Nuclear God of War

Chapter 167: The King of Dragons and Beasts

The Dragon and Beast King, the king of the giant soul of nuclear energy, couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahaha, Hesheng, this is your self-righteous and arrogant end."

"Do you think you really hit me? There are many arrogant people. For example, there is a simple-minded, limb-developed and very conceited guy in front of me.

When the dragon man and beast king heard Hesheng's words, he immediately looked around and looked for the trace of Hesheng, but there was no trace of Hesheng, shouting, "Hesheng, come out quickly, or you will regret it."

"I didn't hide at all, but you, a simple-headed and well-developed fusion person, didn't find my existence. Look up, can't you find me?"

The Dragon Man and Beast King immediately looked up when he heard the words. He Sheng was on his head, which surprised him and said, "How could this happen? Why can't I feel your presence? Why is this?"

"Alas! I'm ashamed to say that my nuclear energy is sometimes gone, so sometimes you can't feel it. Tell the truth about the victory on the head of the dragon and beast king.

"Does your nuclear energy sometimes exist?"

Without waiting for Hesheng's answer, the Dragon Man Beast King suddenly raised his hand and held Hesheng's left leg and threw Hesheng forward. The Dragon Man Beast King hit dozens of strong nuclear energy with his left and right hands at the same time.

All these nuclear energy from the Dragon Man and Beast King hit the thrown Hesheng's body, and Hesheng's body was instantly wrapped in a high concentration of nuclear energy gas.

The King of Nuclear Energy, the King of Dragons and Beasts, laughed proudly and said, "Hahaha, Hesheng, if you don't say that I really don't know that your nuclear energy has changed so strongly that you have lost such strong nuclear energy in an instant and become weaker than a junior nuclear energy man."


President Earth Eagle and others in Paradise have come to the headquarters of Major General Guowei's Sky Shield System to watch what is happening over Paradise through the Sky Shield system.

Ping Yan saw that Brother Hesheng was in danger and turned around and prepared to rush out of the headquarters of the Heaven Shield System to help her Brother Hesheng.

However, Ping Yan was stopped by her father, Xu Feng, the president of heaven and earth nuclear parliament. Her father, Speaker Xu, persuaded her and said, "Xiaoyan, you can't go outside the shield of heaven. It's really dangerous there."

"However, it is because it is dangerous that I should help Brother Hesheng."

"Xiaoyan, is your nuclear energy powerful?"

"How can I have nuclear energy as strong as Brother Sheng? That's impossible." Ping Yan answered her father, Speaker Xu.

"Since the nuclear energy as strong as Hesheng can't win the king of nuclear energy beast - the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast and the No. 1 nuclear man - the king of nuclear energy giant soul rebirth and fusion - dragon beast king, do you think you can help?"

"This." Ping Yan didn't know how to answer her father, Speaker Xu, but just said, "However, no matter what, we can't let Brother Hesheng fight alone. I'm going to help Brother Hesheng."

After saying that, Ping Yan ignored the obstruction of her father, Speaker Xu, and prepared to forcibly leave the headquarters of the heavenly shield system, fly out of the shield of heaven, live and die with Brother He Sheng, and face the powerful and horrible king of nuclear energy giant soul - the Dragon Man and Beast King.

Speaker Xu blocked the exit of the headquarters of the Tiandun system and said, "Xiaoyan, if you want to go out today, Dad will not let you leave unless you pass from your father."

"Dad, are you too selfish? Why don't you let me help Brother Sheng? Is it because I'm your daughter and you don't want me to die, so you don't want me to help Brother Hesheng?

"Maybe, Xiaoyan, you are my only daughter. I really don't want you to have an accident." Speaker Xu told the truth.

"Dad, you are so selfish. If you don't want me to die, then you don't care about other people's life or death? Even if you don't care about the life and death of Brother Sheng, once Brother Sheng dies in the battle, do you think there is still a way to live with thousands of people in heaven?

What Ping Yan said really made Speaker Xu speechless and speechless. Speaker Xu was preparing to explain to his daughter Ping Yan.

Earth Eagle, the president of the Great Council of Heaven, came over and said, "Xu Feng, Xiaoyan is right. Let's let her help He Sheng. After all, peace and victory is our last hope. Once we win and defeat, we in heaven and even all mankind will be in danger of extinction."

"However, Xiaoyan can only die in vain if she goes there. How can I watch my baby daughter Ping Yan die in vain?"

"Do you remember that?"

"What is it? I don't remember."

"That's what we didn't return to Sirius* ten years ago, which eventually led to Sirius* to leave us." President Earth Eagle explained.

Speaker Xu, who heard President Earth Eagle's explanation, suddenly realized and said, "Ah! President Earth Eagle, what you said is the ring that can control the heart of the wolf and the divine blade, right?

"Well, yes." He nodded and said.

"President Earth Eagle, although we have such a thing, we don't know where the heart of the wolf and the divine blade are. Even if we give such things to Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan still can't help peace and win."

"Xiaoyan, with such a thing, you can sense the position of the heart of the wolf and the divine blade. As long as Xiaoyan can get the heart of the wolf or the divine light blade, Xiaoyan will definitely help Hesheng and fight with Hesheng, the king of nuclear giant souls - dragons and beasts.

When Speaker Xu heard President Diying say this, he had to nod and said, "Okay, I hope you're right."

After saying that, Speaker Xu no longer blocked his precious daughter Pingyan and left the Tiandun system headquarters to help Hesheng.

Ping Yan, who has just heard his father, Speaker Xu talking with President Diying, asked, "President Diying, then give me that quickly so that I can help Brother Hesheng."

"Xiaoyan, remember that you must not let such a thing fall into the hands of others, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." The president of the ground eagle told him.

"Well, President Earth Eagle, don't worry, I won't let that thing leave my body." Pingyan promised.

Hearing Ping Yan's guarantee, the ground eagle president carefully took out the small square box that had never left him for ten years, slowly opened the small box, took out the ring, and personally put it on the middle finger of Pingyan's right hand.


The Dragon and Beast King, the king of nuclear giant souls, thought that He Sheng had been injured by his continuous attacks, but this is by no means.

The thick nuclear energy around Hesheng's body dissipated and appeared safely in the vision of the Dragon Beast King, saying, "You can't defeat me, although my nuclear energy is not as good as before."

After saying that, He Sheng suddenly felt a chill and said, "What! How can I have fear?" →[End of this chapter]