Nuclear God of War

Chapter 130: The Two Kings of Nuclear Energy Joint

The nuclear king in the night sky, the soul resurrence, was very interested when he heard what the giant dog nuclear parrot said. He slowly landed in front of the giant dog nuclear parrot and asked, "You said that your king of nuclear beasts wants to see me, right?"

"Yes, our king of nuclear beasts, the giant wing nuclear beast, really wants to meet you and talk to you about a very big thing."

"I have never heard of or seen your nuclear-like dragon beast. Why did it ask me to cooperate with it?"

"No.1 nuclear energy man - soul rebirth. Don't put on any big airs in front of our giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast. Our giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast asked me to come to you. It's to look up to you. Don't take an inch."

"Say that I put on a big shelf, okay, then I'll set a big stand for you and let you have a look. Go back and tell you that if it wants to see me, let it come to see me in person. I won't go to see it.

"Hmm! You will definitely regret it." After saying that, the giant dog nuclear parrot spread its wings and flew away.

The king of nuclear energy - the soul comes back to the flight of the giant dog nuclear parrot, and continues to watch the nuclear people kill each other.

"Resurrebirth, you are in big trouble. You'd better ask us to collect your body when you die, or you will die without a place to be buried. The five-level nuclear man - the bat is proud.

"What does this mean?" Curious inquiry of the soul comeback.

At the beginning, in the process of obeying the order of Lord Hamidas (Di Xiaoer) and leading many nuclear energy people to transport the clear crystal to heaven, he saw the king of the nuclear beast - the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, and even knew how horrible the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast is.

"I mean, the king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear-like dragon beasts will not let you go. Just wait for the giant-winged nuclear-like dragon beast to kill you." The bat looked at the soul resurretion and said.

"Well, that giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast. What ability does it have? It can fight against my conversion of nuclear energy."

"How much nuclear energy does the giant wing nuclear energy dragon beast have? I don't have the ability to distinguish it at all. Its nuclear energy has reached the limit of 60M Seawater I sensed." The bat raised its head and said.

The soul of only 20M Seavert nuclear energy was resurrative. Hearing what the bat said, he was a little nervous and said, "How is that possible? How can there be more powerful nuclear energy than the nuclear energy I have?"

"That's just the limit of my sensing ability. Maybe the nuclear energy of the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast will be stronger." Bats scare the soul back to life.

I thought to myself: What should I do now? If, as this nuclear energy man said, the giant-winged nuclear energy is as powerful as a dragon and beast, wouldn't I be more or less auspicious? No, I'd better hide from it first, avoid its edge, and then talk about it.

The king of nuclear energy - the soul resurrated with a serious face and said angrily, "Remember, I am the first nuclear person and the number one among the nuclear energy people. If you don't know who I am next time we meet, then I won't be like this. It's just a simple lesson for you."

After saying that, the soul turned around and quickly flew away, and soon his body disappeared.

After the soul was resurrised and left, all the nuclear power people under his control returned to normal and hurried to help the nuclear power people who were injured by them.


At this time, the sky was gradually bright, and Kufeng, the captain of the evil dragon team on the C949 large transport plane, gradually woke up.

Captain Kufeng didn't remember what happened last night and asked, "Anan (name of the evil dragon team), what time is it?"

"Fight, Captain Kufeng, it's 3:30 in the morning."

"Why did you get up so early? By the way, what about Hamidas? Has she implanted a clean crystal on the ground? Kufeng asked nothing clearly.

"Captain Kufeng, there are many things you don't know. Let me tell you. Last night..."

Anan, a member of the Evil Dragon Team, told Captain Kufeng what happened last night, and Kufeng knew that so many things happened last night.

"Anan, let me ask you, where will you go after Hesheng kills the large golden mane nuclear energy lion and other nuclear mutant lions?" Kufeng asked.

"I don't know, after Hesheng killed all the nuclear beasts in half a minute, he disappeared and disappeared."

"That's right. For the safety of the clear crystal, we will now return to heaven. After finding peace and winning, we will continue to carry out the task of repairing the earth.

"No, Captain Kufeng, our C949 has been tied with the rattan emerging from the ground and can't leave."

"What can I do? If it goes on like this, there will be nuclear beasts approaching us.

Xiao Song, another member of the evil dragon team, trembling and said, "Captain Kufeng, it's not that nuclear beasts will approach us if it goes on like this, but that nuclear beasts are approaching us now."

Kufeng heard what Xiao Song said and looked out of the window! Three golden-brunning nuclear lions were found coming towards C949.

Kufeng was very desperate and knelt in the cabin and said, "I promised Speaker Xu that I would not lose a clean crystal. Now it seems that I can't fulfill my promise."

"Who said that you can't fulfill your promise to Speaker Xu? If I help you, you can't fulfill your promise to Speaker Xu."

Kufeng, who was already desperate, heard this familiar voice and cheered up. He knew that the person talking to him was Hesheng.

"Hawa Sheng, since you have come, come out quickly." Kufeng stood up and said.

"Haha, Captain Kufeng, you guessed right. I'm really coming." He Sheng appeared beside Kufeng.


The king of nuclear energy - the soul is resurrected. While flying freely in the sky, I thought sadly: I'm really angry. I've only been practicing my conversion of nuclear energy in isolation for ten years. Unexpectedly, there are people who are stronger than me now, which is really intolerable.

Suddenly, Qingtian appeared on the head of the soul rebirth and said, "You are the number one person of the nuclear man. You are really arrogant. How dare you despise my master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast. It's really thick."

"What kind of nuclear-like dragon beast are you?"

"Of course, I am my master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy is like the slave of Lord Dragon Beast."

"Didn't I ask your master to come to see me in person? Why is it you?" The soul resurresoned and pretended to be calm.

Qingtian has a strong sensing ability and said, "Resurreation, don't pretend to be calm there. I know you are afraid of me."

"I'm afraid of you. It's a joke. You look down on people too much." The soul is still pretending to be not afraid of anything. →[End of this chapter]