Nuclear God of War

Chapter 134: Earth Recovery

Earth Eagle, the president of the Great Council of Heaven, also wanted to save Emperor Xiaoer and asked, "Can we really have no choice but to watch Hamidatsu die little by little?"

"Uncle Di, what did you say? What's wrong with Hamidas? He Sheng, who just came back, suddenly appeared beside the ground eagle when he heard the president of the ground eagle asking the doctor and said.

"Hawa Sheng, you are finally back. He Sheng, do you have any weapons that can scratch Hamidas' body?

"Uncle, what do you mean? I don't understand why?" He Sheng didn't know what his uncle meant.

The doctor who rescued Di Xiaoer went to Hesheng and explained to Hesheng: "Hesheng, the thing is that Hamidas' internal organs were injured, and her blood has flowed into her abdominal cavity. Now if you want to save her, you want to open her abdominal cavity, draw out the blood stasis, and repair Hamidas' internal organs. Only in this way can Hamidas be saved, but..."

But what? Say it quickly."

"But we can't open Hamidas' abdominal cavity now, and we can't save Hamidas."

"Is it enough to extract the blood stasis from Hamidus?"

"Yes, as long as the blood stasis in Hamidas's body can be extracted, but we can't extract the blood stasis from her abdominal cavity without opening her abdominal cavity."

He Sheng walked to the emergency room and said, "I have my own way to pull out the blood stasis in her abdominal cavity without hurting Hamidas' body."

After Hesheng walked into the emergency room, he drove out all the doctors and nurses in the emergency room, went to Di Xiaoer, who was lying sick**, and said, "Hamidas, don't worry, I will definitely cure your injury."

After saying that, Hesheng's right index finger turned into a black crystal magic sword blade and made a centimeter wound on Di Xiaoer's left wrist. Hesheng's body completely vaporized and turned into blue gas. Following the wound of Di Xiaoer'er's left wrist, he entered Di Xiaoer's body.

Five minutes later, the unconscious Di Xiaoer slowly woke up, opened her eyes and said, "Where am I?" What's wrong with me?"

Di Xiaoer was very puzzled why she was lying sick**. She wanted to figure out everything. She put her hands on the bed and was ready to get out of bed to have a look.

While Di Xiaoer got up, there was a pain in her left wrist. She raised her hand and said, "Well, when did my wrist hurt? Why don't I remember?"

Di Xiaoer saw gauze beside her and was about to bandage her left wrist. Suddenly, blue gas began to emerge from her left wrist, which puzzled her.

All the blue gas flew out of Di Xiaoer's body and instantly changed back to Hesheng's real body, but Hesheng's current appearance was almost not recognized by Di Xiaoer.

Di Xiaoer took a closer look and saw that the person who appeared in front of her was He Sheng and asked, "He Sheng, why are you covered with blood? What's wrong with you?"

"Ha Midas, it's great that you woke up so soon. The blood on my body is not mine, but yours. He Sheng, who was covered with blood, said very happily.

"Hawa Sheng, you said the blood on your body is mine. What the hell is going on?" Di Xiaoer's very puzzled questioning and victory.

He Sheng told Di Xiaoer that if he wanted to save Di Xiaoer, he must draw out the blood stasis in her body. He Sheng didn't want to open her whole chest and let her suffer more harm, so he used this method to draw out the blood stasis in Di Xiaoer'er's body.

"Hawa Sheng, thank you for saving me. However, you don't have to worry about doing this. When you change from gas form to human form, my blood stasis is mixed in your body? Di Xiaoer felt that it was not worth saving her like this.

"It doesn't matter, Hamidas, you can see that your blood is on the surface of my body and is not mixed in my body. You don't have to worry about me. My skyscraper nuclear energy has protective nuclear energy, and nothing external can enter my body.

"Well, then I'm relieved."

"Hamidas, you have a rest here first. I'll take a shower and wash away the blood from my body, otherwise I will scare others. After saying that, He Sheng turned into blue gas and flew out of the emergency room again.

Speaker Xu and President Di Ying outside the emergency room saw blue gas mixed with red ** (blood) flying out of the emergency room. They were worried that something would happen in the emergency room, so they broke into the emergency room.

Di Xiaoer, who was lying sick**, saw the president of the ground eagle and others who came in and said, "Uncle Di, Uncle Xu, you are all here."

President Eagle asked the members of the Shenhu team to take the doctors and nurses of the central hospital out of the emergency room and said, "Xiaoer, it's really good that you are fine. By the way, what about He Sheng and others?

"Uncle, in order to save me, He Sheng turned himself into my body and drew out the blood stasis in my body. Because of this, his body was covered with blood. He Sheng, I'm going to take a shower now.

"Well, it's okay. I'm relieved." Only then did the president of the ground eagle feel relieved.

Suddenly, Chen Yang, the captain of the Tiandun Defense Guard, knocked on the door outside the emergency room and said, "Mr. Xu, I brought a person you really want to see."

When Speaker Xu heard this, he walked out of the emergency room curiously and asked, "Chen Yang, who are you talking about?"

"Dad, it's me. I'm back." Pingyan suddenly appeared in front of Speaker Xu and smiled.

"Xiaoyan! Dad is really happy that you are back. Come on, let Dad see if you have any changes. Speaker Xu looked carefully happily, and his precious daughter Ping Yan, whom he had not seen for many days.

He Sheng, who walked into the central hospital from the outside, was also very happy to see Xiaoyan's sister coming back and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, I'm really happy that you're back."

"Brother Hesheng, I miss you so much." Pingyan saw Hesheng and rushed over happily.

Ping Yan pounced on Hesheng, put her arms around Hesheng's neck, and said happily, "Brother Hesheng, I miss you so much. It's really great to see you."

"Sister Xiaoyan, you're fine, and I'm also very happy." He Sheng also said happily.

President Earth Eagle came out of the emergency room and said, "Since everyone is here, let's assign the task of restoring the earth now."

Di Xiaoer, wearing a red phoenix mask, heard that the area to restore the earth was to be allocated, and she also came out of the emergency room slightly weakly and listened to the arrangement of President Eagle.

Under the arrangement of President Earth Eagle, Hesheng and the Evil Dragon Team are responsible for the entire northern hemisphere and the area of the Antarctic continent. Di Xiaoer and Guowei's Tiandun Defense Guard are responsible for the eastern hemisphere of the southern hemisphere, and Pingyan and Qingchu and the First Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force are responsible for the western hemisphere of the southern hemisphere.

Five days later, on July 10, 2035, the work of restoring the earth was successfully completed at an unexpected speed.

After the clean crystal fragments covered all corners of the earth, the earth really began to recover little by little, nuclear pollution began to dissipate, and the earth began to recover. →[End of this chapter]