Nuclear God of War

Chapter 345: Earthmen Become Slaves 5

Menggatachi, one of the top ten generals of the Hunter, finished talking to Di Xiaoer and smiled, "I haven't encountered an exciting battle for many years. This is really what I've been looking forward to."

The black golden dragon fighter plane not far away was covered with dazzling blue gold flow nuclear energy and said, "Menggatachi, you are saying that the long-awaited death has arrived, right?"

"Hawa Sheng, I've been waiting for you for a long time, but you haven't attacked me, which really makes me feel very boring." Menggatachi said disappointedly.

Di Xiaoer opposite General Menggatachi said to Menggatachi, "Although Hesheng has let you down, I won't let you down. Pick me and attack."

After talking to Menggatachi, Di Xiaoer moved all the nuclear energy gathered around her body to her left hand to form a nuclear energy ball with a diameter of two meters.

General Menggatachi was very excited to see the nuclear energy ball raised in Di Xiaoer's left hand and said, "This is the attack I want. Come on, let me bear a strong attack quickly."

"I said Meng Ga Tachi, is there something wrong with your brain? Why are you willing to withstand other people's attacks?" Di Xiaoer asked puzzledly.

"I won't tell you why, but you will soon understand why I like to withstand your attacks." Menggatachi said mysteriously.

"Well, then you can wait to be killed by my attack." Di Xiaoer thought that her attack was enough to kill Menggatachi.

Di Xiaoer finished talking to Menggatachi, and instantly threw the nuclear energy ball raised by her left hand at Menggatachi and launched a real attack on Menggatachi.

General Menggatachi looked at the nuclear energy ball flying over and felt very excited and said, "Now let me enjoy the feeling of death next to it. This is my favorite feeling."

"You are not a neighbor's death this time, but a complete death." Di Xiaoer confidently believed that her attack could kill Menggatachi.

Di Xiaoer is so confident because she thinks she has absorbed Menggatachi's nuclear energy attack and wants to attack Menggatachi himself with Menggatachi's nuclear energy.

Unfortunately, Di Xiaoer doesn't know that Menggatachi, the top ten generals of the star hunter, and doesn't know that Menggatachi is a rather strange star hunter.

The nuclear energy ball thrown by Di Xiaoer hit Menggatachi's body and quickly expanded, and his body was completely swallowed up by the expanded nuclear energy ball. Seeing that Menggatachi was about to explode with the nuclear energy ball in an instant, the nuclear energy ball suddenly stopped expanding.

The nuclear energy ball that stopped expanding suddenly began to shrink little by little. It seems that the nuclear energy has been absorbed by Menggatachi and lost the ability to explode.

The victory, which has changed into a black gold dragon fighter, said very worriedly, "The more Menggatachi is attacked, the stronger he will become, right?"

"No, He Sheng, you can't come to a conclusion so early, because we don't feel that his nuclear energy is improving." Di Xiaoer reminded and Sheng not to draw a conclusion too early.

"Xiaoer, you are too naive. That's impossible. Do you regard Menggatachi as Hunter Cus? Menggatachi is not Kus, so don't underestimate the enemy, and your attack just now can't even reach one-third of Menggatachi's nuclear energy. How can you kill Menggatachi? Hesheng was worried that Di Xiaoer didn't know how horrible Menggatachi was at all.

However, it is superfluous for He Sheng to do this, because Di Xiaoer certainly knows how horrible Meng Ga Taqi's nuclear energy is and said, "He Sheng, don't worry about me. Of course I know how powerful Meng Ga Taqi's nuclear energy is, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Is that true? Xiaoer, are you a little lost now? Do you think you are too powerful? This is quite a dangerous thing."

"Hawasheng, don't worry, I know very well what I'm doing now, and I haven't lost myself. You will understand what I mean in a moment."

"Xiaoer, I hope you are right. You can defeat Menggatachi, otherwise our earth may really be destroyed by Menggatachi." The cockpit cover of the Black Gold Dragon fighter flashed blue light and said.

"Hawa Sheng, you just need to be ready for the last blow now. Leave everything else to me." Di Xiaoer persuaded He Sheng to concentrate on gathering nuclear energy.

He Sheng heard that Di Xiaoer had said this and thought: I'd better believe in Xiaoer now. Don't question Xiaoer anymore. I'd better do what Xiaoer said and try to improve my nuclear energy.


Igud Sivar Qianyu took her Qianyou to the capital of heaven. On the way, he met General Liekus, who re-entered the earth from outside the atmosphere and said, "He is one of the top ten generals of the planet hunters. If I catch him, I will definitely use him to force the star hunters to evacuate the earth."

Igusivar Qianyu finished talking to himself and said, "Well, what should I do? I'll find a way to catch Huntercus and threaten other star hunters with Huntercus."

After saying that, Qianyu ordered Qianyou to remove his invisibility and appeared in front of General Liekus, blocking the way of General Liekus. General Liekus was blocked and was very angry and said, "What kind of life on the planet are you? Why do you want to help the people of the earth?"

"You don't need to take care of this matter. Whenever I want to help the earthlings, I will help the earthlings. You have no right to interfere." Qianyu on the Qianyou said toughly to General Liekus outside Qianyou.

"If you hold this idea to stop me from hunting Cus, you will be quite dangerous. Don't you know who I am?"

"Of course I know who you are. You are one of the top ten generals of Hunter. Unfortunately, you don't even have the top ten general orders now, let alone powerful nuclear energy. I don't have to be afraid of you at all." Qianyu knew the attack of Liekus and could not break through the protective layer of Qianyou, and said boldly.

General Liekus is really unbearable now, saying, "You arrogant guy, how dare you look down on me so much, I will definitely make you pay the most painful price."

"Cous, you are one of the top ten generals of the Hunter without powerful nuclear energy. You can't defeat me. Unless I leave my Qianyou, you will never be able to defeat me."

"Are you telling the truth? Do you really think I can't beat you? General Liekus said angrily.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it." Good Sivar Qianyu said confidently.

"Okay, then you will die." Liekus angrily hit a nuclear energy to Qianyou to prove his own ability. →[End of this chapter]