Nuclear God of War

Chapter 217: The Legendary Hunter

Until billions of years ago, after the war with the first generation of ultra-ancient civilizations on Earth, they were no longer the overlords of the universe.


Ping Yan and Si Tianrui were very surprised to hear what He Sheng told. They couldn't believe it was true. Ping Yan asked Brother He Sheng, "Brother He Sheng, are you telling the truth? Is it really that horrible?"

"It's true that the Hunters have been the hegemony of the universe for tens of billions of years. This is not just a legend. I believe that the early God Hunters did have the legendary power to hunt gods."

"Brother Sheng, that's why you said we can't win the Hunter, right?"

"Well, yes, I'm worried that in the process of fighting with them, I will inspire the legendary power hidden in their star hunters." He Sheng nodded to Xiaoyan's sister.

Si Tianrui, who is beside him, is now thinking about a question, thinking: According to the consciousness of peace and victory, we human beings are bound to lose, and it is impossible to compete with the star hunters. However, Hesheng just said, "Until billions of years ago, after the war with the first generation of ultra-ancient civilization on Earth, they were no longer the hegemon in the universe." What does this sentence mean?

Si Tianrui really couldn't figure it out, so he directly asked Hesheng and asked, "Hesheng, what do you just mean by saying that until billions of years ago, after the war with the first generation of ultra-ancient civilization on Earth, their star hunters were no longer the overlords in the universe?"

"It means that after their planet hunters fought with the first generation of ultra-ancient civilization on our earth, their planet hunters did not rule the earth, so they are naturally no longer the hegemon in the universe." He Sheng explained.

"Hawa Sheng, how do you know these things?" Si Tianrui asked curiously.

"This is recorded in the first generation of super-ancient civilization relics, and I have the honor to see it." He Sheng didn't tell the truth.

"What! So you are all in heaven, and you have found the relics of super-ancient civilization, right? Why don't I know that you people in heaven have found the relics of super ancient civilizations?

"Few people know about this matter. Few people in heaven know about it, and people who know it won't talk about it, so of course, you are the spies in my heaven don't know about it." He Sheng said casually.

Si Tianrui didn't care much about the discovery of super-ancient civilization relics by people in heaven. What he cared about was how the super-ancient civilization resisted the invasion of the Hunters.

"Hawa Sheng, I don't understand that our super-ancient civilization has resisted the invasion of the God Hunters. Why do you say that we are not the opponents of the God Hunters now?" Si Tianrui didn't understand the reason why He Sheng said so.

"At the beginning, the first generation of super-ancient civilization on our earth could use their scientific and technological power to compete with the scientific and technological power of the Hunters, but the first generation of super-ancient civilization could not defeat the Hunters. If it hadn't been for other humanoid creatures oppressed by the planet hunters, they would have launched a rebellion. In order to protect the planet hunters, the planet hunters hurriedly withdrew the star fleet to the planet, so that the planet hunters could not enter the earth, and sooner or later our planet would still be ruled by the planet hunters.

After listening to what Hesheng told, Si Tianrui and Ping Yan knew that the ultra-ancient civilization was only lucky to resist the invasion of the God Hunters, not that they had more advanced technology.

Si Tianrui sighed, "Alas! I began to think that the ultra-ancient civilization of our earth could resist the invasion of the Hunters because they had more power. Unexpectedly, they only survived by good luck.

"Yes, that's why I said that we can't be the opponents of the Hunter."

"Hawa Sheng, are we going to let the Hunters be at our mercy?" Si Tianrui inquired and won.

Ping Yan was also very unwilling and said, "Brother Hesheng, the power we have now is already very strong. Can't we have a try and fight to the death with the God Hunter?"

"Little sister, we don't have a chance to try with the star hunter. Once we resist the star hunter, we will have no turning back. Once we fail, the whole earth will be destroyed."

"Brother Hesheng, according to what you mean, can we only be at the mercy of the star hunters to let us kill each other and eventually go to extinction?"

"No, I didn't mean that. I just said that it was impossible for us to defeat the Hunters by force, and I didn't say that we couldn't use other methods."

"Brother He Sheng, is there any other way to save our earth than force?"

"Of course, their star hunters are now attacking other planets to get what they want. As long as we give them what they want to their star hunters, maybe they won't be attacking our earth." He Sheng guessed.

Si Tianrui had a different view and said, "I think it's meaningless. Anything on our earth can also be found on other planets. Why do their star hunters go to the earth to look for it? They can go to other inanimate planets to find the resources they want. That's right."

"Maybe what their star hunters want is not the property resources on the earth, but something else."

"However, Hesheng, the technology of our people on earth is very backward. We can make what we can make. What will they need on our earth?"

Si Tianrui continued: "What's more, the only thing they let North Americans do is to destroy Asians and Asians on the Asian continent, and they don't want to get anything from our earth."

After listening to what Si Tianrui said, He Sheng felt that it was indeed very reasonable, but he still felt that he should peacefully discuss the contradiction between earthmen and god hunters.

Because He Sheng wanted to communicate well with the Hunter, he asked Si Tianrui and said, "Sisi Tianrui, do you know how to get in touch with the Hunter?"

"I'm sorry, He Sheng, I can't get in touch with the Hunter."

"You can't get in touch with the Hunter, so how did you get in touch with the Hunter before?"

"It was their god hunters who took the initiative to contact us before." Si Tianrui explained.

"Then when will they contact you?" He Sheng asked. →[End of this chapter]