Nuclear God of War

Chapter 338: The hottest magic! Let's break out

When Curus, one of the top ten generals of Hunter, was surprised to hear what Meng Gatachi, who is also one of the top ten generals of Hunter, said, and knew that something was wrong. He said, "Tachi, you must pay attention to everything around you now. I'm worried about what Hamidas is playing."

"Cus, can you deal with this nuclear energy ball in front of you?" General Menggatachi asked General Liekus.

"Don't worry, this thing will not pose any fatal threat to me for a while, so you can boldly and safely hunt down Hamidas, who is the most dangerous person on earth." Cous persuaded Meng Gatachi to hunt down Hamidas.

General Menggatachi felt very reasonable after listening to what General Liekus said and said helplessly to Liekus, "You should be more careful. You must not be killed, otherwise, our top ten generals will not be the real top ten generals."

"Don't worry, I still have a way to escape. Don't worry about my problem, because I'm a famous escape general among the top ten generals. Although it's not as good as 'Phantom', my ability to escape is also very good."

"Okay, then I'll go around to look for the traces of Hamidas and try to find a way to kill Hamidas so that there will never be any future trouble." After saying that, General Menggatachi quickly flew south.

The hero's original nucleus suddenly came the voice of Hesheng and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, go and help Xiaoer. I'm afraid that she can't deal with Menggatachi alone, this horrible star hunter."

"But, Brother Sheng, what about you? How can you be the opponent of Hunter Kus alone? Pingyan is very worried about the safety of her brother Sheng.

"Sister Yan, don't worry, I still have consciousness now, which represents my integration with the Dilong fighter this time, which is completely different from ten years ago. It seems that I can come out of the hero's original nucleus soon, so you'd better care about Xiaoer. She wants to help more."

"Brother Hesheng, I'm still worried about you. I don't want you to be in danger, so I don't want to leave here." Pingyan refused to leave.

"Little Yan's sister, listen to me, okay? Now I am safe. Not only do I have the hero's nuclear protection, but my opponent, Couse, is also very weak. I have defeated him twice, so you don't have to worry about me at all. However, Xiaoer is different. She has to face the extremely horrible Menggatachi. I hope you can help Xiaoer, okay?

Ping Yan heard what Brother Sheng said, lowered her head, pouted her lips, and said, "Okay, Brother Sheng, I'm going to help Sister Xiaoer. However, Brother Hesheng promised me that nothing would happen to you.

"Don't worry, my little sister, I won't be in danger. Don't forget that I am a winner, a person who can create miracles, and I will never die easily." The victory in the hero's original core assured his little sister.

"Brother Hesheng, I believe you will be fine, so I will do my best to help Sister Xiaoer. Don't worry." After saying that, Ping Yan, dressed in purple flame phoenix armor, flew away in the direction of Menggatachi.


At this time, in the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, Earth Eagle, the president of the Heaven Capital Council, has seen the hero's core reappearing in the sky and said, "This is really exciting. The hero's core has once again appeared over heaven. It seems that we will still be like I escaped the catastrophe like that ten years ago.

"President Earth Eagle, of course, I very much hope what you said is true, but I still have great concerns. No matter how powerful Hesheng is, he is not as powerful as the star hunter. How can Hesheng face the extremely horrible star hunter?" Xu Feng, the president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said very worried about this.

"Xu Feng, I don't understand why you have been saying dejected since we learned that alien life was going to invade the earth? Why do you say that? Have you also been bought by the Star Hunter like Qi Kang?

"No, no, I will never betray the earthman, because if I wanted to betray the earthman, I would have betrayed the earth 18 years ago, but I will never betray the earth." Speaker Xu said excitedly.

"Xu Feng, what do you mean by that? Why didn't I understand? Why on earth is this? President Diying was very confused by Speaker Xu's sudden blurted out.

When Speaker Xu heard President Diying's question, he suddenly calmed down and said, "President Diying, what did I just say?"

"What's wrong? Xu Feng, have you forgotten what you just said? President Diying asked Speaker Xu what this meant.

Lan Shike, deputy speaker of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said happily, "Hahaha, Xu Feng, you finally want to tell the past that has been sealed for many years. I have always wanted to know what happened in those years."

"Professor Lan, do you know what Xu Feng is talking about? Can you explain to us what Xu Feng meant? President Earth Eagle asked.

"In fact, I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I just heard Sirius * talk about this many years ago. I believe you still remember that in the spring of 18 years ago, three of our military aircraft suddenly disappeared in the sky. A year and a half later, one of the pilots of the military aircraft returned to our Ministry of Defense."

"Well, of course I remember, and the person who came back is Xu Feng." The president of the ground eagle nodded.

A nuclear energy member of the World Nuclear Parliament said, "Deputy Speaker Lan, we nuclear energy people and people in the world don't know so many things. You'd better talk about the key points."

"Okay, then I'll talk about the key point. According to Sirius*, Xu Feng seems to have been kidnapped by alien life, so he disappeared for a year and a half." Vice Speaker Lan said directly.

The members in the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament were all very shocked to hear what Deputy Speaker Lan said. Sean, the Vice Speaker of the World of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, exclaimed, "What! Did Speaker Xu have been kidnapped by alien life?

"This matter is a secret, so few people know about it. Because of this, this matter is forgotten little by little, and no one remembers it." Vice Speaker Lan explained.

After explaining this matter to Vice President Xiao, Vice President Lan asked Speaker Xu and said, "Xu Feng, don't hide it now. Can you tell us the specific situation of this matter?"

When Speaker Xu heard Vice Speaker Lan's question, he really didn't know what to say. →[End of this chapter]