Nuclear God of War

Chapter 235: Hesheng is unwilling to protect heaven

Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, is happy that this unknown object must be Hesheng, because now is the time for Hesheng to return to Earth.

President Earth Eagle was very happy to leave the headquarters of the World Nuclear Council and go to the military airport of Paradise, waiting for the return of peace and victory.

As Chairman of the Land Eagle expected, the unknown object found by the headquarters of the Tiandun system was really the Xiaolong fighter driven by Hesheng.

The dragon fighter flew over heaven. He Sheng saw that there were all nuclear beasts around him. He thought that the nuclear beasts had invaded their heaven again. He said angrily, "These damn nuclear beasts, I will never let you go."

"Brother Hesheng, wait first. Things don't seem to be wrong. Look, these nuclear beasts are on the periphery of heaven, and they don't mean to enter heaven at all. Now the shield of heaven is no longer there. If their nuclear beasts want to invade heaven, why don't they enter heaven?"

When Hesheng heard Pingyan's explanation, he felt very reasonable and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, you're right. It seems that their nuclear beasts really don't want to invade heaven."

"Brother Hesheng, I think a lot of things must have happened on the earth in the days when we are not on earth, so we should not act rashly until we figure out what has happened these days."

"Well, Xiaoyan, you're right. I'll listen to you." He Sheng nodded to Xiaoyan's sister and said with a smile.

Hesheng flew the Xiaolong fighter to the main building of the Grand Council in heaven and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, go down alone and ask about the situation. I'll wait for you here."

"Brother Hesheng, why did you let me go down alone? Why don't you come down with me?" Ping Yan said very doubtfully.

"Sister Xiaoyan, don't you know that my father died because of the president of the ground eagle and others? I used all my nuclear energy before. My heart may now be controlled by the magic of the heart of the magic wolf anytime and anywhere, so I can't go down to see them."

"Brother Hesheng, this should be only part of the reason. You must still resent President Eagle and my father now, right?" Ping Yan guessed.

Hearing Xiaoyan's guessing question, Sheng was silent and did not answer Xiaoyan's question.

Seeing that Brother He Sheng was silent and did not answer her questions, Ping Yan knew that Brother He Sheng was still resenting her father, Speaker Xu, President Earth Eagle and others.

Ping Yan didn't want to force herself to go down with Brother Sheng and said, "Well, Brother Sheng, then I'd better go down alone."

After saying that, Ping Yan asked Brother Hesheng to open the cockpit cover of the Xiaolong fighter, and then she jumped down from the Xiaolong fighter and landed on the street in front of the main building of the Grand Council.

Ping Yan entered the main building of the Grand Council and only saw Fu Heng, a member of the Grand Council working here - and Hu Yu, a member of the Grand Council. Ping Yan asked, "Two members, do you know where my father and President Earth Eagle are now?"

"Xiaoyan, it's really great that you're back. If Speaker Xu knows that you're back, you must be very happy." Senator Fu said happily when he saw Ping Yan.

Congressman Hu next to him and Congressman Fu said, "Ok, Senator Fu, don't just be happy. Let's inform President Di Ying and Speaker Xu to come over."

"Look at me, I'm happy to forget such an important thing. I'm going to inform President Di Ying and Speaker Xu to come over. Senator Fu said quickly.

Ping Yan said to Senator Fu, who was going to inform President Diying and her father, "Congressman Fu, you don't have to inform my father and Senator Xu. You tell me their location, and I can go to find them myself."

"But the problem is that Senator Hu and I don't know the position of your father, Speaker Xu and President Diying." Senator Fu stopped and answered Pingyan.

After saying that, Senator Fu came to the console of the conference room, started the communication system, and contacted President Diying and Speaker Xu.

Member Fu said, "President Diying and Speaker Xu, come to the main building of the Grand Council quickly. There is someone who wants to see you."

"No, Fu Heng, I'm waiting for the upcoming peace victory at the military airport, so I can't go to the main building of the Grand Council." The president of the ground eagle replied.

"Congressman Fu, I can't go back either. I'm helping Deputy Speaker Xiao find his lover and children, so I can't get through." Speaker Xu is also not ready to go back.

When Senator Fu heard that President Eagle and Speaker Xu were not ready to come back, he couldn't help saying, "Well, I'll tell you the truth now. The person I want to see you now is Xiaoyan."

As soon as President Diying and Speaker Xu heard Senator Fu's words, they immediately said with one voice and said, "Okay, we will go to your place immediately."

President Xu and President Eagle, who were in two different locations, rushed back to the main building of the Grand Council of Heaven in the shortest time to see the flatness of the earth.

When Speaker Xu saw his precious daughter Pingyan, he said, "Xiaoyan, you really make your father worry about you, but it's really great that you're back now."

"Dad, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Ping Yan smiled and answered her father, Speaker Xu.

Chairman Diying asked Pingyan: "That's right, Xiaoyan, Deputy Speaker Xiao said that you are with Hesheng. Now that you are back, why don't you see Hesheng?"

"President Earth Eagle, I'm with my brother Sheng, and Brother Sheng has returned to the earth, and even he is now in heaven, but Brother Sheng doesn't want to see you and my father."

"Alas! It seems that Hesheng still refuses to forgive us. The president of the ground eagle sighed.

"Daily, President Eagle, I almost forgot the business. I came back to tell you that our earth is going to be in big trouble."

"Xiaoyan, are you talking about our earth going to be invaded by alien life?" The president of the ground eagle guessed.

"Yes, President Eagle, how did you know about this?" Ping Yan asked President Diying curiously.

"It was Qingtian who told us about this."

"Brother Qingtian, isn't he completely controlled by the nuclear beast? Why did you tell us this?" Ping Yan asked the president of the ground eagle with surprised eyes.

Ping Yan's father, Speaker Xu, explained to Ping Yan, "Xiaoyan, this is the thing. After you left the earth, a lot of things have happened on the earth. Dad will tell you slowly."

Speaker Xu told his baby daughter Ping Yan what happened these days when he was not on the earth.

After listening to what his father, Speaker Xu said, Ping Yan asked, "Dad, do you believe what Brother Qingtian said?"

"Actually, Dad is also a little suspicious."

"Since Dad suspects him, why do you still believe him?" Pingyan doubted. →[End of this chapter]