Nuclear God of War

Chapter 260: Joint Resistance to Cuntix

After all the ten Hunter warriors behind General Huntercus obeyed orders, a Hunter Hunter warrior asked, "General Huntercus, aren't we here to destroy the earth? Why don't you allow us to destroy it at will?

"I'm worried that our unscrupulous destruction will cause death, so I don't allow you to destroy everything on earth arbitrarily."

"General Cus is worried that our unscrupulous destruction will anger the powerful nuclear monster on earth and put our brother in danger, right?"

"Now it seems that we, including me, can't beat that earth monster."

"General Liekus, I don't understand that since we are not the opponents of the earth monster you mentioned, why did Commander Inxiang send you to the earth?"

"This is not something you need to know. Remember that we are soldiers of the Hunter. No matter when, we can only obey orders and don't need to know why we do it."

"Yes, General Cuss, I understand." The Hunter warrior saluted General Liekus.

General Liekus nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, let's go to heaven now. The warriors of their earth are all in heaven."

"Yes, General Liekus, we understand." After ten Ares warriors spoke with one voice, they followed Curse to heaven.


In the royal hall of Jitian City, Professor Lan Shike was very puzzled and said, "Isn't the Hunter coming to destroy the earth this time? Why don't they directly use the powerful ES beam? Instead, send troops to invade the earth.

"That's because the Hunters now want to test the strength of our earthlings. They seem to want to find something from our earthlings, so they are not in a hurry to destroy the earth." The golden dragon wolf mask, the emperor god king system, suddenly appeared behind Professor Lan Shike and said.

Professor Lan Shike was surprised to hear the answer of the emperor's system and asked, "What do their star hunters want to find in our earthly people?"

"I'm not very clear about this. I'm just analyzing the character of the Hunter. In fact, I'm not sure what the situation is now." The emperor's system doesn't know what the Hunter wants to do now.

"So how should we deal with God Hunter now?"

"Now we can only wait and see what happens. Now we can only closely monitor the action of the Hunter attack ship to prevent them from suddenly launching an ES beam attack on the earth." The Emperor God King system reminded Professor Lan Shike.

"Don't worry, I will pay close attention to every move of the Hunter attack ship. Don't worry."

"Okay, then I'll do what I should do." After saying that, the physical golden dragon and wolf mask of the emperor's system disappeared in front of Lan Shike.


Over the sky, there are more than 20 three-cone drones left, and more than half of the three-cone drones have been destroyed by Qingtian and Optimus Prime - Hope.

The Optimus Samurai and Qingtian are now exhausted and have become extremely weak. Qingtian and back to the Optimus Samurai and said, "I really can't do it now. I don't have the strength to destroy the next Posei Hunter*."

"What can I do now? Like you, I don't have any strength. But there are so many* in front of us. What should we do?

"Alas! Then we can only escape now. I'm just worried that I don't even have the strength to escape now. Qingtian sighed and said depressedly.

"I don't know where Hesheng is now. If only he were here." Optimus Prime - Hope, said.

Suddenly, the three-cone drones surrounding the two of them all dispersed, which surprised Qingtian and the Optimus Primera. Qingtian looked at the withdrawn three-cone drones and said, "What? Is there something wrong with the star hunter's *?

"No, no, Qingtian, look at us." The Optimus Samurai nervously reminded Qingtian.

Qingtian looked up and found that General Cus and others who appeared on his head and the Optimus warrior. Qingtian was shocked and said, "Is this the Hunter?"

"You earthman are right, we are the star hunters. He is General Hunter, one of the top ten generals of our Star Hunter. A star hunter said to Qingtian as he descended with General Cus.

General Liekus led ten Eth Hunter warriors to land at the same level as the Optimus Samurai and Qingtian, and said, "Do you two know an Earth nuclear man named Hesheng?"

"Of course we know and win. How do you know He Sheng? Say it quickly." Qingtian said angrily.

"Yo! It's not good to be so angry. It may lead to death. General Liekus said with an easy-going smile.

"Okay, then let's see if I'm going to kill or you're going to kill." After saying that, Qingtian was ready to rush to General Liekus.

However, after separating from the Qingtian back to back with the Qingtian warrior, he almost fell from the air. Fortunately, he was caught by the Qingtian warrior.

General Liekus and other Hunter warriors couldn't help laughing when they saw this. Liekus laughed and said, "Hahaha, you are so weak, how can you be my enemy?"

"Don't underestimate us earthlings." Qingtian said angrily.

"I will never underestimate you earthlings, because I know your earthling monsters, mutant nuclear mutants."

"Who are you talking about? You're not talking about me, haha."

"You take yourself too seriously. With your nuclear energy, it is impossible to become my opponent. You'd better give up. Go and call out your mutant nuclear mutants - He Sheng.

"Oh, the mutant nuclear mutants you mentioned are peaceful. I want to find Hesheng, but unfortunately I don't know where he is now. Qingtian said helplessly.

"I don't believe that I killed all of you, and the monsters and victories of your earth have not appeared yet." Cous looked fierce and said.

Optimust warrior instantly unfused and turned back into four four-color warriors, black warrior-Xiqing, white warrior-Xitian, blue warrior-Xiwu, red warrior-Xi Shishi.

"Yo! Unexpectedly, the nuclear energy of you earthlings is so interesting that you have a stronger ability to combine with the nuclear energy of our Orbitus people. Liekus said with a little envy.

Black warrior - Xiqing ignored Quus. He faced Qingtian and said, "Qingtian, let's join hands to fight against Qucus." →[End of this chapter]