Nuclear God of War

Chapter 146: History of Nuclear Jihad 6

After Arthur was covered by the black crystal magic screen turned into the heart of the demon wolf, Sirius* also persuaded Arthur and said, "Arthur, take back your energy quickly, or you will really explode and die."

"S Sirius, don't pretend to be a good person there. I'd rather die with the whole city than owe you a favor." Arthur said unyieldingly.

"Arthur, don't think you can hurt others now. Your body is covered by my black crystal magic screen. You can't destroy the whole city."

"I won't believe your nonsense. No matter how powerful your black crystal magic screen is, you can't really resist the powerful nuclear energy generated by a 10 million tons of nuclear bomb explosion."

Arthur is obsessed and wants to die with Sirius* and the whole city. His body continues to grow. He is close to the limit of his body and will soon explode.

Sirius* is very calm on the surface and anxious inside. It seems that Arthur is going to be serious. Now the situation will be really difficult to control. What should I do now?

In fact, Sirius* knows that he can't give full play to the real ability of the heart of the magic wolf. It is quite difficult to use the heart of the wolf - the black crystal magic screen to prevent the nuclear energy generated by tens of millions of tons of nuclear bombs and explosions.

The Sirius*, which is really helpless, has no choice but to use the divine blade to protect the whole city.

The divine light blade appeared at the feet of Sirius*, releasing dazzling light and turning into a white circular light disk. Sirius *'s body instantly gained powerful power.

Sirius* stepped on the divine light blade and flew over the black crystal magic screen. The circular light disk emitted a light and shone on the black crystal magic screen.

Sirius*, who stepped on the divine light blade, quickly controlled the divine blade, quickly flew to the sky, and disappeared over the capital in a blink of an eye.

and Sheng saw this situation, very curious and said, "Wow! I didn't expect the divine light blade to be so powerful. You know, in the Jitian City, you should borrow the divine light and spirit blade from the emperor's system to play.

After saying that, He Sheng instantly turned into a blue light and shadow form and flew to the sky where his father Sirius * disappeared.

When his father Sirius* didn't wait for Hesheng to catch up and fly away with the divine blade, a big explosion suddenly occurred in outer space outside the atmosphere, and a figure fell into the atmosphere from outer space.

He Sheng knew that the person who fell into the earth's atmosphere from outer space must be his father Sirius*, flying at full speed in the direction of his father's fall in the form of blue light and shadow.


Although the ground eagle* only saw the big explosion in outer space and did not see Sirius* falling into the atmosphere from outer space, he felt that Sirius* would not die from the explosion.

Because of this, the ground eagle* informed Kufeng to drive the Evil Dragon No. 1 machine and searched around to find traces of Sirius*.


Sirius* fell back to the ground from outer space and was protected by the divine blade. It was not burned or killed in the process of passing through the atmosphere.

Although Sirius* was protected by the divine light blade, it was still injured by the super nuclear energy generated by Arthur's body explosion, and the body was seriously exposed to nuclear radiation.

He Sheng saw his father's injury like this, but he couldn't help. He was very uncomfortable and said, "Dad, I'm sorry, I can't help you. I'm really sorry."

Suddenly, a huge shadow blocked the sunlight. He Sheng looked up and said, "Xilong No. 1! Great, it's Kufeng who came."

Kufeng can find Sirius* in such a short time, entirely because the microcomputer on Sirius*'s body is sending out a distress signal, and the Evil Dragon No. 1 machine can find Sirius* so quickly.

Kufeng sent the seriously injured Sirius* back to the Capital Hospital. Although the seriously injured Sirius* was rescued, the life of Sirius* is still very fragile.

According to doctors at the Capital Hospital, Sirius's life can last up to half a month. After half a month, Sirius's body organs will completely lose their function.

When Earth Eagle* and others heard Sirius*, they were about to leave them. They were very painful. They were reluctant to part with Sirius*, and they now need the help of Sirius*.

Lying on the sick**, wrapped in a thick nuclear-proof suit, the extremely weak Sirius* said to the ground eagle* and others around him, "Don't worry, I can't die. Don't be sad for me. We still have to protect human beings together, so I will never die easily."

" Sirius*, I found that the danger we are facing now is getting more and more horrible. What should we do now? Should we face all enemies or dangers hard, or should we find other ways to avoid danger?

"Alas! I have never wanted to believe that this is true, but now I have to believe that everything has really begun to develop in the direction of prophecy.

What prophecy? Sirius*, why don't I know what the prophecy is?" The ground eagle* asked doubtfully.

Although Sirius* has always been unwilling to believe the prophecy he knew, he has now had to believe that the prophecy is true, so he told part of the prophecy to the president of the ground eagle and others.

Prophecy: Hesheng will become the owner of the Dilong fighter-miracle, piloting the Dilong fighter and hundreds of millions of tons of nuclear bombs, meeting over the capital and causing a big explosion.

Prediction: After the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, the capital was protected by the hero Hesheng, who flew the imperial dragon fighter, and released the shield of heaven. It was not subject to nuclear radiation and survived. It became the only place on the earth without nuclear radiation. Since then, the capital has become the capital of heaven.

Prophecy: In the ten years after the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, heaven will have several wars with the underground world.

Prophecy: The outbreak of nuclear jihad will produce new life - nuclear people, who are full of hatred for heaven and earth, and always want to destroy heaven and earth.

Prophecy: Ten years after the outbreak of nuclear jihad, peace and victory will wake up again and save the paradise city in danger again.

Prophecy: As Hesheng wakes up from his deep sleep, human beings will face a new round of extinction. Whether human beings can overcome the difficulties is all in the thought of peace and victory. ......


After listening to Sirius*, Earth Eagle * said, "In this case, whether they can avoid the upcoming nuclear jihad depends on whether He Sheng completely controls the Imperial Dragon fighter, right? Sirius*.

"Well, that's true now. Alas! He Sheng still can't escape his tragic fate. Sirius * sighed for his son and victory.

He Sheng, who has been listening to his father Sirius * talking with the ground eagle *, said to himself and said, "Alas! The fate of human beings in the future will be like this. It's really bad to go through hardships. →[End of this chapter]