishi's red hidden sword on his right shoulder with his left hand. He said, "Well, you self-powerful guys, now you know how powerful I am."

After Qingtian knocked Xishi to the ground, the next target was the black warrior - Xiqing. Qingtian had already seen that Xiqing was the leader, so he decided to kill Xiqing first.

Xi Qing saw Qingtian rushing to him angrily and knew that he was more or less auspicious this time, and thought to himself: Alas! I may really die this time. Although I am never afraid of death, I am really unwilling this time. I haven't completed my master's task yet. How can I die like this?

Although Xiqing was unwilling to be killed, he had no way to defeat Qingtian. He could only close his eyes and wait for the miracle to appear.

In a blink of an eye, a miracle really appeared, but this miracle was not created by Hesheng, but a white warrior of one of the four-color warriors - Xitian saved Xiqing.

Xitian appeared in front of Xiqing with the power of new nuclear energy, took Xiqing's hand and saved Xiqing in an instant.

At this moment, all four-color warriors gathered together, and Xitian apologized to the three brothers: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I'm late. I'm really sorry."

"Then don't talk nonsense. Let's use the last move to defeat this arrogant blue sky that we don't know who we are." Xiqing said.

"Xiqing, what I'm most worried about now is Heath's body. After all, he is seriously injured. Can he still hold on?"

"It doesn't matter, Xiqing, Xiaotian, I'm fine. We want to use our last move now to defeat the arrogant blue sky. Xi Shi, who was helped by Xiwu, said.

"Okay, Heath, then let's teach Qingtian a big lesson now to see if he dares to attack the earth again." Xiqing decided to use the killer mace of their four-color warriors to deal with this big blue sky.

Four four-color warriors, Xiqing, Xitian, Xiwu and Xi Shi, shouted with one voice: "Explosion, new nuclear energy, nuclear fission, unique trick - four-color fusion!"

Suddenly, the black warrior-Xiqing turned into black gas, the white warrior-Xitian turned into white light, the blue warrior-Xiwu turned into blue**, and the red warrior-Heishi turned into a red flame.

Black gas, white light, blue**, red flame, these new nuclear energy transformed by four-color warriors quickly blend together to form a huge four-color nuclear energy ball.

Qingtian saw the four-color nuclear energy sphere and didn't feel any change. He said, "I thought you could produce some powerful nuclear energy, but I didn't expect it to be the same. It's really disappointing."

While the blue sky arrogantly looked down on the four-color warrior, the four-color nuclear energy ball formed by the four-color warrior suddenly burst and released a dazzling light.

A warrior in five-colored armor appeared in front of the arrogant blue sky.

Qingtian was a little uneasy when he saw that his left arm was blue, his right arm was red, his left leg was black, his right leg was white, and his body was gray. →[End of this chapter]