Nuclear God of War

Chapter 305: Unkillable and Win

Muschez, the hunter king for some reason, shouted, "Come on, go and investigate what's going on?"

Without waiting, when the Damo star soldier here went out, a Damo star soldier came to report and said, "Oh no, Hunter King! The nuclear energy on our Hunter is too large. If we don't take measures, our Hunter will explode.

Mudaschez was very surprised to hear the report of the demon star soldier and asked, "Isn't our Hunter able to hold 500G of nuclear energy?" Why can't we withstand the nuclear energy released by an earth's nuclear energy man now?

"I don't even know why the Hunter King is. How can I, such a small soldier, know why?" The demon star soldier said in great embarrassment.

"Don't be nervous. I'm not asking you. I really don't understand why." Mudachez told the soldier not to be nervous.

General Liekus reminded Mudachez and said, "Mudachez, let's stop thinking nonsense here. Let's go to Hesheng first and see what's going on."

"Well, it's true. We really should go to the super-large laboratory. Maybe we really underestimate the power of victory." Mudachez nodded and said.

"Then don't be stunned. Hurry up and lead the way, or we will all be killed." General Liekus urged.

Mudachez quickly took General Liekus and others to the super-large laboratory where Hesheng was located. He and Liekus and others were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The whole super-large laboratory has been completely shrouded in the nuclear energy released by Hesheng, which has extremely destructive power, including that the body will be burned immediately as soon as the abruptly existing Nea Hunter comes into contact with this nuclear energy.

The demon people who were with the god hunter were all safe and unharmed. Suddenly, there was a suspicion that the demon star was playing tricks and said angrily, "Mudaschez, what on earth do you want to do? Why do you want to poison our star hunters next time?

"It's not what we did. This is caused by the strong nuclear energy released by Hesheng's body, not by us demons." Mudachez explained.

"We can't stand such a powerful nuclear energy. Why are you magic stars safe and sound?"

"I don't know why, but it's not what we Damo people did." Mudachez explained repeatedly.

General Liekus suddenly said, "Deputy Commander Shangcun, let's withdraw from here first, otherwise we can't bear the nuclear energy here."

"Well, what can we do now." Suddenly, he said helplessly.

The helpless sudden survival can only be to withdraw from the super-large laboratory with others, and then drag Mudachez, who retreated with them, and said, "Tell me, why did Hesheng release such strong nuclear energy? Hesheng should not have such strong nuclear energy, right?

"I am now releasing all the nuclear energy in Hesheng's body. This nuclear energy is the real energy of Hesheng, not what we Damo people are doing."

"If so, doesn't it mean that General Liekus and I have no complaints? We should be glad that we are still alive, because we have fought with Hesheng and have not been killed by Hesheng, which is our good luck."

"I think so. After all, there is more nuclear energy in Hesheng's body than the nuclear energy he releases." Mudachez sighed.

At this time, the shaking of the mother ship Hunter was even more severe. General Huntingcus said to Mudachez, "Mudachez, you'd better think about how we can keep your mothership now."

When Mugaces heard General Liekus's words, he was very serious and said, "Well, General Liekus, you are so right. Let's solve this problem first."

"Mudachez, how are you going to solve this problem?"

"As long as we release all the nuclear energy on the mother ship Hunter, my Hunter will not be in danger of explosion."

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you release the nuclear energy? Do you want us to be killed together? General Liekus urged.

"After entering the laboratory, all the nuclear energy releasers have been turned on, and we just need to wait for the results now." Mudachez explained.

"In this case, why didn't you say it earlier? It made me worry for nothing." General Liekus complained.

"I'm sorry, I was scared by the deputy commander just now, so I forgot to tell you about this. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry."

"This is not your problem. It's that Deputy Commander Shangcun is too excited. I apologize to you on behalf of Deputy Commander Shangcun. I'm sorry!" General Liekus apologized to Mudachez for the sudden existence.

"General Cus, don't say that. I really can't stand your apology. General Liekus, I think we can kill and win soon. At that time, I will keep up with the deputy commander and solve the problems between us. Don't blame me.

Abruptly, when he heard Mugace's words, he was very angry and said, "At that time, I will definitely accompany you to the end. I must let you admit your mistake face to face."

"Well, don't think that you have a strong nuclear energy, and we demons will be afraid of you. As long as you don't lose too badly." Mudachez was not afraid of abrupt existence.

After talking to the abrupt Shangcun, Mudachez suddenly felt that something was wrong and said, "It's strange, why is my Hunter still shaking? Hasn't nuclear energy begun to be released?"

Realizing that Mudaschez, who seemed to have had a problem, said to the Damo Star soldiers around him, "Go and investigate what's wrong?"

"Yes, Hunter King, I'm going to investigate the situation."

After saying that, the demon star soldier quickly rushed into the super-large laboratory and collected and released nuclear energy data in front of the main console of the laboratory.

Soon, the Damo Star soldier who walked out of the laboratory with the data and said, "Report, Hunter King, our nuclear energy releaser, the nuclear energy released at a speed of 30M Seavert per second, but Hesheng's body releases 100M sieverts per second, so our Hunter will be in five minutes. , exploded because it couldn't withstand so much nuclear energy.

Mudachez and General Liekus and others became very nervous when they heard the report of the demon star soldier.

Mudachez sighed, "Alas! Unexpectedly, Hesheng's body could release such a steady stream of nuclear energy. We can't release so much nuclear energy. →[End of this chapter]