Nuclear God of War

Chapter 255: Qi Kang's Fury

When talking to himself with Sheng, Qi Kang, who is now Li Katan, suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, the earth will be destroyed in 24 hours. Just wait for death."

"Qi Kang, I really don't understand why you did this? Why should the earth be destroyed? Why is this?" Hesheng is very puzzled about this.

Do you want to know why? Take me to see the ground eagle and others. Qi Kang took the initiative to ask He Sheng to take him to the president of the ground eagle and others.

He Sheng was worried that this was a conspiracy and said, "Your behavior is really abnormal. You must be playing some tricks."

"Hawa Sheng, with you looking at me all the time, do you think I can play tricks in front of you? If I could play tricks in front of you, I would have killed the ground eagle long ago.

"You're right. With my current strength, it is absolutely impossible for you to play tricks in front of me." He Sheng admitted that what Qi Kang said was true.

He Sheng thought to himself: Anyway, Qi Kang can't play any tricks in front of me. Now that time is so tight, I will take him there directly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the president of the Eagle. However, the person behind you must also walk with us. He should be Tugang's father, that's right. He Sheng asked Tushui to go with him to meet President Eagle and others.

I took off the chef's hat on my head, stepped forward and said, "I'm in the soil, and I will go to see the ground eagle with you if you don't tell me, because my son is still in your hands. Even if I die, I will die with my son."

"Okay, then you can go to the general conference room with me." After saying that, He Sheng took Qi Kang and Tushui to the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament.


In the center of the Antarctic continent, the Optimus warrior - I hope has been looking for it for a while, but I have not found the powerful nuclear man mentioned by Igudcival Qianyu.

As the Optimus samurai continued to search for the breath of nuclear energy, he said to himself, "Where is Miss Qianyu talking about? Why can't I feel the smell of nuclear energy nearby?

"Optimus Prime - I hope you still know me." Di Xiaoer appeared on an iceberg opposite the Optimus Prime.

"Hamidas! Why are you here? Why can't I feel your presence all the time?

"I can highly hide my nuclear energy. Of course, you can't find my nuclear energy breath. All right, you can go to heaven with me now. Di Xiaoer said to the Optimus Primera.

"Hamidas, I'm here to find a powerful nuclear energy person. I won't go to heaven with you until I find a nuclear energy person." Optimus Prime - I hope to reject Emperor Xiaoer.

"You said you were looking for a powerful nuclear energy person, but there is no one here except me. Is it me?"

"Hamidas, I know how much nuclear energy you have, so you are not the powerful nuclear person I'm looking for at all. The powerful nuclear man I'm looking for is many times stronger than you." Optimus Samurai - I hope to think that Di Xiaoer is not the powerful nuclear man he is looking for.

"Well, let me show you the nuclear energy I have now." Di Xiaoer said helplessly.

After saying that, Di Xiaoer began to release the nuclear energy she had just had to prove that she was the Optimus Prime Knight - the powerful nuclear man she hoped to find.

When Di Xiaoer's nuclear energy increased to more than 100M Seawater, the Optimus Prime - Hope believes that Di Xiaoer is the powerful nuclear energy man he is looking for.

"Well, Hamidus, I believe what you say, you are the powerful nuclear power I'm looking for." The Sky Warrior said to Emperor Xiaoer, who released nuclear energy.

"Then can you go to heaven with me now?" Di Xiaoer stopped releasing her nuclear energy and asked the Optimus warrior.

"I have to go back to my master first, and then I can go to heaven with you." Optimus Prime - I hope to answer Di Xiaoer.

After listening to the answer of the Optimus Samurai, Di Xiaoer nodded and said, "Okay, then you can go back to your master first. However, remember to reach heaven in the shortest time. Heaven needs you.

"Okay, I know what I should do, so please rest assured that I will arrive in heaven in the shortest time. I'll go first, Hamidas. Goodbye." After saying that, the Optimus Primera wanted to fly north.


At this moment, Hesheng has brought Qi Kang and Tushui into the general conference room. When Tushui saw his tied son Tugang, he felt very guilty and said, "I'm sorry, son. Dad is not good. Dad should not let you get involved in this matter."

"Dad, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's your son and I'm not as good as others, otherwise I won't be arrested and haven't completed the task my father gave me."

"No, it's Dad who hurt you, not only you but all human beings." He sighed in the soil.

When President Diying heard what Tushui said, he hurriedly asked, "General Tuzhong, tell me quickly, what did you mean what you just said to your son?"

"Land Eagle*, I won't tell you these things because Vice Minister Qi Kang will tell you everything, so I don't need to talk about these things."

After saying that, he took a few steps back and stood behind Vice Minister Qi Kang. Everything was said by Vice Minister Qi Kang.

Vice Minister Qi Kang's expression was very calm and said, "Let me first talk about why I provoked a nuclear jihad on a global scale at all costs ten years ago..."


Ten years ago, a few days before the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, Qi Kang, who was resting at home, was awakened from his sleep by a strong light, and a black human figure suddenly appeared by the bedside.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost here? Come out quickly." Qi Kang, who was lying in **, scolded angrily.

"Qi Kang, I'm not you earthling. Don't shout in front of me, or I'm leaving." The black humanoid shadow spoke.

"You said you were not an earthman! Then what are you? Do you mean..."

"Yes, I am what you earthlings call alien life. I am a star hunter, one of the most powerful creatures in the universe.

"You are an alien life, so why did you appear at my house?"

"I want you to make an indelible contribution to you earthlings and give you earthlings an unimaginable power - nuclear energy."

"What do I need to do?"

"As long as you find a way to make nuclear radiation spread all over the world and let the earth be swallowed up by nuclear radiation, I can make you earthlings become powerful nuclear people."

"We people on earth will die from nuclear radiation!"

"No, we won't die, because we will protect all of you earth people the moment before the earth is swallowed up by nuclear radiation."

"Why do I believe you?" Qi Kang calmly questioned the star hunter. →[End of this chapter]