Nuclear God of War

Chapter 152: The Postwar of Nuclear Jihad 2

The nuclear energy generated by the explosion of seven billion-ton nuclear bombs, coupled with the nuclear energy released by Hesheng becoming the hero's original core, the power of both nuclear energy is extremely huge, causing the earth to shake one meter.


Ten years later, after seeing all this, He Sheng exclaimed, "Wow, I didn't expect this to be very similar to the remaining memories in my brain, but why is it slightly different?"

Ten years later, He Sheng didn't understand why it was the explosion of the Dilong fighter first, not what he just saw in his remaining memory.


In the remaining memory of Hesheng ten years later, in a nightmare-like scene, cities were destroyed in an instant, and human corpses spread all over the earth.

He Sheng drove the Dilong fighter plane - a miracle crossed the sky, and countless cores* appeared around him, all of which flew behind him.

He Sheng quickly flew the Dilong fighter-miracle and intercepted the city behind him, but with his own efforts, he was unable to intercept all the nuclear bombs.

Seeing that all the nuclear bombs were about to fall on the city that Hesheng tried to protect, Hesheng flew over the city and shouted, "I will never let anyone hurt my relatives!"

The Dilong fighter located over the city - a miracle exploded instantly. The shock wave of the explosion detonated all the nuclear weapons that hit the whole city*, and all the detonated nuclear bombs, releasing powerful energy that shook the whole earth to move one meter.


He Sheng recalled the only little memory left in his brain and was very confused and said, "Why is this? Why is my memory slightly different from all this I saw? What the hell is going on?

He Sheng suddenly felt that one of the things in his memory and what had just happened must be false, because there was only one real fact.

Hesheng was very confused about this matter and was never sure whether what he remembered was true or what he had just seen with his own eyes was true.

Ten years later, Hesheng complained and accused himself, saying, "Alas, I have always been a brain-damaged person, otherwise how could I not even know whether my memory is true or not?"

Ten years later, when He Sheng angrily accused himself, he suddenly found a strange thing. He, who was originally in mid-air, quickly flew to a height of 10,000 meters.

Looking down from a height of 10,000 meters and looking at the vast Asian continent, I found a faint flash of red and green light spots in the light produced by the big explosion on the ground.

He Sheng was very curious about these light spots and said, "What are these light spots? Will this be the upcoming nuclear energy person in the future?"

Soon He Sheng refuted himself and said, "How can this be? How can there be so many nuclear people? This must not be nuclear people, but if these light spots were not nuclear people, what would they be?"

Want to figure out what these light spots are and what they are, and quickly descend to the area with the most denser spots in order to figure out what these light spots are.


After the outbreak of nuclear jihad, the whole earth was completely polluted by nuclear energy, the whole world was swallowed up by nuclear energy, and the whole earth became a dead planet in an instant.

If it hadn't been for the creation of miracles by peace and victory over the capital of Asian powers, the hero's original nucleus would have released the shield of heaven and protected 5% of the earth's land.

After the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, the central leadership of the former capital regretted that the nuclear bomb system should not be adjusted to a state of self-repulse, so the central leadership collectively agreed to disband.

The central high-level officials disbanded collectively, and through the people's general election, Diying* and others were selected as the new central high-level officials to lead mankind out of difficulties.

Earth Eagle* and others took over the whole paradise and immediately carried out major reforms. Since then, the capital has been officially renamed Paradise Capital, and the central high-level officials have also been reorganized into a large parliament.

Just as everyone believes that while living a peaceful life under the protection of the hero's core and the shield of heaven, a guy who really wants to destroy all mankind is about to appear, and he will bring darkness, endless fear and a new catastrophe.


Ten years later, after a few days of observation, he found out what the red and green light spots appeared when the nuclear jihad broke out.

He Sheng said to himself in surprise and said, "Wow, I really didn't expect that nuclear beasts and nuclear people appeared together, which really surprised me."

Hesheng found those green light spots, which gradually transformed into a strange nuclear man. These green light spots mainly appeared in the southern part of the Asian continent.

Those red light spots all over the world begin to turn into horrible and strange nuclear beasts, with more powerful nuclear energy than nuclear people.

He Sheng found that the nuclear beast occurred at the same time as the nuclear man. He was very worried and said, "If according to this, the nuclear beast has been hiding their existence, and there must be a bigger conspiracy behind them."

At this moment, I was very worried about the situation of the times ten years later, thinking: I must find a way to return to the era ten years later, otherwise Xiaoyan and Di Xiaoer will be in danger.

Unfortunately, He Sheng can't go back now. He scratched his head and said in frustration, "Alas! I've tried my best, but I still can't go back. What should I do? I can't get in touch with the emperor system. Do you want me to wait here for ten years before I can intervene in everything?

Speaking of this, He Sheng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and was very desperate. He almost fell from the sky. Fortunately, he came to his senses in time, otherwise he would fall into a deep hole.

He Sheng lowered his head and took a look! He said, "Strange, how can there be a bottomless hole here? I'm 500 kilometers west of heaven now. How can there be a bottomless hole here?

When Hesheng thought that the bottomless hole might have been blown up by a nuclear bomb, a strange sound came from the hole, and Hesheng fell into this bottomless, dark black hole curiously.

and Shengyue fell towards him, and the clearer the sound from the depths of the cave became. He calmed down and listened to it before he heard what the sound from the cave was talking about.

"Now that nuclear jihad has broken out, and the emergence of nuclear energy people and nuclear beasts is only a matter of time. What I am most worried about now is Sirius, the three sacred objects I have, which I am most worried about."

"You don't need to worry about this. Don't forget that we also have secret weapons against their human beings, so you don't have to worry about the three sacred objects of Sirius, because Sirius has an Achilles' heel."

"You mean we can use humans to deal with Sirius, what?" →[End of this chapter]