Nuclear God of War

Chapter 158: The Postwar of Nuclear Jihad 8

Sirius*: "Alas!" He sighed and said, "It's a pity that I don't have a secret weapon."

"Then you can't beat me. You'd better give up making a meaningless confrontation with me." No. 1 nuclear man - soul resurrence, persuade Sirius * to give up being his enemy.

How will Sirius* give up protecting heaven? Although people in heaven don't understand and trust him, he will still protect heaven and protect the future of mankind without hesitation.

will not give up the Sirius* that protects the capital of heaven and said, "Resurreation of the soul, I know you are many times stronger than me, but don't think that as long as you have strong nuclear energy, you can destroy the capital of heaven. I will forge an indestructible wall in heaven.

"S Sirius*, it's not that I belittle you. With your current nuclear energy, you can't cast an indestructible wall that can stop me."

"Then you can come and witness with your own eyes whether the wall I mentioned can cover your attack."

After saying that, Sirius * released very powerful nuclear energy on its body, and all the light and fog nuclear energy began to gather little by little, forming a huge wall behind Sirius *.

The soul resurrated and saw the wall behind Sirius* and said, "This kind of wall can't stop me. Don't waste your effort."

"Can I stop you? Come and have a try, won't you know if it's okay?" Sirius* said confidently.

"Okay, let me have a try. Is my nuclear energy strong, or the wall you created is strong?"

Before the words of the soul's resurrection fell, he had punched the wall formed behind Sirius*. As a result, he easily passed through the wall formed by light fog.

One punch easily penetrated the light fog nuclear energy mentioned by Sirius* to build the wall, and the soul came back laughing. He laughed at Sirius* and said, "S Sirius*, you are too disappointed. I thought your wall was really hard, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable, which really disappointed me."

"Really? Please figure out the situation and make a conclusion. Sirius* suddenly appeared behind the soul rebirden and hugged the body of the soul rebirden.

"Sianwolf*, what are you doing? Let me go quickly, or I will definitely not let you go. Let me go quickly, or I will let your arms be melted by my nuclear energy.

"Don't worry, my strength is enough to melt all your bodies, not just my arms."

Hearing Sirius*'s soul resurrebirst, he immediately became nervous and said, "Do you Sirius* want to die with me?"

"You're right. I just want to die with you and completely destroy your life."

"Cyote*, if you do this, your own life will also end. Do you think it's worth it?"

"Of course it's worth it. As long as it can protect heaven and let me die ten times, it's totally worth it. All right, let's say goodbye to the world together now.

After Sirius* said this sentence, all the nuclear energy on the body was released, and all the nuclear energy was gathered around the body without reservation, firmly entangling him and his soul.

Light fog nuclear energy forms a huge photosphere, wrapping Sirius* and soul rebirth in it, followed by a nuclear explosion of 10 million tons of nuclear bomb.

A figure flew out of the explosion and quickly fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a pit more than ten meters in diameter and three meters deep. In the center of the pit lay a dying Sirius*.


Ten years later, He Sheng was very sad to see what had just happened and said, "Dad, is it really worth protecting heaven at the cost of your life? They don't trust you, but I really don't think it's worth paying the price of your life to protect them.

After saying that, He Sheng heard his dying father Sirius* lying in the pit talking in a weak voice and hurriedly leaned over.

He Sheng came to his father Sirius*, lay in front of his father, and heard the weak words of his father Sirius*.

The extremely weak and dying Sirius* said in a slight voice, "Great, I finally got rid of this difficult guy who came back to life, and I can leave at ease."

After saying his words weakly, Sirius* showed a happy smile on his face and said with the little strength left on his body: "I can leave without worries now. I just hope that the peace victory that will wake up ten years later can always maintain a heart to protect the capital of heaven and protect all mankind. Don't give up protecting the capital because of some people in heaven. After all, the people in heaven are innocent and must protect them.

The dying Sirius* knows his son very well. Now what he is most worried about is that in ten years, he must know what happened today and will give up protecting heaven.

"Hesheng, Dad sincerely expects that after you learn the cause of Dad's death ten years later, don't give up protecting heaven. Earth Eagles are all fooled by the soul, otherwise they will never distrust me. He Sheng, you must continue to protect heaven. Sirius* used the last bit of strength.

He Sheng, who knelt beside his father Sirius*, cried and said, "Dad, don't worry, I won't be wayward anymore. I will fulfill your last wish and protect heaven no matter what."

He Sheng, who cried sadly for his father Sirius*, suddenly heard an aircraft approaching here. He Sheng looked up and had a trace of joy.

he Sheng looked up and saw a white fighter. The ice fighter appeared on his head and slowly fell down. Professor Lan Shike came down from the fighter plane.

When Professor Lan Shike saw the dying Sirius* in the pit, he quickly went down to the pit, picked up Sirius*, got on the ice front fighter, and returned to the secret base of Mount Everest in the Himalayas.

This time, He Sheng did not follow the secret base of Mount Everest in the Himalayas, but wiped away the tears on his face and went to heaven.


Fu Heng, a member of the Grand Council of Paradise Central Hospital, woke up and asked, "Mr. Xu, what's wrong with me?" Why are you here? Why don't I remember anything?"

"Congressman Fu, do you really remember nothing? How is this possible! Did you forget that you found the culprit who killed my brother?

"No, I haven't investigated the cause of Xu*'s death. I only remember that I went back to the main building of the Grand Council after finishing my work, and suddenly I didn't know anything."

"Congressman Fu, you really didn't go to my brother's house before?"

"No, I have never been to Xu's house."

"Where did your computer chip come from?" Senator Xu felt that something was wrong. →[End of this chapter]